葡萄柚對人體的好處: The Healing Power of Grapefruit

1. 有助於脂肪分解,降低膽固醇。
2. 有助於減重,一個柚子大約有100卡路里的熱量,並有4克的纖維,是自然飽和,降低食慾的低血糖食物。
3. 另外葡萄柚有助於排毒,可以幫助肝臟排毒、淨化腎臟、消化系統和泌尿系統。
4. 具有抗癌屬性,紅色和粉紅色的葡萄柚含有番茄紅素抗氧化劑,可以減少前列腺癌的風險,每天一杯6盎司的葡萄柚汁已被證實可以降低煙草煙霧的致癌物質。
5. 含有豐富的維生素,包括A、C、B群,也是纖維、鉀、鐵、鈣、銅、磷的良好來源。
Eating grapefruit lowers cholesterol.
Grapefruit aids in the breakdown of fats, the pith, which is the white part inside the skin and the membranes surrounding the individual sections help lower cholesterol in the blood.

Grapefruit helps in Weight.
One whole grapefruit contains about 100 calories and has about 4 grams of fiber, which is naturally filling and contains compounds that help reduce appetite. It has a Glycemic Index rating of 35 (under 55 is good), so it doesn't spike blood sugar.

Grapefruit Helps Detoxification.
The fruit may help cleanse the kidney, digestive and urinary systems; detoxify the liver and help eliminate toxins.
Grapefruit Has Anti-cancer Properties.
Red and pink grapefruit contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant and may help greatly in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. A 6-ounce glass of grapefruit juice daily has been shown to reduce the activity of an enzyme that activates cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke. It may also help to treat esophageal cancer.

Grapefruits are Full of Vitamins
Grapefruit is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-complex, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin-B1, Vitamin-B5, Iron, Calcium, Copper and Phosphorous.
Here are few More Benefits of Eating Grapefruit
• Grapefruit helps to prevent heart disease and stroke.
• Grapefruit prevent kidney stones.
• Grapefruit prevent colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer.
• Grapefruit helps lower cholesterol level.
• Grapefruit protects skin damage from UV rays.
• Grapefruit prevent cold and fever.
• Grapefruit reduces high blood pressure.