Thursday, May 15, 2014

男人在和你调情的十大信号 10 Obvious Signs a Guy Is Flirting with You


Ever wonder if that nice guy is flirting with you? There are a few proven ways that can tell you if he is interested in you.
1. Lovely smile
A lovely smile is actually a good sign and, when it comes to flirting, it’s one of the surest signs he is interested in you. If you notice that he is smiling at you, there’s a good chance he likes you and wants to approach you. Maybe he is shy, so why not show him your confidence and courage by approaching him first? Of course, if you like him. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you approach a man first. Just smile back, initiate a conversation with him and don’t try to play hard to get. Playing hard to get is a great boost, but often it’s a big turn off for guys.
2. Shy blush
Perhaps you know how it’s difficult to flirt with shy guys, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid such type of man. If you notice that a guy blushes around you, this is one of the most obvious signs he is trying to flirt with you. However, not only do shy guys blush, any guy can actually blush when he sees a beautiful girl. Blushing is a bodily function that we can’t control and if he blushes around you, he certainly likes you.
3. Eye contact
This sign is a little bit tricky, but surely worth paying attention to. Eye contact is important during communication and we need to use this form of body language as often as we can. Depending on how long a man holds an eye contact with you, you can find out whether or not he likes you. If he holds an eye contact with you for longer than an average person, it might be a sign he is interested in you. We all make an eye contact when flirting, right? It’s the same for guys. If a guy holds a short eye contact, he might also flirt with you, he is just a bit shy.
4. Mirroring
Sometimes men mirror woman’s actions without even knowing it. Mirroring is another sign he is flirting with you. This ranges from mirroring blink rates to mirroring manner of speaking. For instance, you are laughing and he is laughing as well. The thing is, it’s natural for us to mirror something we love. Besides, a lot of singles dating websites advise guys to use mirroring technique when flirting with girls, maybe your crush does this too.
5. Hands on hips
If he stands with his hands on the hips or places the thumbs in the belt loops, he might be interested in you. This way, he is trying to show you he is a confident man and simply true macho. I personally don’t like when guys use this way while flirting with girls, but still it’s one of the signs he is flirting with you.
6. A flirting touch
If your crush touches you, it’s definitely a sign he likes you. But, when a guy touches you accidentally, this is absolutely another sign to watch for. It means the guy is trying to get your attention and find any excuse to continue conversation with you. Do you like that guy? If yes, flirt back! Most girls ignore this important sign, but you shouldn’t do it. After all, he might be your hubby!
7. Head Tilts
The way a man tilts his head can also signify that he likes you. If he tilts the head towards you, this means he’s listening attentively to each word you say. This also means he’s really attuned to what you are talking about and he’s really interested in conversation with you. I love that amazing feeling when a man is listening to me. I always appreciate it, even if I’m not interested in that man.
8. Dilated pupils
Sometimes our eyes give us away when we don’t want them to. When we are attracted to someone or something our pupils dilate and they become larger. When we don’t like someone or something, our pupils contract. If you notice that the eyes of the guy keep dilating, it’s one of the most obvious signs he adores you and is highly interested in you.
9. Raised eyebrows
Your crush may hide his eyes when he is around you because he likes you. He can keep his eyebrows a little bit raised as well. If his eyes are widened and his eyebrows remain raised while you’re talking, this is definite sign he is flirting with you. Watch for it and you’ll surely see it!
10. Fidgeting
Do you fidget when you are around the guy you like? I’m pretty sure you do and it’s okay. You are just nervous and it’s actually a good nervous. It’s all about expectation since you don’t know whether or not he is interested in you. If you see him fidgeting, this is because he’s interested in you and he is a bit nervous to start conversation with you.
Now that you’re aware of the signs he is flirting with you, what are you waiting for? Start flirting back and maybe you will have a nice date tonight. Do you know any other signs of flirting that I should have added to this list?

