Wednesday, January 1, 2014


亮白的牙齒會讓你看起來更年輕、更有活力,但市面上販售的牙齒漂白劑讓你的敏感牙齒受不了? 紐約牙齒美容科Lowenberg醫師,建議可以嚐試以下的天然美白劑:
1. 羽衣甘藍: 密集和粗糙的纖維可以清潔牙齒,幫助清除表面污漬。
2. 起司: 含有豐富的蛋白質、鈣、磷,可以幫助緩衝嘴裡的酸性物質。最好的光亮劑是cheddar切達起司,它具有蠟狀的質感,就像一個天然的打蠟器。
3. 草莓: 含有收斂劑和維生素C,能去除表面污漬和牙菌斑。 
4. 蘋果醋: 混合蘋果醋與小蘇打粉成泥狀,當作牙膏,不但能保持牙齒琺瑯質,也能清除牙垢。若要更進一步美白,還可加入幾滴過氧化氫。小蘇打粉是一種天然的潔牙劑,具有非常低的磨料質量。當與過氧化氫混合時,釋放的氧有助於去除牙釉質表面的污漬。
5. 橘子皮或香蕉皮: 每週幾次用果皮內側磨擦牙齒一分鐘,10分鐘後再刷牙。 橘皮的白色內側含有化合物苧烯,是天然的清潔劑。香蕉有大量的鉀、鎂、錳,能去除污漬和美白。

Cheese. For dessert, avoid the tray of sweets and opt for the cheese plate instead. "Cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus, all of which can help buffer the acids in your mouth," explains Lowenberg. The best brightener: cheddar. "It contains the highest levels of each of these and has a waxy texture that acts like a natural buffer—soft cheeses such as Brie or feta won't have much of an effect," he says.

Strawberries. You might get all nervous about a stray strawberry seed getting caught between your teeth, however, the risk could be worth it when it comes to your smile. "Strawberries contain powerful teeth whiteners that contain both an astringent and vitamin C," explains Lowenberg. "The astringent in strawberries effectively aids in the removal of surface stains, while vitamin C whitens teeth by clearing away plaque."

Apple Cider Vinegar. Lowenberg suggests mixing apple cider vinegar with baking soda to make a paste to brush onto teeth (simply dip your wet toothbrush into the baking soda then pour a little apple cider vinegar on top). "The mixture is weak enough to keep tooth enamel intact, yet strong enough to remove tartar deposits that build up between dentist visits," he says. Enhance the whitening power further with a drop of hydrogen peroxide, too. "Baking soda is a natural dentifrice with a very low abrasive quality, so when mixed with the hydrogen peroxide, the oxygen released helps to break up stains that are on the enamel surface," says Lowenberg.

Orange or Banana Peel. Before tossing these in the garbage, Lowenberg says they can actually help keep teeth healthy. Buff teeth with the inside of the peel for about a minute, a few times per week; then wait 10 minutes and brush with your standard toothpaste. "The white inside portion of an orange peel contains a number of compounds limonene, a natural cleaner that is extracted from the peel and used commercially in a wide variety of cleaning products," says Lowenberg. "And bananas have high amounts of potassium, magnesium, and manganese that, when applied to the teeth, will remove stains and whiten them, plus the peel alone has calcium and vitamin D, which will help strengthen teeth."

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