Saturday, October 5, 2013

11個吃不胖的重點 11 Tips To Eat Like A Skinny Woman

1. 只有餓時才會吃。
2. 情緒激動、憤怒、憂慮或不安時,不會藉著食物來安慰自己。
3. 只吃真正的食物,而不是食品或是任何不能在家裡做的菜。
4. 不吃不喜歡的食物。
5. 不吃煮過頭、未煮熟、過鹹或過甜的食物。
6 . 通常只吃新鮮的食物。
7. 飯前或吃飯時不喝冰飲,因會減緩消化。
8. 只跟喜歡的人一起吃。
9. 不會邊看電視邊吃。
10. 不喜歡吃太飽的感覺,七分飽時就停止進食。
11. 咀嚼和放緩速度。每餐應該需30至45分鐘。咀嚼至食物幾乎是液體,可以幫助消化和吸收最多的養分。

1. Eat when you're hungry.

Next time you feel like eating, ask if your desire for food is coming from your mind or from your body. If your brain is looking for an escape, find another non-caloric activity that helps you feel good. If food was the answer to boredom, get engaged in something fun. If food was the answer to exhaustion, rest your eyes, stretch, drink water, or take a break. If you're hungry, eat.

2. Don’t eat when you’re stressed out, emotional, angry, worried or upset.

Your digestion works when you’re relaxed, not when you’re upset. You can either digest or be stressed, not both.

3. Eat (mostly) real food, not food “products” or anything that you couldn’t make at home.

OK, you might not be an amazing baker, but you could probably whip up some gluten-free, naturally sweetened cupcakes, right? Could you make a Twinkie without professional, industrial equipment? Nope.

4. Avoid foods you don’t like, even if you think you should eat them.

Your body and brain will rebel and ask for treats later because you were “so good” and ate that dandelion green salad. Instead, have the red bell pepper or green beans and your body will be less likely to have a tantrum.

5. Skip foods that are overcooked, undercooked, over-salted, overly sweet, or just badly cooked.

Avoid badly cooked foods, which usually means learning how to cook simple foods for yourself at home, or eating at quality places. When you eat food that’s cooked well, by people who love to cook, it tastes better and feels better.

6. Eat mostly fresh foods.

Meals from frozen, packaged or canned containers aren’t vital and enlivening. They don’t have as many nutrients, and they’re usually overly salted and limp. Give yourself the fresh stuff.

7. Skip the iced water or cold drink before and during a meal.

This means asking for water with no ice at most American restaurants. Frigid liquid inhibits the digestive fire and slows digestion.

8. Eat with people you like, where you like.

Eating is an intimate act. We take nourishment into our bodies with the food, and conversation that comes with it. Choose your lunch and dinner partners by asking yourself who feels good to be around. If you can’t find anyone nice to eat with, go eat outside or look out the window.

9. Avoid watching TV when you eat.

Not only will you eat more calories when you zone out, but many TV shows trigger negative, stressful emotions that mess up our digestion. Reality TV especially causes us to judge the contestants and ourselves, which makes our bodies feel stressed. Remember: Your digestive system shuts down when you’re stressed out: you can either digest or be stressed, but you can’t do both. (See Rule #2)

10. Stop eating when you’re full.

Feeling uncomfortably stuffed after a meal negates any pleasure you would have gotten from the meal. If your stomach was a bucket, eat until you're at 70%. This is nourished, but not too full. Save any leftovers for later, when you'll enjoy them more.

11. Breathe, chew and slow down.

How long do you take to eat your meals? Double it. Each meal should take 30 to 45 minutes to eat. This is easier to do when you sit at a table rather than at your desk or on the couch. Chewing until your food is almost liquid helps you digest better and absorb the most nutrients.

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