現在就該吃的超級食物 12 “Superfoods” You Should be Eating Now

1. 蘋果:豐富纖維,延長飽和感,其果膠可降低血壓、膽固醇和結腸癌、乳腺癌和糖尿病的風險。
2. 蔓越莓:有助沖除泌尿道細菌,減輕尿道感染的痛苦,還能降低膽固醇。
3. 番茄:飽含抗氧化劑番茄紅素,能保護皮膚,此外,含有豐富的維生素C,可以推動免疫系統。
4.花椰菜 其植物營養素,能助身體製造抗癌物質的酶。維生素C、鉀和鈣能預防骨質疏鬆症。
5. 藍莓:抗自由基所引起的細胞損傷,減低癌症和老年癡呆症的風險。
6. 火雞:雞胸肉的硒有助提高免疫功能。
7. 雞蛋:蛋白質的重要來源,含有豐富的鐵能防止貧血,其生物素和維生素B - 12 可以健康毛髮。
8. 菠菜:含有豐富的維生素B2、K、A、C和鎂、葉酸、錳、鐵、鈣,菠菜還提供抗氧化劑,能抗壓、消炎,幫助消化
9. 藜:全穀物是纖維的極好來源,甚至有蛋白質,增加飽合感
10. 鮭魚:其ω- 3脂肪酸,能保護細胞膜、抗抑鬱症、心血管疾病和老年癡呆症。
11. 開心果:稱為「瘦堅果」,是鐵、鈣和鉀的重要來源,抗氧化劑能降低膽固醇。
12. 毛豆:含葉酸,對所有育齡婦女和準媽媽都很重要,甚至被證明能抵禦白頭髮。

“Superfoods” are foods packed with nutrients that offer various health benefits, and have few if any negative properties. It’s not a medical term, but one that’s emerged more popular culturally. Since it’s best to load up on your vitamins through diet rather than through expensive vitamins, it’s always a great idea to reach for “superfoods,” and we’ve outlined the ones that are particularly good for women in their 20s and 30s. While these multitasking foods won’t make your Spidey senses tingle (or, maybe they will: read below about edamame), they may help to ward off diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis.

Fiber-rich apples are a great food to help you feel fuller longer while providing you with a necessary dose of pectin, a soluble fiber. It’s believed that pectin reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and diabetes.

You may know to gulp down cranberry juice if you’re suffering from a urinary tract infection (as a compound in cranberry juice helps to flush bacteria from the urinary tract), but did you know that cranberries also help to reduce cholesterol? Eat them dry, fresh, ground, as a salad topping, in a smoothie, or drink natural cranberry juice. Now that’s what we call versatility.

Tomatoes are loaded with the antioxidant lycopene, and they’re thought to play a role in protecting the skin against damage that leads to skin cancer--cases of which have soared recently in young women. Apart from that, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can give your immune system a boost.

While the research is still developing, kale may help to prevent breast and ovarian cancers. Researchers think that kale’s phytonutrients may cause the body to make enzymes that combat cancer-causing substances. If you need further evidence to try out this multi-purpose green, it’s also great for providing you with vitamin C, potassium and calcium. Remember, in your 20s and 30s you still need lots of calcium to build your bone mass to prevent osteoporosis.

Blueberries aren’t just delicious, they may protect you against cancer and dementia, and can even neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage. That is, the nutrition in blueberries can help to protect the skin against prematurely aging (we knew that would perk you up!).

While it’s the showstopper at Thanksgiving, consider eating turkey regularly year round. In terms of superfood criteria, the selenium in lean turkey breast meat will help boost your immune function. Need more reason? It contains niacin and vitamins essential for energy production.

Women in their 20s and 30s disproportionately suffer from low iron levels that can lead to anemia, which can leave you feeling tired and low energy. Eggs are not only a great source of protein to start your day off right, but they also combat anemia because they are rich in iron. An added bonus: eggs have biotin and vitamin B-12, which can help make your mane lovelier by strengthening your hair.

