Wednesday, November 13, 2013

電子背包控制蟑螂 被批虐蟑

美國Backyard Brains公司研發1款裝在蟑螂身上的「電子背包」,透過相應的手機應用程式(app)來控制蟑螂的行動,引發虐待昆蟲的爭議,該公司則堅稱此產品用意在鼓勵兒童研究神經科學。

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

[你怎么看] 马来西亚英文好过新加坡吗?我国获评亚洲英语最佳国家

尤其是马来西亚的排名超越了邻国新加坡 – 就在网路上引起了风波,毕竟新加坡人都觉得他们的英文好过我们,甚至有人说马来西亚连这个都要贿赂,所以才可以有那么高的排名。

国际教育机构英孚教育(Education First)公布的《2013全球英语能力指标报告》显示,马来西亚成人英语能力在60个非母语国家中排名11,除排名创新高外,也首次打败新加坡,成为亚洲英语最佳国家。中国排名亚洲34位。
英孚教育(Education First)指出,这项针对成人英文掌握能力展开的调查,证实英文不但是国际语言,同时也是全球通用的企业与贸易语言,这可从求职者及新生代父母积极培训英文掌握能力,甚至不惜花钱上培训班中得以证实。

以英文程度分阶段看国家排名 :
(非常高水平 – 1.瑞典,2.挪威,3.荷兰,4.沙尼亚,5.丹麦,6.奥地利,7.芬兰)
(高水平 – 8.波兰,9.匈牙利,10.斯洛文尼亚,11.马来西亚,,13.比利时,14.德国,15.拉脱维亚,16.瑞士,17.葡萄牙)
(中水平 – 18.斯洛伐克,19.阿根廷,20.捷克,21.印度,,23.西班牙,24.南韩,25.印尼,26.日本,27.乌克兰,28.越南)
(低水平 – 29.乌拉圭,30.斯里兰卡,31.俄国,32.意大利,,,35.法国,36.UAE,37.哥斯达黎加,38.巴西,39.秘鲁,40.墨西哥,41.土耳其,42.伊朗,43.埃及)
(非常低水平 – 44.智利,45.摩洛哥,46.哥伦比亚,47.科威特,48.厄瓜多尔,49.委内瑞拉,50.约旦,51.卡塔尔,52.危地马拉,53.萨尔瓦多,54.利比亚,55.泰国,56.巴拿马,57.哈萨克斯坦,58.阿尔及利亚,59.沙特阿拉伯,60.伊拉克)

以区域看英文程度 :
  • 马来西亚的英文程度冠亚洲
  • 香港的英文程度这几年不断在下跌
  • 越南是在东南亚排行第四的国家,在我国,新加坡和印尼之后。可是报告中并没有菲律宾
  • 马来西亚的英文程度,高于德国,瑞士,葡萄牙,西班牙
  • 法国的英文程度,还低于中国和台湾;意大利也没有好多少
  • 泰国的英文程度远远落后,排在非常低的阶段
  • 伊拉克在60个国家当中垫底
  • 欧洲国家普遍英文不错,但是西班牙,意大利,法国的英文程度比想象中的低
  • 日本的英文原来算不错,好过法国意大利

Education First 分析各区域的一些研究发现
  • 虽然印度曾一度是英国的殖民地并声称是一个英语国家,在这次评测中,与快速提升的中国相比,其英语熟练度并没有展现优势。尽管很难估计每个国家确切使用英语的人数,但今日总体人数已经大致持平,并且中国有望在短短几年内超过印度。同样曾经是英国殖民地的香港地区(第22位,53.54),其成年人英语水準与同为亚洲最富裕群体的近邻日本、韩国相比也并无显著优势,这主要是因为韩国和日本的公共教学体系中都非常重视英语学习,并有大量私人英语培训机构。
  • 马来西亚是亚洲英语水準最高的国家,在非欧洲地区,只有马来西亚和新加坡被划分为高英语熟练度的国家。在马来西亚,居民主体包括马来人、华人和印度人,长期以来,马来西亚学生进入小学后就要求学习英语,进入初中后按照英国「0」级课程体系继续学习。英语不是这三大社区人群自身的语言,却被不同社区共用,扮演著促进沟通的媒介角色。
  • 欧洲独特的多语言文化使其英语熟练度远高于其它地区。其中,北欧地区熟练掌握英语表现抢眼,几乎所有国家都名列前茅,其中还包括全球排名第一的国家。如今欧洲90%的学生在学习阶段需要学习英语。此外,欧洲很多跨国公司和工厂都使用英语作为工作语言。然而,在西班牙和意大利,其英语熟练度低于其它西欧国家的水準。
  • 拉丁美洲是所有地区中英语熟练度排名最低的,平均成绩刚达到最低水準分数线。这一方面也说明了西班牙语在这些地区才是最重要的国际语言,这一通用语种已经确保了国际贸易、外交和旅游得以顺利进行,从而降低了人们学习英语的动力。此外,低水準的教学品质和入学率也导致了拉丁美洲的英语熟练度在所有地区排名垫底。

英孚英语能力指标(EF English Proficiency Index,简称EF EPI)是业内首度推出的英语能力标準,为比较不同国家、不同时期的成人英语熟练程度提供了标準化工具。
EF Englishtown行政总裁Bill Fisher表示:「在当今竞争高度激烈的全球经济社会,熟练的英语技能愈发成为在职人士的必备条件。想要参与全球经济发展的国家及地区都意识到,培养大批掌握专业技能并能以英语沟通的毕业生是拓展服务型经济最可行的方式。」
EF 英孚教育集团是全球领先的国际教育机构,集团成立於 1965 年,本著「打破人与人之间语言、文化和地域上的界限」的使命,凭借 400 间语言学校,已经说明了超过 1,500 万名学员。英孚主要致力於语言培训、学位课程、教育游学和文化交流等方面。从 EF 英孚与 Apple 苹果电脑公司合作共同开发的最初设想开始,EF 英孚的 Efekta™ 系统就是最先进的英语学习方法,运用于 EF 英孚的语言课堂教学和通过 开展网上英语互动教学。除了说明 1,200 多个组织开展英语培训之外,EF 英孚还是北京奥运会的官方语言培训提供商,并正在著手说明巴西準备 2014 年足球世界盃。2010年英孚获得中国经营报《职场》杂志「50佳第一工作场所称号」。


Friday, November 8, 2013

日本人奇怪的發明 Another weird Japanese invention

你也許覺得大口吃漢堡是件很過癮的事,但在日本,女性在公共場所張大嘴,被視為是不禮貌也不合乎社交禮儀的行為。日本「新鮮漢堡」為了讓女性顧客可以不用擔心形像的放心享用,於是推出了隱藏嘴巴的“解放包裝” 。據報導,自從使用這個獨特的包裝後,銷售量增加了200%。原來日本女性還是喜歡吃漢堡的。

You may not think much about opening your mouth wide in public, but in Japan, it is actually considered to be bad manners for women to do so.

