Saturday, January 18, 2014












Saturday, January 4, 2014

饮料瓶底部可怕的秘密 , 一定要看看!请分享给朋友


矿泉水瓶的底部都有一个带箭头的三角型 , 三角型里面有一个数字:
一般矿泉水瓶子,底部标示 1

PET 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇脂
常见矿泉水瓶、碳酸饮料瓶等 。耐热至70℃易变形, 有对人体有害的物质融出。1号塑料品用了10个月后,可能释放出致癌物DEHP。不能放在汽车内晒太阳;不要装酒、油等物质!



常见保鲜膜、塑料膜等 。 高温时有有害物质产生,有毒物随食物进入人体后,可能引起乳腺癌、新生儿先天缺陷等疾病。 保鲜膜别进微波炉。

常见豆浆瓶、优酪乳瓶、果汁饮料瓶、微波炉餐盒 。熔点高达167℃,是唯一可以放进微波炉的塑料盒,可在小心清洁后重复使用。需要注意,有些微波炉餐盒,盒体以5号PP制造,但盒盖却以1号PE制造,由于PE不能抵受高温,故不能与盒体一并放进微波炉。

常见碗装泡面盒、快餐盒 。不能放进微波炉中,以免因温度过高而释出化学物。装酸(如柳橙汁)、碱性物质后,会分解出致癌物质。避免用快餐盒打包滚烫的食物。别用微波炉煮碗装方便面。

常见水壶、太空杯、 奶瓶。百货公司常用这样材质的水杯当赠品。很容易释放出有毒的物质双酚A,对人体有害。使用时不要加热,不要在阳光下直晒。

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

舒緩鼻塞的小TIPS Tips for relieving sinus issue

"Tips for relieving sinus issue"
Massage these pressure points can relief your sinus congestion. Don't forget to drink more warm water afterwards too!

7 Simple Foods That Fight Aging

營養學家Dana James建議在飲食中添加下列食物,可抗衰老,讓你感覺更年輕 :
1. 酪梨: 含有單不飽和脂肪,保護細胞免受自由基的傷害,改善膚質,增加活力。酪梨的硼也可提高骨頭密度,有助於鈣的吸收。
2. 薑黃: 已被證明能抗癌,還可以保護腦和皮膚細胞免受自由基的傷害,減緩皺紋的形成。
3. 綠色蔬菜汁: 榨汁後的營養成分能迅速被吸收,使其成為補充抗氧化劑和維生素最快的方式。
4. 北極紅點鮭: 鮭魚中最好的選擇。其 ω-3脂肪酸有助腦細胞。其類胡蘿蔔素,能提高視力,也能保護皮膚細胞免受陽光傷害。
5. 羊栖菜: 黑色的海洋蔬菜含有豐富的碘,從而增加甲狀腺素,促進新陳代謝。此外,40%的羊栖菜是纖維,可以調節荷爾蒙,並幫助肝臟解毒。
6. 葉綠素: 它可以幫助代謝酒精,有助排除毒素。
7 Simple Foods That Fight Aging
Nutritionist Dana James dishes on which foods to add to your diet so you can feel like you're 19 again. (Ok, only a time machine can do that, but these will help!)

The green fruit that could has fat. That's right, it contains monounsaturated fat. This is a good thing. The fat is so tiny it can slip through membranes and protect cells from free radical damage. This enhances vitality and mental acuity, and improves skin texture. Bonus: Avocados may also improve bone density thanks to the mineral boron, which helps absorb calcium, and a whole avocado contains 14 grams of fiber, which expedites the removal of toxins that can lead to aging.

Avocados are best served as an unadulterated raw food. (Does anyone like cooked avocados?) Make a cooling cucumber and avocado soup with fresh mint, toss avocado into organic mixed greens with lemon vinaigrette, or add avocado to a nori wrap filled with baby greens, wild salmon, tomatoes, peppers, and sprouts.

Consider turmeric a regular must-have. It been shown to help prevent cancer, and it contains curcuminoid pigments that turn on genes that enhance the body's own synthesis of antioxidants. Turmeric also protects brain cells and skin cells from free radical damage, improving concentration and slowing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Turmeric's warm peppery flavor adds depth to smoothies, vegetables, and eggs. Add a dash of ground turmeric to an almond milk, banana, and raw honey smoothie, pan-fry organic eggs in coconut oil and toss in ground turmeric, or sauté kale in coconut oil and turmeric.

Green vegetable juice
If you juice, pat yourself on the back. Juicing green vegetables breaks down the plant's cell walls so the nutrients can quickly be absorbed and assimilated into the body with very minimal digestive effort, making it the quickest way to infuse the body with antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, oxygen, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. An eight-ounce juice is equivalent to two large salads with no dressing.

