Wednesday, January 1, 2014

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Heart Health 進心臟健康的簡單方法

1.Eat Breakfast

You wouldn't expect your car to run on empty, so why ask your body to do it?
Starting the day off with a healthy meal not only gives you the energy you need to work or play – it's also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, a new study found.
The 16-year study of 26,000 American men found those who skipped breakfast had a 27 percent higher risk of coronary heart disease. The association held up even after the researchers controlled for other risk factors like body mass index, blood pressure and cholesterol, according to the study published Monday in the journal Circulation.

2.Do Your Ohm Work
Research supports the idea that yoga can help reduce such cardiovascular risks as insulin resistance, high blood pressure and blood vessel inflammation. For the 2.7 million Americans diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in which the heart's upper chambers flutter randomly instead of contracting normally, yoga may be especially helpful.
A new Washington University School of Medicine study found that AF patients who did yoga in addition to taking medication reported half the number of heart quivers compared with patients who only took meds. While not a cure for AF, regular yoga practice -- at least twice a week for three months -- also improved the subjects' heart health by easing anxiety levels and significantly lowering resting heart rates.
"It doesn't necessarily have to be yoga. Any way you reduce stress is good for the heart," Becker said.

3.Be a Friend
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but togetherness strengthens heart health.
Having a close relationship with another person, be it a friend, lover or relative is so heartwarming it can halve the risk of a heart attack in someone who has already had a heart attack, a 2004 heart study suggests. And one State University of New York at Oswego investigation found that blood pressure dropped when one spent time with a spouse or partner.
Becker pointed out that whether in pairs or in groups, engaging with other people does seem to help the heart, though it's not exactly known why.
"It could be that secure social ties lead to better health habits and less depression," he said. "It could also be due to neurological and hormonal changes that lessen stress and anxiety."
Toxic associations do the heart no favors, though. In one 12-year study, British civil servants in bad relationships were 34 percent more likely to have heart attacks or heart trouble than those in happier relationships.

4.Indulge in the Dark
It's no accident that chocolate hearts are associated with Valentine's Day.
Dark chocolate contains high concentrations of cocoa. Intake of this anti-oxidant rich substance appears to relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure and control blood sugar.
Just don't get carried away. Becker said that a single 1.5 ounce serving of the sweet stuff will bestow all its heart-healthy benefits without adding an overabundance of fat, sugar or calories to your diet.

5.Dream On
Too much or too little sleep can hurt your heart.
Findings released last year by Chicago Medical School suggest that people who catch fewer than six hours of Zs a night are twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and one-and-a-half times more likely to have congestive heart failure, whereas people who slumber more than eight hours a night are more likely to experience chest pain and coronary artery disease.
Not enough shut-eye seems to trigger the nervous system to release high levels of "fight-or-flight" stress hormones that raise blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar. Short sleepers also tend to be heavier, which can take a toll on the heart.
While it's not clear why hitting the snooze button once too often affects the heart, some studies indicate oversleepers may be susceptible to depression and unmotivated to exercise. Or they may run out of time and energy to keep up with heart-friendly habits.
"Somewhere around eight hours seems optimal," Becker acknowledged. "But sleep alone won't necessarily impact heart health unless it's put in context with nutrition, activity, stress management and all of your other health habits."

1. 吃早餐:如果不會讓汽車沒油空跑,那麼為什麼要身體這麼做呢?新的一天,健康的早餐,不僅提供所需能量,也可降低心臟疾病的風險。根據26,000名美國男子,16年的追蹤研究發現,不吃早餐的人罹患冠狀動脈心臟疾病的風險提高27%。

2. 做瑜伽:華盛頓大學醫學院的研究發現,有做瑜伽習慣(每週至少兩次)的心房纖維顫動患者,病發次數比只服藥的患者少了一半。雖然瑜伽不能治癒心房纖維顫動,但能緩解焦慮和降低休息心率。

3. 與朋友相處:良好的社會關係能減輕壓力和焦慮。

4. 吃黑巧克力:含有高濃度的可可。這種抗氧化劑的攝入量能放鬆血管、降低血壓和控制血糖。

5. 適當的睡眠時間:過多或過少都不好。芝加哥醫學院去年公佈的研究結果表明,睡眠時間少於6小時的人,中風或心臟病發作的機率會高出兩倍。而多於八小時的人則更容易感到胸部疼痛和罹患冠狀動脈疾病。

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