This was the main reason why the large “Classic Burger” by Japanese burger chain FRESHNESS BURGER didn’t do well with female diners—they had to open their mouths really wide to eat it.

Thus, enter the ‘Liberation Wrapper’. Printed with an image of the lower half of a woman’s face, this burger wrapper is designed to hide the eater’s mouth while she is eating a burger, making it appear as if she is somehow managing to keep her “Ochobo”—“small and modest” mouth—throughout the meal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

睡美容觉的6个贴士 6 Ways to Get Your Best Beauty Sleep Ever

8小時的睡眠是最好不過的,但往往不是睡眠不足就是睡眠品質不好。美國亞特蘭大睡眠醫學科技學院(The Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and Technology)主任,Kathleen Hall博士的美容覺tips:

1. 沐浴陽光: 雖然不希望在陽光下過度曝曬,但適度的陽光能自然調節身體的生理時鐘。
2. 運動: 每天20-30分鐘的運動,可以幫助入睡,但一定要做在上午或下午做。 睡前的有氧運動會刺激身體,可能更難入睡。晚上運動時,選擇伸展、放鬆身心的瑜珈。
3. 舒適的睡眠環境: 床、枕頭一定要適合自己的身型和睡眠習慣。為了好的睡眠品質,床單和棉被也是值得投資的。
4. 鎮靜的香味: 薰衣草和茉莉花的香味可以幫助入眠。研究顯示,這些香味能減輕焦慮和失眠,還能減緩心跳,放鬆肌肉。
5. 關機: 無論是電腦、平板電腦、電視、手機螢幕,甚至是照明的數字時鐘都會
刺激大腦,可能導致睡眠中斷。 把時鐘放在看不到的地方,才不會讓你專注時間,感到緊張和焦慮。盡量助保持臥室安靜、涼爽,營造一個專心休息的環境。
6. 周末時不要過度補眠: 如果週一至週五沒有得到足夠的睡眠,不要在周末時睡一整天。午睡30-60分鐘,然後早點上床。一切適可而止, 才不會打亂正常的睡眠周期。

Burned out from too much summer fun? These expert tips will get you gorgeously rested for fall.

Sure, you know that getting eight hours of sleep a night is ideal, but how often are you practicing that rule of thumb? If your answer is not often at all, let’s try the scare tactic: Did you know that a lack of sleep can cause dark circles and bags under your eyes? What about weight gain and difficulty shedding pounds? No woman in her right mind wants any of the above—verdad? So, we sat down and chatted with Russell Rosenberg, PH.D., director of The Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and Technology, and Dr. Kathleen Hall, founder and CEO of Atlanta-based companies The Mindful Living Network and The Stress Institute, to create a regimen that’ll get your Zzz’s back on track in no time.

Soak Up Some Sun

“Expose yourself to sunlight soon after awakening,” says Dr. Hall. “This will help to regulate your body’s natural biological clock.” Though you don’t want to overexpose your skin to the sun, Dr. Rosenberg recommends going for a run, gardening, or walking your dog for about thirty minutes in the morning. “It’s the sunlight that hits your eyes and sends signals to your brain that turns off the melatonin production, which wakes you up. Even on a cloudy day, there’s enough light outside to make a difference,” he says.

Work In A Workout

“Twenty to 30 minutes of exercise every day can help you sleep, but be sure to do it in the morning or afternoon,” advises Dr. Hall. “Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before bedtime may make falling asleep more difficult.” Later in the day, try taking a yoga class for a more peaceful workout sesh’. “The stretching relaxes your tight muscles and the deep breaths bring needed oxygen into the brain and body, helping you to relax,” says Dr. Hall.

Make Your Bed

According to Dr. Rosenberg, setting the stage for sleep is key. “We are creatures of habit, and the environment that we have when we sleep is important,” he says. First and foremost: Do everything you can to make your bed comfortable. “Try therapeutic shaped foam pillows that cradle your neck or extra pillows that help you sleep on your side, and get comfortable cotton sheets,” says Dr. Hall.

Spritz a Soothing Scent

Lacing your boudoir with calming scents can help you to fall asleep peacefully. But be sure to choose long-lasting scents that don’t overpower the room, like lavender and jasmine. We like Febreze Sleep Serenity Bedroom Mist in Moonlit Lavender and Quiet Jasmine ($3.50 for each, at drugstores). “Research shows that the scent of lavender eases anxiety and insomnia,” says Dr. Hall. “Researchers have also found that it increases slow-wave sleep, the very deep slumber in which the heartbeat slows, muscles relax, and the brain is thought to organize memory. On the other hand, jasmine works like sleeping pills! German researchers found that jasmine is as effective as Valium and similar drugs for relieving anxiety and promoting sleep.” Some jasmine scents have even been proven to be as effective as some pharmaceutical drugs, according to a study by the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Stash Your Gadgets

Computer, tablet, TV, and phone screens use LED lights, which stimulate your brain and prevent you from getting rest. Even a digital clock can cause sleep disruption. “A big, illuminated digital clock may cause you to focus on the time and make you feel stressed and anxious,” says Dr. Hall. “Place your clock so you can’t see the time when you are in bed.” Do, however, feel free to use a fan or white noise machine to help keep your bedroom quiet, blocking outside distractions (plus, keeping your room cool is essential for a comfy rest).