Use the season to dictate the ingredients of a green vegetable juice. In summer, try cucumber, fennel, mint, kiwi fruit, and lime. In winter, make a juice with dandelion greens, spinach, spearmint, cucumber, apple, and Meyer lemon. A touch of citrus helps prevent oxidation.

Arctic char
Arctic char packs in all the benefits of salmon, but it is actually farmed in an environmentally sustainable manner, making it the preferable choice. It contains the same amount of omega-3 fats as wild salmon— 1300 milligrams per four ounces— which inhibit a wrinkle-causing enzyme. The omega-3 fats also improve the integrity of brain cells, which helps decrease brain fogginess. If that's not enough, char also contains carotenoids, which improve eyesight and protect skin cells from sun damage. Frankly, there's no reason to not eat this magical fish!

Serve pan-seared arctic char over a watercress and pink grapefruit salad, make an arctic char ceviche with fresh lime, or add flaked arctic char to a kale salad with hemp seeds and yellow peppers.

Sushi lovers should be sure to add a hijiki appetizer to their next order. The black sea vegetable is rich in iodine, which increases the synthesis of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine, to boost the metabolism. Also, 40 percent of hijiki is fiber, which helps regulate hormones and enhances liver detoxification.

Hijiki has a pasta-like texture, making it an ideal substitute when following a gluten-restricted diet. Simply soak the hijiki in water for 20 minutes, and then boil it for 10 minutes, just like pasta. Add hijiki to organic mixed greens tossed with spicy pumpkin seeds, avocado, and hemp seeds. Or, you know, just order takeout.

Hemp Seeds
Before you shriek and hide from tie-dye and Birkenstocks, relax. Hemp seeds are actually good for your skin. They help improve firmness and radiance. They're also the only edible source of gamma-linoleic-acid (GLA), an anti-inflammatory omega-6 fat, which forms part of the membrane that surrounds skin cells. Finally, hemp seeds contain 15 grams of protein per three tablespoons, making it an ideal protein source for individuals following a plant-based diet. The protein also helps to synthesize collagen and elastin, keeping skin firm and supple.

Eat hemp seeds raw as heat will destroy their delicate oils. Toss them over a kale and avocado salad, add them to a mango smoothie for an extra protein boost, or make a raw tabouli salad with hemp seeds, parsley, tomatoes, and lime juice.

Need to atone for everything? Welcome to the antidote to your dietary sins. If you drink coffee, chloryphyll helps to negate its acidity. If you drink alcohol, it helps metabolize alcohol faster. If you eat non-organic produce or fish high in mercury, it helps remove these toxins. If you don't do any of these things (Good for you!), it simply enhances your own vitality. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in all green plants, but can be bought in a concentrated liquid form made from nettles or mulberry leaves.

Make chlorophyll water by mixing three tablespoons of chlorophyll to 32 ounces of filtered water. Flavor the drink by adding cucumber and fresh mint. Alternatively, make a green tea smoothie with almond milk, matcha green tea, avocado, chlorophyll, vanilla, and cardamom.

6 Ways to reduce portion size 簡單的方法控制食量

1. 使用較小的餐盤雖是老招,但卻有效。
2. 對從小被教導要吃完盤中食物的人,要留下幾口不吃完可能很難,但累積下來會替你省下不少熱量。
3. 外出用餐時,與人分享主菜,能減少熱量攝入,但仍有滿足感。
4. 零食只買小包的。若是大包的,則以100卡路里為單位來分裝,較易控制和計算熱量。
Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight requires a combination of regular exercise, choosing the right foods, and eating healthy portion sizes. In most cases, you can include any natural food in your diet, as long as you eat the appropriate portion. Unfortunately, controlling portion size is difficult, especially in a society where portions are often much larger than needed. Most people realize restaurant portions are excessive, but did you know you might actually receive four, five, or six times the amount considered a healthy portion when eating out? We are so desensitized to proper portion control, getting things under control is a tough challenge.Consider portion control a learning experience. As you adjust to proper portioning of your food, we have a portion size guide to help you out.

1. Use a Smaller Plate
This trick is an oldie but goody. The simple act of serving food on a smaller plate results in your eating a smaller portion. Fill the plate exactly as you would your regular plate. You automatically eat fewer calories at every meal.

2. Leave a Few Bites Behind
You can use this trick to reduce food portion sizes in place of or in conjunction with reducing your plate size. Instead of cleaning every last bite from your plate, leave two or three forkfuls behind. Depending on what you are eating this can save you a couple of hundred calories.