Popeye was on to something with his obsession with this superfood, which is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6. Spinach also provides antioxidants (via flavonoids), is anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, and helps lower the effects of stress in the body (via magnesium). Perfect, since being in your 20s and 30s may be fun, but it’s a crazy stressful time of life.

Quinoa is a whole grain that’s an excellent source of fiber and even has protein, so it’ll help you feel fuller for longer. Quinoa’s fiber and whole grain helps to prevent high cholesterol, and since it’s also rich in zinc, it’s thought to protect against stroke and cancer.

While salmon has omega-3 fatty acids, the key ingredient here is the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Your body can use DHA to protect its cellular membranes, which can help combat depression, cardiovascular disease, strokes, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s. And did you know taht omega-3 fatty acids are great for keeping mucous membranes in tip top shape--dry eyes remedy, anyone?

Pistachios pack a wop of antioxidants your body needs to reduce cholesterol and even help reduce stress in some situations. In addition, they’re a great source of iron, calcium and potassium. If you’re looking to meet protein needs, pistachios will give you more than any other nut (apart from almonds). At snack time, go for unsalted in shells. And those shells are actually a good thing, since the time it takes to crack and eat each pistachio will make you more conscious of portion size (probably why we’ve heard pistachios be referred to as “the skinny nut”).

Folate isn’t just important for expectant mothers, but for all women of childbearing age. It’s even been shown to ward off grey hair in some cases. For a healthy folate-rich snack, steam edamame or sprinkle it onto a salad. Some have even pointed to edamame as something of an aphrodisiac. Looks like you may want to head to a sushi restaurant for your next date night…

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

檸檬的美容用途 Beauty Uses for Lemons

1. 混合幾滴椰子水和幾滴檸檬汁,椰子能滋潤保濕,檸檬能潔膚。
2. 切半的檸檬擦拭肘部和膝蓋,可以美白。
3. 混合6盎司的蒸餾水、幾滴檸檬和茶樹精油,可用來清潔或卸妝。
4. 混合小蘇打粉和檸檬汁成泥狀,用棉花棒沾取擦拭牙齒,然後再刷牙,可以亮白你的微笑。
5. 滴幾滴檸檬精油在口腔潰瘍處,能更快地癒合。
6. 睡前抹少許檸檬汁在唇上,早上洗淨,可以去唇部角質,但若嘴唇嚴重乾裂,不要嘗試!
7. 檸檬汁可以幫助治療乾燥的頭皮和頭皮屑。
8. 混合檸檬汁和橄欖油,浸泡指甲,可以滋潤和亮白。
You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more—they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. Here are some great uses for the sunny yellow fruit:

Clarifying moisturizer: Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice. The coconut will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten it.

Elbow and knee bleacher: "If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon," says Patrice Coleman, owner of DaBlot Beauty. "It's like magic!"

Blackhead treatment: It may sound too good to be true, but because lemons are antibacterial, they can help treat acne. Just slice a lemon, and squeeze the juice on your face. Your blackheads will start to fade before you know it.

Cleansing wipes: "I like to mix a couple drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about 6 ounces of distilled water. I recommend it as a toner or for use with cotton pads as a cleansing wipe for problematic skin," says Becky Sturm, founder of StormSister Spatique.

Teeth whitener: Mix baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip. Then, use your toothbrush to scrub your teeth and rinse. It's way cheaper than going to your dentist's office.

Canker sore treatment: Sturn also uses a few drops of the lemon essential oil on her canker sores to help them heal faster.

Skin brightener: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production, says Marina Peredo, M.D., a dermatologist. That means it can help lighten age spots, dark spots, or a fake tan gone wrong. Remember to wear SPF when using lemon juice on your skin, though, since the citrus fruit can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Shine eliminator: Lemon is great for reducing excess oil.

Lip exfoliator: Put a little lemon juice on your lips before bedtime, and wash it off in the morning to help remove dead skin cells and dried skin. One caveat: "Obviously, if you already have severely chapped lips that have any cuts, do not try this," says Gary Goldfaden, M.D., a dermatologist.