Don’t Try to Play Catch-Up

If you didn’t get much rest during the week, sleeping in on the weekend may not make up for it. “Instead, take no more than a 30 to 60 minute nap on Sunday and then add a little more time in bed in the subsequent workweek,” says Dr. Rosenberg. “That can make a difference. Don’t try to get all of the rest back in one night, try a half hour more every night.” That goes for the other way around too—if you generally get to sleep early on a week night, you can’t expect to stay out on Friday and Saturday, play catch-up on Sunday, and rise and shine with ease come Monday morning. Everything in moderation, bellezas!

6 Things That Make Water Unhealthy


1. 雙酚A (BPA): 美國國家環境健康科學研究所的發現,雙酚A出現在一些塑
2. 不洗瓶子: 細菌喜歡溫暖、潮濕的地方,所以要定期用熱肥皂水把瓶子洗乾淨、晾乾。蓮蓬頭也要定期清洗。
3. 加人工甜味劑等添加劑的水。
4. 喝太多: 水有可能喝過多? 是的。低鈉血症是因鈉在體內的水平下降太多,細胞開始膨脹,若不及時治療,可能導致低鈉血症發作和昏迷。這就是為什麼馬拉松選手是比較常見的低鈉血症患者。
5. 咖啡因: 適當咖啡因可改善記憶力和注意力。但咖啡因過頭時,會有煩躁、失眠,焦躁不安的狀況。

Water is one of those things just assumed to be good for you at all times, in all quantities. It's up there on the list of quintessentially nutritious foods and drinks with apples and broccoli and oatmeal. Water is so important and awesome, Michelle Obama wants you to drink more of it and she has created a whole new campaign around encouraging you to do so.

While most people in developed countries are lucky enough not to have to worry about where to find clean, safe drinking water, H2O isn't taken for granted everywhere. Each year, more than 3.4 million people die worldwide because of water supply, sanitation and hygiene issues that lead to diseases, infections and malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Life-threatening illnesses aside, there are still a handful of issues with your everyday water. Here are a few of those troublemakers, plus how to avoid them.

Bisphenol A
There's some research to suggest that this chemical, commonly known as BPA, found in some plastic water bottles, can leach into food and drinks, and may pose health risks especially to infants and children, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Luckily, more and more BPA-free bottles are available now. (However, some caution that even BPA-free plastics may still leach unwanted chemicals into your water when exposed to sunlight or microwaves or dishwashers, NPR reported.)

Not Washing Your Bottle
A reusable bottle -- stainless steel, perhaps? -- is a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to one-time-use bottles or cups, but you've got to keep it clean. Bacteria like to hang out in warm, wet places, after all, so screwing the lid on the mostly-empty bottle in your office, then refilling it the next morning is basically laying out the "Welcome" mat. Luckily, all it takes to stay safe is a regular wash with hot, soapy water -- and be sure to leave it open to dry, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Drinking From The Shower Head
shower head
Speaking of warm and wet, it's time to clean your shower head. Yep, the spout is prime breeding ground for bacteria that go flying into the air when you turn on the shower. Luckily for most healthy bathers, this is less dangerous than it is merely gross, but people with compromised immune systems could be at risk, reported. Do yourself a favor and fight the temptation to sip from that fountain.

Crystal Light
We count 12 ingredients on the label of this "natural" flavoring. Twelve. Ditch the artificial sweeteners and other additives for a slice of fresh lemon.

Drinking Way Too Much
too much water
It's relatively difficult to do, but it is possible to drink too much water. Seriously overhydrating leads to what's called hyponatremia, when sodium levels in the body drop so low, cells begin to swell, according to the Mayo Clinic. Untreated, hyponatremia could result in seizures and coma. But it takes truly overcompensatory gulping to reach that point, which is why refueling marathon runners are among the more common hyponatremia sufferers. Keep this rule of thumb in mind: Don't drink to the point where you feel full from water alone, reported.

In and of itself, caffeine may actually do you some good, including improving memory and concentration. But when you add a jolt to something as harmless as a bottle of water, which is what companies like Avitae and Water Joe have done, it's easy to overdo it -- and fast. Where you might sensibly stop after a couple of cups of coffee, you might absent-mindedly continue to sip at your caffeinated H2O to quench your thirst, and before you know it, find yourself in the irritable, sleepless, restless realm of heavy caffeine use.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


医院医生和护士都不愿说的医学小常识,不看不知道,一 看吓一跳!

