Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Health effects of mold 微菌对健康的影响


1. 過敏:雖然大多數人能對抗一點點黴菌,已經適應它,但有些人天生敏感。最常見的症狀從輕微的眼睛發癢,嚴重至呼吸和吞嚥困難或頭暈、腹痛、嘔吐。
2. 病原反應:最常見的淺表性反應包括皮膚或指甲感染和腳氣。最嚴重的反應會攻擊腎臟、肺、肝臟或其他器官,甚至可能會危及生命。
3. 產毒反應:吸入產毒黴菌會增加生病的機會。症狀包括皮疹、發燒、噁心、疲勞、急性/慢性肝損傷、急性/慢性中樞神經系統紊亂等等。

Did you know that mold can cause disease in plants, animals and humans? The truth is that mold affects people in different ways, depending on the species of mold, the amount, the degree of exposure and the overall health of the individual who’s exposed to it.

The health effects of mold exposure can be allergenic, pathogenic or toxigenic, with reactions ranging from mild allergies to neurological damage and respiratory disease.

1. Allergenic reactions to mold
All mold is allergenic. Although most people can deal with a little bit of mold, some people are born sensitive to it. These people suffer from allergenic reactions upon exposure to mold. Allergenic reactions are the most common symptoms associated with mold exposure and these symptoms range from mild to severe.
Mild: congestion, rash, and itchy or watery eyesModerate: itchiness and difficulty breathingSevere: swelling, difficulty breathing and swallowing, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and mental confusion

2. Pathogenic reactions to mold
Pathogenic reactions to mold exposure can be divided into the following three categories:
Superficial: These are the most common pathogenic reactions to mold. They include skin infection, nail infection and athlete’s foot.Subcutaneous: These reactions to mold are more serious and occur when the infection gets under the skin.Systemic: These are the most severe and may even be life threatening. They occur when the mold attacks the kidneys, lungs, liver or other organs.

3. Toxigenic reactions to mold
A toxigenic mold is a mold capable of producing toxins. There are approximately 20 common toxins that have been found to be produced by mold. However, just because a mold is toxigenic does not mean that it is producing toxins at any given point in time.
However, ingesting these toxins increases your chances of becoming sick. Symptoms resulting from inhalation of toxins include mucous membrane irritation; skin rash; fever; nausea; fatigue; suppressed immune system; acute/chronic liver damage; acute/chronic central nervous system disorders; hormone disorders; and cancer.

Another serious condition associated with mold exposure is hypersensitive pneumonitis. This is an acute or chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of fungal antigens.

How does mold exposure occur?
There are three main ways that we can come into contact with mold: inhalation (breathing it in), dermal contact (touching it), and ingestion (eating or drinking it). Because mold spores are so small, they have the ability to get into our lungs, where they can cause anything from mild allergic reactions to serious respiratory conditions.

Most people can deal with a little bit of mold exposure without having a reaction because their bodies have become attuned to it. However, other people may be more sensitive to mold, either because of their genetic make-up or the current state of their health. People at an increased risk from mold exposure include individuals with compromised immune systems; infants and small children; the elderly; and asthmatics. It is important to remember that the potential for adverse health effects from mold exposure are uniquely individual since no two immune systems are alike.

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