3. Share
Sharing is especially useful when you are dining out. Instead of eating an entire entrée on your own, split it with your fellow diners. This cuts the calories by at least half, but still leaves you feeling satisfied. You can cut calories even more by sharing an appetizer instead of an entrée or by choosing the lunch or diet-sized portion offered by many restaurants.Learn other tips for eating healthy at restaurants here.

4. Up the Greens
One of the most difficult things about reducing portion size is adjusting to eating less. You can fix this by filling your plate with greens. This solves a few problems. It helps you feel full while reducing the amount you are eating, it allows you to eat for the usual length of time you normally would, and it improves the health of your meal. Old habits die hard and swapping calorie-laden choices for low-cal greens can make a big difference.

5. Pre-Portion Snacks
One of the toughest challenges of cutting portions is snacking. Even the most conscientious dieter has a tendency to overeat when snacking. The trick to keeping control of your snack portions is to serve them ahead of time. You can use baggies to create your own snack-sized portions or purchase 100 calorie pre-packaged snacks when shopping.

6. Use Your Knife
Something as simple as cutting your food into smaller bites can help you reduce portion size. As mentioned earlier, one of the toughest challenges of dieting and adjusting to smaller portions is breaking old habits. By serving a smaller portion, but cutting it into the same number of bites you would usually eat, you trick your mind into believing nothing has changed.

9 Foods that Keep You Full Longer 让你更有饱足感的9种食物

Getting hungry too fast? 9 Foods that Keep You Full Longer

才吃飽就餓了? 那你可能吃錯食物了。有飽足感,吃更少的熱量是減肥成功的關鍵。下列食物會讓你有更長的飽和感:

1. 雞蛋: 蛋白質的來源,熱量相對較低。有些人擔心雞蛋中的膽固醇,但只要不過量,對健康的好處遠遠大於風險。
2. 燕麥粥: 含水溶性纖維,是最豐盛的早餐。
3. 魚: 高蛋白質,還含有ω-3脂肪酸,有益心臟健康
4. 馬鈴薯: 高纖,並提供多種健康益處,紅薯是最好的選擇。
5. 豆類: 高纖的肉類替代品,因為提供類似的口感。
6. 蔬菜清湯: 水分和纖維含量皆高,飽和感時間長。
7. 沙拉: 大多數人不認為沙拉是飽和食物,可能是選擇了錯誤類型的沙拉。選擇深綠葉蔬菜,如菠菜,加入西紅柿、黃瓜等。還可以包括一些水果,如藍莓和紅莓。
8. 蘋果: 高纖、低熱量的零食。
9. 香蕉: 超級水果,健康益處多多。

Feeling satisfied while eating fewer calories is the key to successful dieting. Unfortunately, if you are used to eating several snacks and large meals each day, you might not feel full when reducing calories. It takes your body time adjust to fewer calories and adapt to healthy eating. Even after your body is on track, you will want to include these healthy feel-full-longer foods in your diet.

9 Foods that Keep You Fuller Longer:
1. Eggs
Eggs are sometimes considered a perfect protein, and they are relatively low in calories. Some are concerned about cholesterol in eggs, but as long as your egg consumption is within reason, the health benefits far outweigh the risks. Learn more about why you should start your day off right with eggs here.

2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber. Many consider it the most filling breakfast option available. Add a sprinkle of nuts, fresh fruit, and cinnamon for additional flavor and an extra health boost.

3. Fish
Fish is a great healthy food that is high in protein to keep you full. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, beneficial for heart health.

4. Potatoes
Potatoes are high in fiber and offer several health benefits. Sweet potatoes are your best option, as they are high in vitamins and beta-carotene.

5. Beans
Beans are a great meat substitute because they provide a similar texture in recipes without the saturated fat. They are also high in fiber, which is great for satisfying your appetite for long after your meal.

6. Soup
Soup is a very filling food for several reasons. The broth gives it a high water content which hydrates you and fills you up. Soups are usually packed with vegetables, great for keeping you full longer because of their fiber content. You can even add proteins, such as lean meats and beans to soup, giving soup all of the best filling ingredients possible.

7. Salad
Most people do not consider salad filling, but they are probably preparing the wrong type of salad. Salads offer a lot of bulk for few calories. Instead of iceberg lettuce, choose dark leafy greens, such as spinach and arugula as your base. Add plenty of fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. You can also include a few fruits, such as blueberries or cranberries. Top this off with cottage cheese or a sprinkle or nuts and a drizzle of olive oil. This gives you a complete meal containing protein, fat, and carbohydrates

8. Apples
Apples are an excellent high-fiber, low-calorie snack. Cut up an apple and combine with peanut butter or munch on a whole apple on the go. Crunchy apples offer the additional benefit of satisfying your need for less healthy snacks.

