Thursday, December 25, 2014

健康飲食習慣 healthy eating habit

Holiday Season is here, don't forget your healthy eating habit
1. More Veggie, Brown Rice, Wheat Toast, Nuts, Chicken and Egg
2. Sit while you eat, can slow down your eating
3. Drink more water not soda
4. Try fruits instead of chips on snack time
5. More colorful salad meals
6. Eat slow will allow your body to transmit the "full" signal
7. Don't force yourself to finish all the food
8. Sometimes may be a piece of dark chocolate can stop the craving on food.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

十大你意想不到的食材组合 Food that you never thought they can be mix together

While some people know about these little tricks, the majority do not. These are small tips to help you improve the foods we commonly eat – most are recommended by top chef.

1. Strawberries and Pepper 草莓和胡椒粉
Strawberries (fresh) are usually served with a sprinkling of confectioners sugar, but the addition of very finely ground pepper heightens the flavor.
2. Apples and Vanilla 苹果和香草
Apples are very acidic and normally require some sugar in their cooking. Most people add nutmeg or cinnamon to their apple dishes, but vanilla extract adds a deep layer of flavor that most people won’t recognize but will certainly appreciate.
3. Chili and Chocolate 辣椒和巧克力
Add chocolate to chili. It deepens the meaty flavor of the chili while giving a strong base note to the peppers. This is a trick well known in the South where Chili bake-offs are common.
4. Potatoes and Nutmeg 土豆和肉豆蔻
Add nutmeg – just a little – it adds a depth to the potatoes that people won’t recognize, but will definitely like. This is true of virtually every potato dish.
5. Cooking tomatoes and Foliage 番茄和它的叶子
Throw in a tomato branch – the branch contains all of the flavor that we love in tomatoes – pick a leaf and smell it and you will see what I mean. Simply throw in a small stick of the tomato plant and it will give your cooked tomatoes a much stronger tomato flavor.
6. Meat and Aniseed 肉类和茴香
When stewing meat, throw in a star anise – you can’t taste the aniseed but the flavor adds a deep richness to the meat. This is a trick used in all meat dishes by Heston Blumenthal the owner of the Fat Duck (3 Michelin stars) 。
炖肉时扔一个茴香进去吧!你几乎尝不出茴香的味道,但却能大大地增加肉的口感。这是Heston Blumenthal烹饪肉类时的小绝招!他可是米其林三星餐厅的主人!
7. Chocolate and Coffee 巧克力和咖啡
When baking with chocolate, add a little coffee – it strengthens the chocolate flavor without adding a strong coffee flavor.
8. Tomatoes and Sugar 番茄和糖
Use sugar, not salt. Tomatoes are already acidic and the addition of salt just increases that acidic flavor. Sugar sweetens and increases the tomato flavor. Tomatoes are fruits after all.
9. Coffee and Salt 咖啡和盐
Add a touch of salt to coffee to heighten the flavor – this is a very common use of salt as it is used in virtually all dishes (including sweet dishes served for pudding). Just a pinch is enough to make a brilliant espresso.
10. Carrots and Sugar 胡萝卜和糖
While it may seem strange to add sugar to vegetables, it is a very common method of preparing carrots in France. The technical term for this dish is Vichy Carrots, in which you combine Carrots, Salt, Pepper, sugar, and Vichy water (a sparkling water from the Vichy region) and cook them down until the carrots are glazed. The sugar heightens the flavor of the carrots and the end result is a stunning dish of brilliantly orange vegetables.

8 種錯誤的洗臉方式 Right way to wash your face


1. 洗臉前不先清潔雙手
2. 洗臉前不先卸妝
3. 用太多的清潔用品,造成肌膚過度刺激
4. 除了針對肌膚狀況購買適合產品外,也須注意是否含有界面活性劑,使用錯的清潔用品,可能會傷害柔嫩肌膚。
5. 清洗臉部過於用力,粗魯刺激臉部肌膚,可能造成微血管破裂,引起發炎反應。
6. 用毛巾「擦」臉。皮膚科醫師建議,以輕拍按壓的方式取代擦拭臉部,減少摩擦。
7. 用髒毛巾接觸臉部,使用相同毛巾超過一兩天,上頭的髒污細菌會刺激肌膚。
8. 用過熱或過冷的水清潔肌膚,極端的溫度會損害肌膚細胞,造成刺激或發炎反應。
1. You don’t wash your hands first.

2. You don’t take off your make-up first.

3. You’re globbing on too much cleanser. “It’ll irritate your skin,” says Wattenberg, who is an associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “You only need about the size of a dime, and if you use more than that you’re just going to increase your risk for irritation.”

4. You’re using the wrong cleanser. For some people, surfactants – the stuff in soap that causes the bubbles – can be too harsh on the skin, Wattenberg says.

5. You’re scrubbing the cleanser on way too hard. Be nice to your face! “Some people are actually very abrasive toward their skin; it can cause irritation broken capillaries and it can cause inflammation in their skin when they scrub too hard,” Wattenberg says.