刷牙时在牙膏上加上一点小苏达,刷三 次后牙齿洁白如玉,牙锈自然脱落。

槟榔一只,钻个小孔,再往小孔里灌入 一点烟代油用水泡两天取出凉干,想吸 烟时,闻一下就不吸了,谁闻都可以戒 烟。

醋、白糖、茶叶水各100克,醉酒以后 ,立即喝下,可达迅速醒酒,多喝醒多 更快。

取生杏仁二两少量味精化成水,然后浸 泡二在放在酒里两滴,一同少喝,可以 戒酒。

每天放几片茶叶在口中嚼三遍,这样可 使你口中保持清香,三天后除去口臭。

醋精50克,白糖50克,用凉水250克搅 拌均匀后,慢慢饮用,一天即可,严重 患者晚上增加两次。

半斤米醋浸泡一两去皮的松树籽,泡二 天后,一日擦三次,效果更佳。也可用 一匙桔皮粉加半匙香油调勺涂抹。

用桃仁放在火上烧热以后放在痛牙上咬 ,如此几次永不牙痛。

当鼻子大量流血时,患者放平躺下,将 鼻眼相反的手高举,穴位自动封死,血 立即可止。

用陈醋漱喉部,然后慢慢咽下,反复几 次即可治愈。

米醋一斤,将醋倒入盆内,浸泡或浸洗 ,每日两次,每次约一小时,消炎杀菌 ,可治脚化,又简单,见效又快,轻者 四天根治。

病后耳聋、耳鸣 大蒜味猫鼻猫自尿。
猫尿滴耳三次一次 两滴可根治病后耳聋。耳鸣可将蛇皮焙 成灰,吹入耳中,连吹三次可治耳鸣。

睡觉时口含桔皮一块,含十五分钟后吐 出3-5次可根治的呼咬。

白矾研成细末,擦脚掌心10分钟3-4次 脚以后不再出汗不臭。可保持七八个月 。

每天早晚吃梨一个,慢慢咽下,保持3-4天,立即好转。病情严重的也可以用 本方治疗。

黄豆50克,煮熟加食盐适量多吃连吃3-4天,此方对控制冠心病不发展,特别 理想,犯病以后再用此方。

用白色的萝卜皮贴在两面的太阳穴上, 每晚贴20分钟,可达速效,头不痛就不 用再贴了,此方主治头晕脑涨。

芝麻炒熟,加入盐少许,最好是产前10 天就开始吃,进餐时作副食,可快速增 乳汁,吃得越多奶来的越快。

每天早晚各吃菠萝50克,5-7天效果最 佳,2年左右不会犯病,犯病以后,再 接着吃一次,病重者每天吃二次,可以 稳固病情。

杏皮晒干撕碎作个小枕头可醒目养神。 对视力减弱。见风流泪近视远视等都有 一定的疗效。

将线瓜叶搓碎在患处磨擦发红为止,每 七天搓一次3次即可,严重者连用6次即 可治愈。

用棉花球沾一滴香油放在鼻内15分钟后 取出连续2-3天,每天三次,严重者多 用2次。也可用大蒜泡醋插入鼻中。

新鲜海带二两,作成一碗海带汤,不要 往里放虽的青菜,清晨空腹喝下,连服 十日即可,海带能快速恢复血压正常。

新鲜江豆100克,加水煮烂加食盐少许 ,每顿饭前服用3-5日可恢复健康,如 经常吃对强身壮力效果最佳。

杏会用水泡后去皮,捣烂如泥,加一个 蛋清调匀,每晚睡前,次晨用白酒洗去 ,直至斑退。

民间治法取红皮鸡蛋壳二十个放在成瓦 片上用火焙干研成细末,用糖水服用, 饮前服一小勺,一日2次,服完为止, 此方十分珍贵,同时对补钙和软骨病都 有很好的疗效。

将韭菜捣烂,少对一点小男孩尿,贴在 伤处几小时即可消肿,三日后可以恢复 正常。

去国营茶庄买二两乌龙茶,喝一周乌龙 茶能快速融化脂肪促进脂肪代谢,达到 减肥,又能预防肥胖症的发生。(茶浓)

经常运动,不气不愁,年年保持多吃糖 蒜,糖蒜是延长寿命的最佳良药,它可 杀死体内多种有害菌。

到乡下取苏子叶二两,用热水泡后饮用 轻者四杯即可,重者多饮几日,它能速 效调经安神作用,对痛经寒大经期不正 常有特效。

用500克扇贝壳(干贝)煎水洗头,每天洗 一次连洗6-8次,使再长出来的头发又 黑又粗,如白头特别多可多洗几次。

每口晚上用一个鸡蛋清擦脸,一小时后 用清水洗掉,如能经常擦,皮肤越来越 嫩。

将土元(上憋子)七个焙成灰,黄酒七两 ,共放一瓶内泡七天七夜,每晚七时喝 七钱黄酒,并用拳头用力调皮打患处七 七四下九下,病重者多服几疗程可痊愈 。

米醋100克,茴香粉5克。调和匀涂擦腑 下数次狐臭立即消失。

取一块生姜切开擦脚心,男擦左女擦右 ,一次擦十分钟。

羊胫骨四根,用大柴火烧成焦黄色后捣 碎成面,每天晚饭后用一两黄酒送服, 连用数次。

大白菜根去泥洗净切片放锃锅内加两久 水煮开后加醋精洗头,连洗七八天,可 使头发柔顺,光亮,头皮很快消失。头 发一根不掉。

怎么治 将紫皮大蒜捣烂如泥,再加少许白矾涂 在灰指甲上。不要抹的太厚。然后用塑 料布将指甲封好。塑料布透光封闭效果 好只需七八天,觉得有涨的感觉就好了 。

南瓜子(去壳留仁)50-100个研碎加水糖 适量拌成糊状,空腹服用一次可好,本 方能打掉小儿多种病虫。


用一块胶布中间剪一小眼,贴鸡眼上, 小眼出现鸡眼,再撒眼上一点尿素面(化 肥)再用一块胶布压住,三日换一次,换 六次,鸡眼自消自灭。

干枣三两,雄鸡肝三个,用火炖烂,连 汤喝,连喝三次。

生姜 找嫩生姜洗乾净,一定要带皮,然 後把生姜捣烂,用纱布包著,把生姜捏 出汁来,而後把姜汁淋在伤处,不必包 扎,能使你晚上睡眠不会发烧,不会肿 痛。一天一次,一周就可痊愈,且不会 留下疤痕。 用大葱叶治疗烫伤,效果甚佳。方法是 遇到开水、火或油的烫伤,即掐一段绿 色的葱叶,劈开成片状,将有粘液的一 面贴在烫伤处,烫伤面积大的可多贴几 片,并轻轻包扎,既可止痛,又防止起 水泡,一一二天即可痊愈。也有的人吃 饭喝汤不小心烫伤了口腔或食道,马上 嚼食绿葱叶,慢慢下咽,效果也很好。 鸡蛋油治烫伤 取煮熟的鸡蛋黄两个用筷 子搅碎,放入铁锅内,用文火熬,等蛋 黄发糊的时候用小勺挤油(熬油时火不 要太旺,要及时挤油,不然蛋黄就焦了 ),放入小瓶里待用。每天抹二次,三 天以後即痊愈。

Sunday, October 6, 2013


空洞化會對人體造成傷害嗎?解剖學與生理學講師合作會只發表過一篇深入探討的研究論文。這個研究由雷蒙‧波狄厄(Raymond Brodeur)所完成,發表在《物理治療期刊》(Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics)裡。這個研究檢驗了300名拗指關節的人,來看看他們關節傷害的情況。