Nail strengthener: Have you been getting too many gel manicures? Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and soak your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it's also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Hair Lightener: Score dye-free DIY highlights with lemon juice. Apply it before you expose your hair to sunlight to score a sun-kissed color. The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

化眼镜妆的误点 Makeup Mistakes When You Wearing Glasses

1. 眼線與鏡框同一個顏色,失去焦點,使眼睛看起來模糊。
2. 煙熏眼妝,投射更多陰影在臉上。
3. 沒有使用睫毛膏,使眼睛看起來更小。
4. 戴粗框眼線時眼線劃太細,讓眼睛看起來更小。
5. 下眼線上眼影,突顯黑眼圈。
6. 用太多的遮瑕膏。
7. 眼影延伸至鏡框外(除非鏡片非常小)。
8. 過黑、過厚的睫毛膏。
9. 豐富的眼裝配上多彩/大膽的鏡架,會看上去妝太厚。
10. 忽略眉毛對眼鏡的影響。

1. Matching Your Eyeliner with the Glasses’ Frames
You might think that an eyeliner that’s the same color as the frames of your glasses is a cool look, but it simply doesn’t work. The effect you’ll get is losing focus and making your eyes look blurry.

2. Going Too Dark
You might love smokey eye makeup, but it doesn’t really go well with glasses and it could end up as one of the worst makeup mistakes you can make if you wear glasses. Since your eyeglasses are already project shadows on your face, you should stick to a lighter color on your eyelids and one a bit darker towards the outer corners of your eyes.

3. Keeping Your Eyelashes Subtle
Even if you never used to need to curl your eyelashes or use volumizing mascara, you should give them a try once you start wearing glasses. Your spectacles might end up making your eyes look smaller and giving more definition to your eyelashes can counteract the issue.

4. The Contrast Between Eyeliner and the Frames
One of the worst makeup mistakes you can make if you wear glasses is to ignore the thickness of the frames when you’re using eyeliner. If you stick to thin lines with thick frames, you’ll make your eyes look smaller, while thick eyeliner combines with dainty frames will them look much bigger than they should.

5. Unwillingly Highlighting Your Dark Under-Eye Circles
When you’re dealing with dark circles under your eyes, the worst thing you can do is to use eyeliner on the lower lash line under glasses, since it will accentuate it ever further. Stick to a little waterproof mascara with no clumping on your lower lashes and smudge it a bit for a better effect.

6. Using Concealer Incorrectly
Choosing the wrong concealer and using too much of it is definitely one of the worst makeup mistakes you can make if you wear glasses. You’re better off if you start by using a little corrector at the inner corner of your eyes, where the circles begin to form. Once it’s fully blended, use a concealer with yellow tones in order to balance out the darkness.

7. Covering Too Much with Eyeshadow
While a lot of gorgeous makeup looks extend the area where the eyeshadow is applied, less is more when you’re wearing glasses. If you apply eyeshadow outside the frame line, you’ll create a look that’s not very flattering. The only reason to break this rule is when you’re wearing glasses with very small lenses.

8. Going Too Far with Black Mascara
A bit of mascara on your lower lashes can easily turn into one of the worst makeup mistakes you can make if you wear glasses. Using too much or going for a shade that’s too dark is to be avoided. Forget any outdated beauty rule you know about mismatching mascara and try mixing black mascara on your upper lashes with brown one on the lower ones for a more light look.

9. Trying a Bold Look That’s Too Much
If you’re wearing very colorful frames, you’re better off going with a bold lip and keeping your eye makeup minimal. When the colors of your eyeshadow ends up competing for attention with the color of your glasses, you’ll come across looking as if you’re wearing too much makeup, especially if your hair also has a vibrant shade.