9. Bananas
Bananas feature soluble fiber and are great for keeping you full. Some dieters avoid them for various reasons, such as their calorie content or rank on the glycemic index, but the truth is, bananas are fruit and much healthier than many commercial snacks. Plus, Bananas are a Superfood!

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Heart Health 進心臟健康的簡單方法

1.Eat Breakfast

You wouldn't expect your car to run on empty, so why ask your body to do it?
Starting the day off with a healthy meal not only gives you the energy you need to work or play – it's also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, a new study found.
The 16-year study of 26,000 American men found those who skipped breakfast had a 27 percent higher risk of coronary heart disease. The association held up even after the researchers controlled for other risk factors like body mass index, blood pressure and cholesterol, according to the study published Monday in the journal Circulation.

2.Do Your Ohm Work
Research supports the idea that yoga can help reduce such cardiovascular risks as insulin resistance, high blood pressure and blood vessel inflammation. For the 2.7 million Americans diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in which the heart's upper chambers flutter randomly instead of contracting normally, yoga may be especially helpful.
A new Washington University School of Medicine study found that AF patients who did yoga in addition to taking medication reported half the number of heart quivers compared with patients who only took meds. While not a cure for AF, regular yoga practice -- at least twice a week for three months -- also improved the subjects' heart health by easing anxiety levels and significantly lowering resting heart rates.
"It doesn't necessarily have to be yoga. Any way you reduce stress is good for the heart," Becker said.

3.Be a Friend
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but togetherness strengthens heart health.
Having a close relationship with another person, be it a friend, lover or relative is so heartwarming it can halve the risk of a heart attack in someone who has already had a heart attack, a 2004 heart study suggests. And one State University of New York at Oswego investigation found that blood pressure dropped when one spent time with a spouse or partner.
Becker pointed out that whether in pairs or in groups, engaging with other people does seem to help the heart, though it's not exactly known why.
"It could be that secure social ties lead to better health habits and less depression," he said. "It could also be due to neurological and hormonal changes that lessen stress and anxiety."
Toxic associations do the heart no favors, though. In one 12-year study, British civil servants in bad relationships were 34 percent more likely to have heart attacks or heart trouble than those in happier relationships.

4.Indulge in the Dark
It's no accident that chocolate hearts are associated with Valentine's Day.
Dark chocolate contains high concentrations of cocoa. Intake of this anti-oxidant rich substance appears to relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure and control blood sugar.
Just don't get carried away. Becker said that a single 1.5 ounce serving of the sweet stuff will bestow all its heart-healthy benefits without adding an overabundance of fat, sugar or calories to your diet.

5.Dream On
Too much or too little sleep can hurt your heart.
Findings released last year by Chicago Medical School suggest that people who catch fewer than six hours of Zs a night are twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and one-and-a-half times more likely to have congestive heart failure, whereas people who slumber more than eight hours a night are more likely to experience chest pain and coronary artery disease.
Not enough shut-eye seems to trigger the nervous system to release high levels of "fight-or-flight" stress hormones that raise blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar. Short sleepers also tend to be heavier, which can take a toll on the heart.
While it's not clear why hitting the snooze button once too often affects the heart, some studies indicate oversleepers may be susceptible to depression and unmotivated to exercise. Or they may run out of time and energy to keep up with heart-friendly habits.
"Somewhere around eight hours seems optimal," Becker acknowledged. "But sleep alone won't necessarily impact heart health unless it's put in context with nutrition, activity, stress management and all of your other health habits."

1. 吃早餐:如果不會讓汽車沒油空跑,那麼為什麼要身體這麼做呢?新的一天,健康的早餐,不僅提供所需能量,也可降低心臟疾病的風險。根據26,000名美國男子,16年的追蹤研究發現,不吃早餐的人罹患冠狀動脈心臟疾病的風險提高27%。

2. 做瑜伽:華盛頓大學醫學院的研究發現,有做瑜伽習慣(每週至少兩次)的心房纖維顫動患者,病發次數比只服藥的患者少了一半。雖然瑜伽不能治癒心房纖維顫動,但能緩解焦慮和降低休息心率。

3. 與朋友相處:良好的社會關係能減輕壓力和焦慮。

4. 吃黑巧克力:含有高濃度的可可。這種抗氧化劑的攝入量能放鬆血管、降低血壓和控制血糖。

5. 適當的睡眠時間:過多或過少都不好。芝加哥醫學院去年公佈的研究結果表明,睡眠時間少於6小時的人,中風或心臟病發作的機率會高出兩倍。而多於八小時的人則更容易感到胸部疼痛和罹患冠狀動脈疾病。