Saturday, October 5, 2013

最常犯的護髮錯誤 The 10 Biggest Hair Care Mistakes

1. 洗髮前不梳頭:頭髮溼時是最脆弱的,所以洗頭前先梳開。如果你喜歡在淋浴時梳髮,先擦護髮素,用手指把打結的地方分開,沖洗前再用寬齒梳理。
2. 只梳髮尾:你可能怕過度梳髮而造成損傷,但頭皮有天然油脂,是自然的護髮素。用木製的毛刷按摩頭皮,可刺激循環和頭髮生長。
3. 過度洗髮:會洗去頭皮健康的油脂,使頭髮失去光澤。
4. 用過多的潤絲精:雖然過多的潤絲精會使髮頂扁塌,但細髮質的頭髮容易損傷,所以還是建議使用,但一定要適量和沖洗乾淨。每週一次用深層洗髮水,以防止殘留物積聚。
5. 用力擦乾頭髮:頭髮摩擦過多會粗糙角質層,導致毛髮無光澤、毛躁或斷裂。
6. 吹理前沒有先護髮:高溫會損壞髮質,吹理或加熱前要用隔熱護髮素為屏障和平滑角質層。
7. 在潮濕的頭髮上使用塑髮電棒:頭髮應該完全乾燥後才可進行熱定型,否則會損傷毛囊。
8. 使用電棒時噴髮膠:髮膠中的酒精成份會因接觸高溫而損傷髮質。應定型後再噴髮膠。
9. 太常刮髮根使頭髮膨鬆:偶爾OK,但常常這麼做會損害角質層。
10. 以為分叉可以修護:一旦頭髮分叉,沒有產品可以修補。唯一對抗方法是預防或修剪。若要掩飾明顯的分叉,可嘗試堅果油或蜂蠟的精華素。

1. Not Brushing Before Washing
A damage double-whammy: Hair is weakest when it’s wet, and wet hair is more prone to tangling. To prevent shower-induced snarls, give your hair a brush before hopping in. If you like to comb in the shower, apply conditioner, untangle strands with your fingers, then use a wide-toothed comb before rinsing.

2. Brushing the Ends Only
You’ve heard that brushing too much causes breakage, but your scalp’s natural oils are one of the best conditioners out there. Massage your scalp with a wooden-bristle brush like Widu to stimulate circulation and hair growth and brush from roots to ends to add luster naturally.

3. Being a Clean Freak
Most heads of hair don’t benefit from daily washing. Chronic washing strips your scalp of healthy oils, leaving your hair lackluster and lifeless. By all means, shower daily, but if you don’t use a ton of styling products, try just rinsing hair with water or using a light, volumizing conditioner every other day.

4. Haphazard Conditioning
We’ve heard to condition only the ends to prevent flat, weighed-down tresses, but fine-haired gals should condition their roots as well since their hair is more susceptible to breakage. Over conditioning is another common snafu. Use just enough to untangle snags and save serious slathering for a once-a-week deep treatment or hair masque like Zerran’s Hair Redemption or DermOrganic Intensive Hair Repair Masque. No matter how you condition, be sure to rinse until the water runs clear and use a clarifying shampoo from time to time to prevent residue build-up.

5. Intense Towel Drying
Most styling products direct you to use them on towel-dried hair, but rubbing hair too much will roughen up the cuticle, leading to dull hair, frizz, and breakage. Blot hair with a towel and shake out the strands with your fingers. Your hair will take longer to dry, but it will be healthier in the long run.

6. Skipping Heat Protection
We all know that heat is one of the most damaging elements to hair. But if you don’t want to live without blow-drying, curling, or flattening, always, always use a heat-protective aid to shield strands and smooth cuticles. I like Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum. Before blow-drying, let hair air dry until just damp (use your fingers to shake out hair to speed the process) and opt for the warm setting instead of hot to avoid habitual heat damage.

7. Using Hot Irons on Damp Hair
Wet hair and hot tools don’t mix. Curling and flat irons can burn the follicles of damp strands, leading to weak and broken tresses. Hair should be completely dry before heat styling, period. Even when you’re in a rush.

8. Using Hairspray Before Styling
Ever hear a sizzle when curling or straightening hair that has hairspray in it? Alcohols in hairspray burn on contact with heat. Always use hairspray AFTER curling or ironing.

9. Teasing with Abandon
For the occasional va-va-voom, back-combing hair toward the root to amp up volume is a celebrated trick. But teasing regularly will damage hair cuticles and lead to breakage. To get the dimension without the damage, try Giovanni Root 66 Directional Root Lifting Spray and blow dry for natural, non-sticky volume.

10. Thinking You Can Mend Split Ends
Sorry ladies: Once hair has split at the ends, there’s no product that can mend it. The only solution for split ends is to prevent them in the first place (e.g. avoiding over-washing, rigorous towel drying, and abusing heat tools)—or to get a trim. For a temporary way to minimize visibly broken bottoms, try using a product with beeswax or a serum with argan oil on the ends to smooth splits.

11個吃不胖的重點 11 Tips To Eat Like A Skinny Woman

1. 只有餓時才會吃。
2. 情緒激動、憤怒、憂慮或不安時,不會藉著食物來安慰自己。
3. 只吃真正的食物,而不是食品或是任何不能在家裡做的菜。
4. 不吃不喜歡的食物。
5. 不吃煮過頭、未煮熟、過鹹或過甜的食物。
6 . 通常只吃新鮮的食物。
7. 飯前或吃飯時不喝冰飲,因會減緩消化。
8. 只跟喜歡的人一起吃。
9. 不會邊看電視邊吃。
10. 不喜歡吃太飽的感覺,七分飽時就停止進食。
11. 咀嚼和放緩速度。每餐應該需30至45分鐘。咀嚼至食物幾乎是液體,可以幫助消化和吸收最多的養分。

1. Eat when you're hungry.

Next time you feel like eating, ask if your desire for food is coming from your mind or from your body. If your brain is looking for an escape, find another non-caloric activity that helps you feel good. If food was the answer to boredom, get engaged in something fun. If food was the answer to exhaustion, rest your eyes, stretch, drink water, or take a break. If you're hungry, eat.

2. Don’t eat when you’re stressed out, emotional, angry, worried or upset.

Your digestion works when you’re relaxed, not when you’re upset. You can either digest or be stressed, not both.

3. Eat (mostly) real food, not food “products” or anything that you couldn’t make at home.

OK, you might not be an amazing baker, but you could probably whip up some gluten-free, naturally sweetened cupcakes, right? Could you make a Twinkie without professional, industrial equipment? Nope.

4. Avoid foods you don’t like, even if you think you should eat them.

Your body and brain will rebel and ask for treats later because you were “so good” and ate that dandelion green salad. Instead, have the red bell pepper or green beans and your body will be less likely to have a tantrum.