10. Ignoring the Impact of Eyebrows
While most of the worst makeup mistakes you can make if you wear glasses focus on your eyes, you can’t ignore your eyebrows. Use a clear brow gel to help them stay put once they’re shaped the right way for your face shape and make sure they’re well defined for a balanced look.

喝咖啡的好处 Advantages to have a Coffee

Need a reason to have a Coffee?
發表在美國「糖尿病」(Diabetologia) 期刊的最新研究,增加咖啡攝取量的成人,能降低約11%罹患二型糖尿病的風險,該數據是基於2萬名衛生專業人員的飲食、生活習慣與慢性病史等資料分析,而哈佛大學公共衛生學院的研究人員表示,只要咖啡不讓你心悸,不會使你緊張不安,咖啡的確有不少健康好處,咖啡含酚類化合物和木酚素,能改善糖代謝,咖啡中含有豐富的鎂,也能降低二型糖尿病的風險,但要注意的是,參與這項研究喝的是簡單的黑咖啡,而不是加料的花式咖啡。
Need an excuse to drink yet another cup of coffee today? A new study suggests that increasing coffee consumption may decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes.

The apparent relationship between coffee and type 2 diabetes is not new. Previous studies have found that drinking a few cups or more each day may lower your risk - with each subsequent cup nudging up the benefit.

This most recent study, published in the journal Diabetologia, was more concerned with how changing coffee consumption - either increasing it or decreasing it over time - might affect your risk.

The conclusion: People who upped their consumption by more than a cup per day had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared with people whose consumption held steady. Decreasing coffee consumption by the same amount - more than a cup a day - was associated with a 17% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

The data is based on an analysis of more than 120,000 health professionals already being followed observationally long term. Researchers looked at the study participants' coffee drinking habits across four years to reach their conclusions.

Just how much coffee each day provides a benefit?

"For type 2 diabetes, up to six cups per day is associated with lower risk," said Shilpa Bhupathiraju, a research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health and lead study author, citing previous research. "As long as coffee doesn't give you tremors, doesn't make you jittery, it is associated with a lot of health benefits."

In the case of diabetes, the reasons behind the supposed protection conferred by coffee are not clear, but there are theories based on animal research.

One involves chemicals present in coffee - phenolic compounds and lignans - that may improve glucose metabolism, according to Bhupathiraju. She added that coffee is rich in magnesium, which is also associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee drinking linked to longer life

Wait, though. Before you scramble out to purchase your fourth latte of the day, it is important to note that the type of coffee matters.

Lattes and other types of specialty drinks - often laden with sugar - were not studied. The type of coffee involved in this study tended to be a simple eight-ounce cup of black coffee containing about 100 milligrams of caffeine.

"People think of (increasing their intake) as going and drinking an extra blended drink," said Bhupathiraju. "We are not talking about 'frappuchinos' or lattes. It's black coffee with milk and sugar."

Coffee good for you, but it's OK to hold back

And while coffee may be associated with a reduction in some chronic diseases (not just diabetes, but cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and - according to a New England Journal of Medicine study - with a longer life, overall) scientists are still reluctant to call coffee a panacea.

That doesn't mean you can't enjoy one more cup in the meantime.