天然室內除臭劑 10 surprising natural ways to cure a stinky house

1. 貓砂盒內灑一些乾的綠茶茶葉。

2. 烘乾機用的烘衣紙放在垃圾桶底。
3. 倒入半杯蘋果醋在厠浴的排水管內。
4. 用浸過香草精的棉球擦拭冰箱內側。
5. 兩杯檸檬汁倒入水槽的排水管內。
6. 洋蔥切半,地下室放過夜,可吸收霉味。
7. 咖啡渣放冷凍庫,可去除氣味。
8. 小蘇打粉放在鞋內隔夜。
9. 燉湯時若外溢至爐台上,趁湯還是溫熱時,灑一些鹽和肉桂粉在上,乾燥後,刮去殘留,不會有焦味。
10. 天竺葵和茉莉花的香氣。

1.Green Tea for Cat Litter Boxes
Dry green tea leaves work like magic in reducing those unwelcome scents from the cat “john." Break open a few bags and sprinkle the loose leaves into the box. Fluffy will also appreciate a more sanitary scented restroom.
2.Dryer Sheets for Trash Bins
Take a sheet from the laundry room’s playbook to stomp out persistent trash bin odors, a dryer sheet that is. They soak up yucky trash smells just like they do static. Toss one or two into the bin and let the fresh scents take over.
3.Apple Cider Vinegar for Drains
Your upper GI isn't the only plumbing that apple cider vinegar works wonders on. It also blasts away yucky odors that seep up from sewers and septic systems. Pour a half cup down any drain and send unpleasant smells back where they belong.
4.Vanilla Extract for Freezers
Here's one cool odor fix to freshen up your ice box. Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract, then swipe it around the inside of your freezer. Voila! The scent of fresh ice cream instantly replaces the reek of leftover meat.
5.Lemon Juice for Sinks
To snuff out the odor of a smelly sink, douse it with two cups of lemon juice. A zesty clean sink drain will make washing pots and pans slightly less of a drain.
6.Onions for Basements
After a hard rain, deploy an onion to absorb mold and mildew odors. Just slice one down the middle and let it sit in the cellar overnight. By morning, your eyes may tear — though not from the onion, but from the joy of an odor free basement!
7.Coffee Grounds for the Fridge
If your meat locker stinks like a gym locker, fill a nylon stocking with coffee grounds and toss it inside the back of the fridge. The invigorating scent of java overpowers odors from fish, cheese, and other harsh-scented foods.
8.Baking Soda for Sneakers
Don’t ditch your barely worn sneakers just because your nose is ready to run for the hills. Sprinkle baking soda inside each one and let them sit overnight. In the morning, tap the powder off outside and the stenches will be shooed away.
9.Salt and Cinnamon for Stove Spills
Next time soup or stew boils over, patter a few pinches of salt and cinnamon onto the spill while it's still warm. After it's dry, scrape off the residue. Future meals won't transmit that smoky smell and have your neighbors calling the fire department on you.
10.House Plants for Rooms
Once you've cleared out the stench, liven up your home's ambient aroma with houseplants. Scented geraniums and Arabian Jasmines are two varieties that come highly recommended for their odoriferous scents.

Health effects of mold 微菌对健康的影响


1. 過敏:雖然大多數人能對抗一點點黴菌,已經適應它,但有些人天生敏感。最常見的症狀從輕微的眼睛發癢,嚴重至呼吸和吞嚥困難或頭暈、腹痛、嘔吐。
2. 病原反應:最常見的淺表性反應包括皮膚或指甲感染和腳氣。最嚴重的反應會攻擊腎臟、肺、肝臟或其他器官,甚至可能會危及生命。
3. 產毒反應:吸入產毒黴菌會增加生病的機會。症狀包括皮疹、發燒、噁心、疲勞、急性/慢性肝損傷、急性/慢性中樞神經系統紊亂等等。

Did you know that mold can cause disease in plants, animals and humans? The truth is that mold affects people in different ways, depending on the species of mold, the amount, the degree of exposure and the overall health of the individual who’s exposed to it.

The health effects of mold exposure can be allergenic, pathogenic or toxigenic, with reactions ranging from mild allergies to neurological damage and respiratory disease.

1. Allergenic reactions to mold
All mold is allergenic. Although most people can deal with a little bit of mold, some people are born sensitive to it. These people suffer from allergenic reactions upon exposure to mold. Allergenic reactions are the most common symptoms associated with mold exposure and these symptoms range from mild to severe.
Mild: congestion, rash, and itchy or watery eyesModerate: itchiness and difficulty breathingSevere: swelling, difficulty breathing and swallowing, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and mental confusion

2. Pathogenic reactions to mold
Pathogenic reactions to mold exposure can be divided into the following three categories:
Superficial: These are the most common pathogenic reactions to mold. They include skin infection, nail infection and athlete’s foot.Subcutaneous: These reactions to mold are more serious and occur when the infection gets under the skin.Systemic: These are the most severe and may even be life threatening. They occur when the mold attacks the kidneys, lungs, liver or other organs.