5. Skip foods that are overcooked, undercooked, over-salted, overly sweet, or just badly cooked.

Avoid badly cooked foods, which usually means learning how to cook simple foods for yourself at home, or eating at quality places. When you eat food that’s cooked well, by people who love to cook, it tastes better and feels better.

6. Eat mostly fresh foods.

Meals from frozen, packaged or canned containers aren’t vital and enlivening. They don’t have as many nutrients, and they’re usually overly salted and limp. Give yourself the fresh stuff.

7. Skip the iced water or cold drink before and during a meal.

This means asking for water with no ice at most American restaurants. Frigid liquid inhibits the digestive fire and slows digestion.

8. Eat with people you like, where you like.

Eating is an intimate act. We take nourishment into our bodies with the food, and conversation that comes with it. Choose your lunch and dinner partners by asking yourself who feels good to be around. If you can’t find anyone nice to eat with, go eat outside or look out the window.

9. Avoid watching TV when you eat.

Not only will you eat more calories when you zone out, but many TV shows trigger negative, stressful emotions that mess up our digestion. Reality TV especially causes us to judge the contestants and ourselves, which makes our bodies feel stressed. Remember: Your digestive system shuts down when you’re stressed out: you can either digest or be stressed, but you can’t do both. (See Rule #2)

10. Stop eating when you’re full.

Feeling uncomfortably stuffed after a meal negates any pleasure you would have gotten from the meal. If your stomach was a bucket, eat until you're at 70%. This is nourished, but not too full. Save any leftovers for later, when you'll enjoy them more.

11. Breathe, chew and slow down.

How long do you take to eat your meals? Double it. Each meal should take 30 to 45 minutes to eat. This is easier to do when you sit at a table rather than at your desk or on the couch. Chewing until your food is almost liquid helps you digest better and absorb the most nutrients.

Thursday, October 3, 2013



  他女友有错吗?没有,人活着必须为了生活而奔波。 爱情在金钱面前变得无奈。
  最近很多电视台都在播出相亲节目,很多女人和家长问的第一个问题是有没有房。没有房就别谈了。无房无缘份,其他条件再好,性格再般配也是白搭。 其实这不是是和男人相亲。这是在和房子相亲。男人不过是房子的附属品罢了。

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

臉上不同的部位長痘痘代表什麼? What Are Your Pimple Breakouts Telling You?

1. 額頭上:往往是壓力過大或睡眠太少導致,確保有充足的睡眠。
2. 眉毛上方:代表免疫系統。可能在感冒時或感冒前後冒出來,放慢步驟幾天,多喝水,多吃增強免疫力的食物。
3. 眉毛之間:吃太多垃圾食物或食物過敏所引起的。減少糖、乳製品和酒精的攝取量。
4. 臉頰:呼吸系統。吸煙或是呼吸到髒空氣。
5. 下巴:下巴兩側都受荷爾蒙影響。通常可能是月事不順或在月事時出現。

1. Forehead. Breakouts across the forehead are often triggered by stress or sleep deprivation. Make sure to log 7 to 9 hours of beauty rest a night to keep your forehead clear.

2. Above the brow. The area above the brow is affected by your immune system. Breakouts here tend to happen right before, after, or during a cold or flu. If you notice a breakout in this zone, slow down for a couple days, drink plenty of water and eat these 10 immune boosting foods.

3. Between brows. Breakouts between the brows can be caused by overindulgence of unhealthy foods or a food allergy. Cutting back on sugar, dairy, rich foods, and alcohol can help clear up skin in this zone.

4. Cheeks. Your cheeks are linked to your respiratory system. Smoking or breathing polluted air can cause breakouts here.

5. Side of chin. The sides of your chin are affected by hormones. Breakouts here occur around the time of your period and happen on one side or another depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

超重的24個原因 The 24 reasons why you are overweight

1. 吃太多健康但高熱量的食物:堅果、酪梨、全麥麵食、橄欖油和黑巧克力是全天然、健康的,但它們的熱量也可能很高。例如,一個酪梨就超過200卡路里,所以無論健康愈否,都要節制。
2. 不吃早餐:想節省熱量,但卻讓身體守住脂肪,新陳代謝減緩。選擇含有蛋白質和纖維的早餐,以持續能源。
3. 份量太大:控制份量是成功減重的重要關鍵。一開始可能需要量杯和湯匙的幫助,以確保份量是正確的。
4. 站著吃:導致無意識的飲食。最好有個固定的小吃時間。...
5. 睡眠不足:影響身體控制胃口的能力,增加刺激食慾的激素。
6. 吃太多低脂食物:有較低的卡路里,但可能含太多的鈉或化學添加劑。
7. 沒有吃足夠的蔬菜:每天至少吃五到七份,因為植物性食物為主的飲食能提供低卡高纖的營養素。
8. 運動不足:散步15分鐘,有總比沒有好,但若要有真正的效果,每天至少得做30分鐘的有氧運動。
9. 沒有把食物切開,就大口吃:研究發現,小口小口的吃,會吃得較少,也較有滿足感。
10. 沒有戒汽水或高熱量飲料:沒有營養好處,但卻是破壞減重目標的主因之一。
11. 伴侶有不同的飲食習慣:若減重時有個伴,效果更佳。但若另一半喜歡外食、吃零食,那你減重的過程會更辛苦。
12. 喜歡在食物上加調味料和配料:沙拉是健康的,但若加上培根、乾果、起司等等,然後再加上一大匙的高熱量沙拉醬,卡路里當然劇增。
13. 不喝水:餐前喝水有助控制食量,增加飽足感。
14. 你沒有任何樂趣:壓力過大時容易被高糖、高脂的食品誘惑,導致體重增加。
15. 不夠堅持:減重時不能三心二意,又期望看到結果。
16. 總是在吃:吃是你的放鬆方式。
17. 沒有記食物日記:無法準確的知道吃了多少。
18. 空腹運動:研究發現,空腹運動燃燒的熱量來自於肌肉,而不是脂肪。
19. 只有做心肺運動,而忽略重量訓練:重量訓練不僅可防止關節損傷,也可建立肌肉質量和增加代謝率。
20. 沒有專心的進食:電腦或電視可能讓你忘了自己吃了多少。
21. 衣服穿太大:舒適寬鬆的衣服掩蓋了身材,讓你忘了多出來的贅肉。
22. 一直處在飢餓狀態:可能會導致暴飲暴食,混淆新陳代謝。
23. 放棄某個食物群:可導致營養缺乏。
24. 運動後多吃了:小吃就只是小吃,要限制在150卡路里內。

Even if you've kicked off a fitness routine and you're choosing healthier food, you may not be seeing the weight come off the way you'd hoped. One or a few of these 25 weight-loss culprits may be all that's standing in the way of your weight-loss goals.