有利健康的選擇也會意想不到的傷害你?一起來看看 5 habits that do you more harm than good

1. 乾洗手液:如果你與外界接觸,就猛擦洗手液,那麼你應該停止,除非你是在醫院等病菌很多的地方工作,最近的一項研究發現,含有三氯生消毒劑的乾洗手液可能會促進細菌和病毒對抗生素藥物的抵抗力,選擇至少含有55% 酒精的乾洗手液。
2. 每頓飯後刷牙:看起來像是好主意,但飯後立即刷牙,可能會使附著在牙齒上的酸性物質損壞法郎質,另外,刷牙太用力會導致牙齦退縮。
3. 不吃正餐以儲藏熱量:不幸的是,不吃早餐或午餐可導致當晚的暴飲暴食,更聰明的方法來是白天吃含蛋白質的食物,以避免晚餐過量。
4. 只喝瓶裝水:完全避免自來水,可能導致氟化物不足,而有蛀牙。
5. 運動時只做有氧運動:減重最好的辦法是堅持有氧運動,但如果只做有氧,身體就會習慣於常規,脂肪燃燒會開始減少,加入重量訓練,整合阻力訓練以建立肌肉質量,幫助燃燒更多的脂肪。
6. 過度補充營養劑:多並不總是更好,大劑量的維生素A有害胎兒,過量的維生素C會導致腸胃問題和干擾抗糖尿病藥物,過多的維生素B6會導致神經損傷。 
Often the very choices you make to benefit your health can be the same ones that hurt you in the end. Read the article and find out which unexpected habits can be causing you harm.

Using of hand sanitizer compulsively

If you use the hand sanitizer any time you have contact with the outside world, you should take pause. Unless you are in an especially germ full place like a hospital, soap and water will work just fine. When you are not near a sink, hand sanitizing gels can help, but be sure to always read the label. Recent study has shown that sanitizers containing triclosan might promote bacteria and virus resistance to antibiotic medications. This refers to antibacterial hand soaps as well, which contain triclosan. Instead, choose brands that contain at least 55% alcohol that will kill 98% of bacteria on contact.

Brushing teeth after every meal

Brushing immediately after every meal may seem like a good idea for keeping your teeth healthy, but it is better to hold off. Food can leave acid on your teeth that weakens the enamel and brushing while the enamel is in a weakened state can actually scrub the enamel away. To dislodge any food particles that remains after eating simply rinse your mouth out with water and save the brushing for morning and night. When you do brush, be sure to do it in a circular motion. This will improve the chances of removing harmful bacteria between the gums and teeth. On the other hand brushing back and forth or up and down, can leave behind harmful bacteria, causing gum disease but applying too much pressure can lead to receding gums.

Skipping meals to save up for later

Women have the habit of saving their calories for the fun stuff later on. It seems not to be a problem as long as you are carefully allocating your calories, right? Unfortunately when you do not eat breakfast or lunch you develop cravings and irritability that can lead to overeating later in the day. A smarter approach to eating is to fill up on protein packed meals and nutrient rich snacks that will keep you satisfied all day, so when dinnertime rolls around you won’t have desire to fill your plate.

Drinking only bottled water

By reaching for a bottle of water you may think you are doing your body well by avoiding tap water. But that is not right case. Bottled water contains no fluoride and more adults suffer from a fluoride deficiency, which leads to tooth decay. Instead, fill your glass with water purified by water filtration system which will keep your water free from impurities commonly found in tap.

Doing only cardio when you workout

The best way to lose weight is to stick to the cardio workout, but if you do only cardio, your body will become accustomed to the routine and you will start to burn less fat as a result. Trade in a few of your cardio exercises for circuit training, which involves doing several of different strength training work outs with little rest between moves in order to keep your heart rate up while exercising your entire body, ensuring that you will burn the most calories. Integrating resistance training into your routine will create muscle mass and help burn more fat, even when you are at rest. Revamp your cardio routine by mixing in interval training once a week.

Loading up on nutritional supplements

When it comes to minerals and vitamins, more is not always better. People often take nutritional supplements without understanding if they really need them. Since many foods are fortified nowadays, many people do not have any major nutritional deficiencies. There are serious side effects of carelessly popping pills: Vitamin A in large doses is toxic to fetus, vitamin C in large amounts causes gastrointestinal problems as well as interferes with anti diabetic medications and too much vitamin B6 causes nerve damage. Eating food instead of taking supplements should be the primary way to fulfill nutritional requirements and deliver health benefits. If you find out that you need to increase intake of, say, Ca, try adding foods rich in calcium to your diet, like a spinach salad or a glass of skim milk. If you do learn that supplements are the best choice to remedy a deficiency, look on the label, which signifies that the pill meets the standards.