3. Toxigenic reactions to mold
A toxigenic mold is a mold capable of producing toxins. There are approximately 20 common toxins that have been found to be produced by mold. However, just because a mold is toxigenic does not mean that it is producing toxins at any given point in time.
However, ingesting these toxins increases your chances of becoming sick. Symptoms resulting from inhalation of toxins include mucous membrane irritation; skin rash; fever; nausea; fatigue; suppressed immune system; acute/chronic liver damage; acute/chronic central nervous system disorders; hormone disorders; and cancer.

Another serious condition associated with mold exposure is hypersensitive pneumonitis. This is an acute or chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of fungal antigens.

How does mold exposure occur?
There are three main ways that we can come into contact with mold: inhalation (breathing it in), dermal contact (touching it), and ingestion (eating or drinking it). Because mold spores are so small, they have the ability to get into our lungs, where they can cause anything from mild allergic reactions to serious respiratory conditions.

Most people can deal with a little bit of mold exposure without having a reaction because their bodies have become attuned to it. However, other people may be more sensitive to mold, either because of their genetic make-up or the current state of their health. People at an increased risk from mold exposure include individuals with compromised immune systems; infants and small children; the elderly; and asthmatics. It is important to remember that the potential for adverse health effects from mold exposure are uniquely individual since no two immune systems are alike.

減重時該吃哪些碳水化合物 3 Carbs to Lose Weight Fast

1. 糙米: 來自全穀類,含有豐富的可溶性和不溶性纖維,因此會讓你更有飽和感。有助規律排便,預防大腸癌。
2. 燕麥: 除了幫助減重,清潔腸道,燕麥中的三烯生育醇能減緩膽固醇的合成,預防高血壓和糖尿病。
3. 藜: 世界衛生組織(WHO)已將藜歸類為超級食物。它有雙重好處,一是複雜的碳水化合物,二是不含膽固醇。不僅如此,藜具有所有必要的,存在於肉類的氨基酸。

"Carbs" is a short term word for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a group of nutrients that are abundant in most foods. Although they are found in different quantities and in different foods, there are foods that have good sugars while others have bad sugars.

To lose weight effectively, you need to form a habit of eating foods with good sugars. Below are 3 carbs that will make your weight losing mission a breeze.

Blown rice

Blown rice is a stable food in most countries; particularly in Pakistan. Since it's derived from whole grain, it has all its vital nutrients fully packed. It's also rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber therefore it makes you feel full for a long time hence you don't eat too much.

It's also versatile in the kitchen-you can invoke any cooking method; whether boiling or flying and still maintain the necessary nutrients that help you to lose weight with ease. Also, you don't have to be worried on what to eat it with; you can eat it with almost anything: from meat stew to vegetables. Other benefits of blown rice are that it helps to prevent colon cancer and in bringing bowel regularity-especially in infants.


Oatmeal is another carb that will help you lose weight fast. It's usually obtained from rolled oat and easily prepared through cooking. Just like blown rice, it's rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber-which plays a great role in speeding-up weight loss.

Other than helping you to lose weight, oatmeal contains tocotrienols which slow down cholesterol synthesis hence shielding you away from high blood pressure. Oatmeal also helps you to prevent other diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stroke.

As an extra benefit, oatmeal will help you shed belly fat faster since it makes you visit the bathroom more often-this is also important in preventing blot and cleaning the gut.


This is a unique carb that has been used for generations as an effective weight loss food. In fact, the world health organization (WHO) has classified it as a super food. It has double benefits: it's a complex carbohydrate and it's also cholesterol free.

Not only that, Quinoa has all the necessary amino acids found in meat. So, by taking Quinoa, you are not only cutting on your weight, but you are also deriving all the nutrients found in meat. It's easy to prepare, and it's cooked just like rice or any other edibles. You need to eat Quinoa with healthy fruits or vegetables to get faster results in weight loss.