Nuts, avocados, whole wheat pasta, olive oil, and dark chocolate are all natural and healthy, but they aren't void of calories. You still need to watch how much you eat of the good stuff. For example, avocado offers a lot of health benefits, but an entire fruit is over 200 calories.


Skipping breakfast may seem like a great way to save calories, but your body will actually hold onto fat because it thinks it's being starved. Keep in mind that people who eat breakfast regularly lose more weight, so make sure to eat breakfast each morning to jump-start your metabolism. Don't just grab anything; include protein to give yourself sustainable energy and fibre to fill you up for hours.


When it comes to a balanced diet, we know that portion control is one of the keys to success. Keep measuring cups and spoons on hand to make sure your serving sizes are appropriate, and learn how to give your body the "I'm full" signal in order to help you drop the fork when the time is right.


Standing at the fridge or the counter to chow down isn't saving time or energy and can lead to mindless eating. It's best to designate time for snacking and meals that's set apart from other activities.


Making time for your workouts can mean less time for sleep, but it's important to get enough Z's if you're trying to lose weight. You need extra energy to keep up with your exercise routine, and skimping on sleep can affect your body's ability to control its appetite: not enough shut-eye increases appetite-stimulating hormones.


Going for foods with a lower calorie count can be deceiving, since many times they're filled with extra sodium, sugar, or chemical additives to make up for the ingredients the company has removed or decreased. Not only are these light versions less nutritious, but they also end up tasting "lighter," leading you to eat more. You'll probably end up consuming more calories than you would if you just ate a regular-sized portion of the real thing.


Eating five to seven servings of fruits and veggies a day is important for everyone, but dieters who go heavy on the produce are more likely to lose and keep the weight off, since a diet full of plant-based foods offers a greater variety of nutrients with fewer calories - and all that fiber keeps the body feeling fuller longer.


A 15-minute stroll is better than nothing, but don't expect to see dramatic weight-loss results. You've got to kick it up a notch - big time - and do at least 30 minutes a day of heart-pumping exercise. Big calorie and fat burners include running, spin class, interval training, hiking, and circuit training.


Something as simple as slicing up your dinner can be helpful for your overeating woes. Cutting food into tiny pieces may seem slightly childish, but studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less.


Soft drinks offer no nutritional benefits and continuing to drink them is sabotaging your weight-loss goals - even if you only drink diet ones. Studies have shown that individuals who drink two diet soft drinks a day or more had waistlines that were 50 per cent larger than the non-drinkers.


A partner who's on a similar path can be a huge help to your weight-loss goals, but if your partner is not on board, then your relationship may be making you fat.

You can't expect to lose weight if your partner constantly suggests ordering takeout, wants to go out for ice cream, or encourages you to sleep in instead of hitting the gym! Communicating that you need their support in losing weight is a great first step in finding compromises - for both of you. For starters, the next time you have dinner out, offer to split an entree or skip dessert.


A salad is one of the healthiest meals you can have, but when you top it with bacon bits, goat cheese, nuts, dried fruits, and dressing, you can double the calorie amount in a flash. Be aware of how many calories your favorite salad extras add on. For instance, 10 croutons is an easy 100 calories.


Besides keeping you hydrated, drinking water on the regular, according to recent studies, can aid with weight loss. Filling up on water before a meal helps encourage portion control, and eating foods that contain a lot of water (like fruits and veggies) will fill you up faster, causing you to eat less.


Since stress can cause weight gain by triggering the body to eat more - especially foods high in sugar and fat - make sure you give yourself time to relax and unwind. And it's an added bonus that so many fun activities (like dancing, hiking, and shopping) are already natural calorie-burners!


Whether you're on Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or your own diet-and-exercise plan, you can't do it halfheartedly and expect to see results. Stay committed to your plan, or you'll see the kilos pile on instead of dropping from the scale.


Hitting your favourite restaurant is a great way to unwind, but you're more likely to indulge in a huge meal complete with starters, drinks, fried foods, and dessert.


Writing down what you eat is an essential way to monitor daily caloric intake. Don't think it's worth the effort? A study from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics surveyed 123 women and found that those who were the most successful at losing weight monitored their food intake by keeping a journal.


If you regularly exercise without eating first, you should reconsider: when you work out on an empty stomach, research shows that the calories burned come from muscle, not fat. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, the more muscle mass you have, the better it is for weight loss. Not only will fueling your body help you avoid losing muscle, but also, you'll have more energy to push yourself through your workout.


If you live on the treadmill but never lift a weight, then you're missing out on one of the most important pieces of the fitness puzzle. Not only does weight training prevent injury by strengthening the joints, but it also builds muscle mass and increases metabolic rate. Bonus: thanks to a revved-up metabolism, you'll keep burning calories long after you've slipped off your sneakers.


Aligning mealtime with a screen like your computer or the TV can be hurt your weight-loss goals. Designating a special time for meals without distractions will help you connect to your food and, as a result, eat less. Sometimes you don't even realise how much you're scarfing when your mind is somewhere else.


Loose clothes are comfy, but they cover up the body and allow you to forget what you look like, which can work against your fitness motivation. Instead, opt for clothes that have a more fitted silhouette to help give you a sense of your body image. Or, better yet, start the day in your gym outfit to inspire you to do something active.


Don't starve yourself to save calories for later. It'll not only mess up your metabolism, and by dinnertime, that famished feeling will likely cause you to eat more than you would if you weren't starving. Not only is starving yourself not sustainable for continued weight loss, but also, limiting yourself to too-small portions can lead to excess snacking between mealtimes.


