Tuesday, October 1, 2013

臉上不同的部位長痘痘代表什麼? What Are Your Pimple Breakouts Telling You?

1. 額頭上:往往是壓力過大或睡眠太少導致,確保有充足的睡眠。
2. 眉毛上方:代表免疫系統。可能在感冒時或感冒前後冒出來,放慢步驟幾天,多喝水,多吃增強免疫力的食物。
3. 眉毛之間:吃太多垃圾食物或食物過敏所引起的。減少糖、乳製品和酒精的攝取量。
4. 臉頰:呼吸系統。吸煙或是呼吸到髒空氣。
5. 下巴:下巴兩側都受荷爾蒙影響。通常可能是月事不順或在月事時出現。

1. Forehead. Breakouts across the forehead are often triggered by stress or sleep deprivation. Make sure to log 7 to 9 hours of beauty rest a night to keep your forehead clear.

2. Above the brow. The area above the brow is affected by your immune system. Breakouts here tend to happen right before, after, or during a cold or flu. If you notice a breakout in this zone, slow down for a couple days, drink plenty of water and eat these 10 immune boosting foods.

3. Between brows. Breakouts between the brows can be caused by overindulgence of unhealthy foods or a food allergy. Cutting back on sugar, dairy, rich foods, and alcohol can help clear up skin in this zone.

4. Cheeks. Your cheeks are linked to your respiratory system. Smoking or breathing polluted air can cause breakouts here.

5. Side of chin. The sides of your chin are affected by hormones. Breakouts here occur around the time of your period and happen on one side or another depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.

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