淨化肝臟的食物 14 Foods That Cleanse the Liver

1. 大蒜:具有激活肝酶,幫助身體排毒的作用。含天然化合物,大蒜素和硒,幫助肝臟清理。
2. 葡萄柚:高維生素C和抗氧化劑,增加肝臟的天然清潔過程。一小杯鮮榨的葡萄柚汁有助提高肝臟的解毒酶,沖洗出毒素物質。
3. 甜菜和胡蘿蔔:兩者都含有植物黃酮類化合物和β-胡蘿蔔素,可以促進和改善肝功能。
4. 綠茶:兒茶素抗氧化劑能改善肝功能。
5. 綠葉蔬菜:植物葉綠素從血液中吸收環境毒素,保護肝臟。
6. 酪梨:幫助人體產生穀胱甘肽,是肝臟淨化有害毒素所需的化合物。
8. 橄欖油:可吸收有害毒素,減輕肝臟的負擔。
9. 全穀物:含複合維生素B營養素,提高脂肪代謝和肝功能。
10. 十字花科蔬菜:西蘭花和花椰菜能增加肝臟中酶的生產。這些天然酶幫助排出致癌物質和其他毒素,降低癌症風險。
11. 檸檬和酸橙:這些柑橘類水果含有高量的維生素C,早晨喝鮮榨檸檬汁或酸橙汁,有助激活肝臟。
12. 核桃:高量的氨基酸精氨酸,能幫助肝解毒氨。高穀胱甘肽和ω-3脂肪酸,支持肝功能。
13. 捲心菜:正如西蘭花和花椰菜,捲心菜有助激活肝臟解毒酶,幫助排除毒素。
14. 薑黃: 有助於提高肝臟排毒,協助沖洗掉飲食中的致癌物。

1. Garlic
Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

2. Grapefruit
High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

3. Beets and Carrots
Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene; eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

4. Green Tea
This liver-loving beverage is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables
One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.

Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.

6. Avocados
This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, a compound that is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins.

7. Apples
High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents necessary for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

8. Olive Oil
Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload many of us suffer from.

9. Whole Grains
Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins which are nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white flour, instead try eating whole wheat alternatives.

10. Cruciferous Vegetables
Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which may significantly lower risks associated with cancer.

11. Lemons & Limes
These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.

12. Walnuts
Holding high amounts of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.

13. Cabbage
Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup and sauerkraut.

14. Turmeric
The liver’s favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

抗橘皮組織的三種食物 Three Foods That Reduce Cellulite

90%的女性認為橘皮組織有礙觀瞻,最自然擺脫橘皮組織的方法就是藉著運動和飲食來降低整體身體脂肪。根據名人營養學家Kimberly Snyder,下列三種食物可以幫助減少脂肪,讓你勇於穿上比基尼:


Oat Groats
These are powerhouse oats. They are soluble and insoluble fiber, making them super filling. They also won't spike our blood sugar. A study showed that the eating whole oats like these contributes to metabolic alterations that can reduce weight gain and therefore reduce future cellulite.

Not only is it delicious in guacamole, but it is also a great body cleanser. It helps remove heavy metals from the body (also called chelation) that collect in and engorge the fat cells in your body. When you clean out these heavy metals, your fat cells can function normally, reducing cellulite.

Oranges, lemons and grapefruits are super high in vitamin C, which rebuilds and repairs skin collagen. All that collagen prevents cellulite from being visible.

Benifits of Fruits 水果的好处


1.櫻桃: 平靜神經系統。
2.葡萄: 擴張血管。
3.桃子: 鉀、氟和鐵的來源。
4.蘋果: 抗發炎。
5.西瓜: 平穩心率。
6.橘子: 美膚及護眼。
7.草莓: 抗衰老及抗癌。
8.香蕉: 補充能量,運動員的最愛。
9.鳳梨: 抗關節炎。
10.藍莓: 保護心臟。
11.奇異果: 增加骨質密度。
12.芒果: 抗多種癌症。

3 Morning Habits That Can Wreck Your Day

3 Morning Habits That Can Wreck Your Day
1. 太早喝咖啡: 美國馬里蘭州立大學神經科學博士Steven Miller表示,早晨醒來時能量水平自然上升,馬上喝咖啡會導致額外的能量潮。起床後一個小時,能量開始下降時再喝,會有最大的利益。
2. 早餐吃太少: 營養學博士Michelle Davenport表示,漿果加酸奶聽起來像是一個完美的健康早餐,但份量和營養都不夠。早餐應包括約15克的蛋白質、2.5克的纖維、複合碳水化合物,以及一些健康的脂肪,共約450卡路里的熱量。
3. 起床馬上檢查電子郵件: 讓自己馬上擔心工作,是壓力再加壓。起床後平靜一下,安心吃個吃健康早餐,更能提高工作效率。
So many things can make for a less-than-ideal morning: like hitting a traffic jam in the middle of your commute or realizing you’ve forgotten an umbrella just as a downpour hits. Some things are out of your hands—but other little morning habits could be starting you off on the wrong foot. Set yourself up for the best day possible by nixing these bad-for-you a.m. behaviors.