Giving up entire food groups can lead to a nutritional deficiency - not to mention trigger major cravings for whatever food has been cut. Rather than, say, eliminating all carbohydrates, focus on whole grains and remember to monitor portion control. Usually it's the extra servings that add to your waistline, not the pasta itself.


In an otherwise healthy diet, eating a few french fries or a piece of chocolate cake isn't going to ruin your weight-loss goals. A study found that it isn't necessary to up workout intensity the day after a piece of cake and that a daily variance of as much as 600 calories won't reflect on your waistline, as long as you maintain a healthy diet in the long run.


A post-workout snack is just that - a snack. And unless it's mealtime, what you eat after an average workout should be around 150 calories. Since healthy foods like trail mix can be high in calories, measure out a serving instead of mindlessly chomping straight out of the bag.

10種擺脫蝴蝶袖的手臂運動。 10 Exercises That Target the Triceps.

10 Exercises That Target the Triceps.

一個健康的關係,讓人感到快樂和滿足 20 Bad Habits That Hurt Your Relationship

1. 不要試圖”改善”對方,也不要期望不切實際的改變。提醒他鋪床是一回事,但要他從宅男變成陽光男孩又是另一回事
2. 不要在大家面前爭吵,使周圍的人都覺得彆扭。
3. 良性溝通是健康關係的一部分,但若怕衝突而完全不溝通,反而會造成問題的堆積。
4. 積怨不僅傷害關係,也會造成不必要的壓力和焦慮。要學習忘記和原諒。
5. 選擇適當的時間和地點討論重要問題。
6. 關係是給予和接受,但不需要一筆一筆記錄下誰做的多或做的少。
7. 不要過於戲劇化,心平氣和地才能解決問題。
8. 關係要能持久,信任是關鍵。尊重彼此的隱私,不要老是偷看他的手機。
9. 不要因在一起久了,覺得很安全,就不在乎自己的外表。
10. 不要拿他與前任做比較。
12. 對自己誠實。
13. 不健康的關係可以導致自卑,避免這種危險關係。
14. 不要把對方視為理所當然。適時的表示感激和重視,只會增進感情。

1. Trying to improve him/her. News flash: There's no such thing as a perfect person, so don't expect unrealistic changes. Reminding him or her to make the bed is one thing, but trying to radically change shyness or anxiety is another — and could be ignoring the underlying causes for those issues in the first place.

2. Finding faults with the fam. The 'rents may be harder to handle than your significant other. But even if there's some clashing of heads, don't focus on the family's faults. Getting criticism from family members can make people feel depressed and hostile — which means some tense holiday dinners. Besides, the situation can't be worse than what Gaylord went through in Meet the Parents.

3. Engaging in constant PDA. Getting it on in public can not only make bystanders uncomfortable, it may also compensate for a lack of real communication. Stick to hand-holding and quick kisses, and save the rest for the bedroom (or the cell phone?).

4. Fighting in public. As if PDA weren't bad enough. Arguing in public can embarrass the couple and make everyone around feel awkward, too. Talk it out in private, please.

5. Avoiding fighting. Love isn't all good, all the time. Disagreements are bound to happen, and arguments can be a healthy part of a relationship. Never having conflict may make compromise impossible. Just don't make fighting an all-day affair.

6. Not talking it out. If something is wrong, the other person probably can't read your mind. When a problem comes up, speak up at the right time. One study suggests young couples are less stressed when they talk out their issues than when they keep their feelings bottled up. And don't forget to say, "I love you." Expressing emotions — positive and negative — can benefit that bond.

7. Forgetting to forgive. People make mistakes, and holding on to grudges may not only hurt a relationship — it could also cause unwanted stress and anxiety. Sympathy may be easier to give if we realize it will benefit our health.

8. Timing discussions badly. Conversations about important issues, like relationship expectations and financial blunders, all have their time and place. Don't bring up serious topics when someone's stressed, like at the end of the workday or right before hosting a party. Set up a time to talk when both people are relaxed.

9. Keeping score. Sure, relationships should be about give and take, but don't keep track of every little detail (For example: I paid for the last six dinners, and you only paid for five!). It can cause unnecessary tension.

10. Being melodramatic. No relationship is perfect. So don't create unnecessary drama in every scenario. If a mate forgets to take out the garbage, there's no need for a scene. Take a few breaths and address the problem calmly.

11. Spying. When two people want to make it work, trust is key. Have confidence in your mate and respect their privacy: Don’t snoop through texts, emails, or bedroom drawers. (Definitely don’t use this!)

12. Allowing jealousy to take over. Doubting your partner may be a symptom of a larger problem: relationship insecurity. And women who feel insecure in their relationships may be at greater risk for health issues like a weakened immune system. Some advice for reducing envy, at least temporarily? Stay off Facebook and other social networking sites.

13. Letting go. Sometimes when partners feel too secure with each other, they end up putting on a few pounds, possibly because they’re less physically active. Try being a power couple to stay both happy and healthy.

14. Constantly comparing. Forget the ex and stop comparing a current partner with a person from the past. This could lead to unrealistic expectations.

15. Doing everything together. Everyone needs some alone time (yep, even hopelessly devoted couples). Solitude may even enhance relationships, making time together more valuable.

16. Lying. Little white lies can add up and ruin a relationship that should be built on honesty. There is wiggle room, of course: “Sweetie, that homemade dinner tasted great…”

17. Not being honest with yourself. Don’t just be honest with a companion. Stay real about what you need in order to stay satisfied. Is a long distance relationship really worth the work? Is it okay that they’re working all the time?

18. Lacking self-confidence. Not feeling confident in a relationship can really do some damage: Low self-esteem is sometimes linked to low sex drive, which could make things less heated in the bedroom. Getting active, setting goals, and even smiling can improve self-confidence. But don’t forget that an unhealthy relationship can actually cause low-self esteem, so steer clear of someone who makes you feel less than great.

19. Forgetting why you’re in it. Remember to ask yourself why you two are dating, and what you want out of it. Does a partner want to put a ring on it while you want to remain casual? Being with someone for the wrong reasons is one slippery slope!

20. Taking him or her for granted. Always remember why you love that special someone. Showing gratitude and paying attention to that good person by your side will only make the relationship stronger