You Drink Coffee Too Early
Is there really a bad time for coffee? Yup. Energy levels rise naturally when you first wake up, so drinking coffee then causes an extra energy surge that can leave you jittery, says Steven Miller, a Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences in Maryland. You’ll reap the most benefits from coffee if you save it for an hour after you’ve gotten out of bed. That’s when your energy levels begin to plummet, so coffee keeps them up well into the afternoon.

Your Breakfast is Too Small
A handful of berries mixed into a container of Greek yogurt may sound like the perfect healthy breakfast, but it can set you up to binge in the afternoon. Not only is it just not enough food, but it’s also lacking in some nutrients that are key to ensuring you feel full until your next meal, says nutrition expert Michelle Davenport, Ph.D. A filling breakfast should consist of around 15 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber, complex carbs, and some healthy fat, says Davenport. A morning meal that contains all of those isn’t going to clock in at less than 450 calories—it’s just impossible—so you’ll want to make sure your breakfast’s at least that big. On the go? You can make these healthy breakfasts in just five minutes.

You Check Your E-mail First Thing
This is one nasty habit you should break ASAP. Checking your inbox the moment you open your eyes in the morning can set you up for stress all day long, says Melissa McCreery, Ph.D., founder of Too Much on Her Plate. Instead of worrying about work first thing, focus on starting your morning with an activity that calms you—exercising, sipping a cup of tea, or talking to a roommate. This will actually help boost your productivity and get your creative juices flowing—which will pay off at work way more than checking that e-mail from your boss would.


亮白的牙齒會讓你看起來更年輕、更有活力,但市面上販售的牙齒漂白劑讓你的敏感牙齒受不了? 紐約牙齒美容科Lowenberg醫師,建議可以嚐試以下的天然美白劑:
1. 羽衣甘藍: 密集和粗糙的纖維可以清潔牙齒,幫助清除表面污漬。
2. 起司: 含有豐富的蛋白質、鈣、磷,可以幫助緩衝嘴裡的酸性物質。最好的光亮劑是cheddar切達起司,它具有蠟狀的質感,就像一個天然的打蠟器。
3. 草莓: 含有收斂劑和維生素C,能去除表面污漬和牙菌斑。 
4. 蘋果醋: 混合蘋果醋與小蘇打粉成泥狀,當作牙膏,不但能保持牙齒琺瑯質,也能清除牙垢。若要更進一步美白,還可加入幾滴過氧化氫。小蘇打粉是一種天然的潔牙劑,具有非常低的磨料質量。當與過氧化氫混合時,釋放的氧有助於去除牙釉質表面的污漬。
5. 橘子皮或香蕉皮: 每週幾次用果皮內側磨擦牙齒一分鐘,10分鐘後再刷牙。 橘皮的白色內側含有化合物苧烯,是天然的清潔劑。香蕉有大量的鉀、鎂、錳,能去除污漬和美白。

Cheese. For dessert, avoid the tray of sweets and opt for the cheese plate instead. "Cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus, all of which can help buffer the acids in your mouth," explains Lowenberg. The best brightener: cheddar. "It contains the highest levels of each of these and has a waxy texture that acts like a natural buffer—soft cheeses such as Brie or feta won't have much of an effect," he says.

Strawberries. You might get all nervous about a stray strawberry seed getting caught between your teeth, however, the risk could be worth it when it comes to your smile. "Strawberries contain powerful teeth whiteners that contain both an astringent and vitamin C," explains Lowenberg. "The astringent in strawberries effectively aids in the removal of surface stains, while vitamin C whitens teeth by clearing away plaque."

Apple Cider Vinegar. Lowenberg suggests mixing apple cider vinegar with baking soda to make a paste to brush onto teeth (simply dip your wet toothbrush into the baking soda then pour a little apple cider vinegar on top). "The mixture is weak enough to keep tooth enamel intact, yet strong enough to remove tartar deposits that build up between dentist visits," he says. Enhance the whitening power further with a drop of hydrogen peroxide, too. "Baking soda is a natural dentifrice with a very low abrasive quality, so when mixed with the hydrogen peroxide, the oxygen released helps to break up stains that are on the enamel surface," says Lowenberg.

Orange or Banana Peel. Before tossing these in the garbage, Lowenberg says they can actually help keep teeth healthy. Buff teeth with the inside of the peel for about a minute, a few times per week; then wait 10 minutes and brush with your standard toothpaste. "The white inside portion of an orange peel contains a number of compounds limonene, a natural cleaner that is extracted from the peel and used commercially in a wide variety of cleaning products," says Lowenberg. "And bananas have high amounts of potassium, magnesium, and manganese that, when applied to the teeth, will remove stains and whiten them, plus the peel alone has calcium and vitamin D, which will help strengthen teeth."