6. You’re rubbing your face with a towel to dry off. Wattenberg would rather you pat your face dry instead.

7. You're using a dirty towel. Using the same washcloth for more than a day or two can irritate your skin, she says.

8. You’re using way-too-hot or way-too-cold water. “Extreme temperatures can damage your skin as well and create more inflammation and irritation,”

在課堂或會議室裡昏昏欲睡?快醒醒!以下方式幫你驅趕睡意: Tips to Keep You Awake in Class and at Work!

Having trouble keeping your eyes open during class, even after a good night's rest? Do you feel yourself nodding off and your head bobbing uncontrollably? No, you don't have a mild form of narcolepsy (which, oftentimes, I thought I did after falling asleep in every class.) You're a typical student! So, you're in a two-hour class and your eyes start to get unbearably heavy . . . what do you do?

Luckily, we have 13 easy tips to keep you focused. While some of these are classroom-specific, you can also use these tips when you're off in the working world!

Shower before class. Have a 9 a.m. class? Hop out of bed in the morning and head straight for the shower. It'll wake you right up! Plus, your classmates will probably thank you.

Bring a water bottle, and drink plenty of H2O. Staying hydrated is a key factor in staying awake. Try putting ice in your water bottle; the cold water will keep you lively and alert.

Eat a snack. Bring an apple to class! The natural sugar and the crunch of an apple will help decrease the fatigue.

Shed a layer. If it's warm in your classroom, you're more likely to fall asleep. So take off your jacket or open a window to catch the cool breeze.

Chew gum. Chewing gum is a repetitive act that keeps the blood flowing and takes your mind off the tiredness.

Save the daydreaming for after class. Daydreaming in a one-way track to falling asleep! Taking notes is one way of focusing.

Whether it's by hand or on a laptop, jotting down notes will help to keep your body active and your mind focused on the lecture.

Go to the bathroom. Walk off the sleepiness by taking a trip to the bathroom. The process of walking will get the blood circulating again. And don't forget to take a stretch break while you're in the hallway.

Sit up and focus on your posture. Roll your shoulders back and remember not to slouch. Slouching can cause unnecessary stress on your muscles and lead to fatigue.

Tug on your earlobes. Yes, it sounds odd, but it works! Due to acupoints on your ears, this is a surefire way to get the brain going.

Interact with your professor. Ask questions! Listen to the lecture and actively think of difficult questions to raise. This will force you to focus on what the professor has to say.

Bring eyedrops. It's hard to stay wide-eyed and awake when your eyes are dry and irritated from lack of sleep. When they're feeling dry, splash a couple drops in them. You'll feel more refreshed and your eyes will be grateful.

Sit in the front row, or at least in the middle! The closer you are to the professor, the less likely you are to fall asleep due to volume. Not to mention the fear of getting caught dozing off will keep you wide awake!

Don't browse the web. Facebook may keep you awake, but you won't be focusing on the class. You might as well be asleep!

不能錯過的美肌食材 Raw Foods for Prettier Skin

Many foods promote skin health. Some are at their most beneficial when eaten raw:

Kale and spinach help keep skin firm because they contain phytonutrients that provide extra protection from sun damage. Spinach is especially good because it is loaded with the nutrients beta-carotene and lutein, which have been shown to improve skin elasticity.
Tip: Try to get about three cups of either leafy green per week. Each is delicious as the foundation of a salad—even tastier mixed together.

Walnuts and pistachios are a rich source of vitamins B and E that help protect against cell damage. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and oxidation that age the skin prematurely, while vitamin B1 aids circulation to give skin a healthy, youthful glow.
Tip: Pair nuts with a healthy carbohydrate like fruit to help slow down digestion and the breakdown of sugar.

Berries are packed with age-defying antioxidants as well as fiber, a nutrient that helps eliminate toxins before they cause breakouts. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that also boosts collagen production for soft, supple skin.
Tip: Think of a fresh citrus and berry salad as a delicious beauty treatment you eat!

Apples are also high in vitamin C—helpful for collagen production. The copper in apples aids the production of melanin, the brown-black pigment in skin that works as a natural sun protector.
Tip: Add a chopped apple to your salad or yogurt.

Almond Milk is great for your skin because it contains collagen-boosting copper, as well as the mineral manganese, which helps protect skin from UV damage. Tip: Use almond milk as you would regular milk, as a drink, on cereal, or blended with frozen fruit for a tasty, nutritious smoothie.

Friday, August 15, 2014

夏季美足tips Tips on Keep Your Feet Looking Pretty All Summer Long

Tips on Keep Your Feet Looking Pretty All Summer Long
1. 每週至少去角質一次,以去除乾燥的皮膚細胞。 
2. 你可能會認為泡腳有幫助,但反而會進一步的脫水,不如用去角質霜就好。
3. 每天或每隔一天使用浮石去除老繭。
4. 後腳跟往往比腳的其它部位更容易變乾,需要多一點努力來保溼,淋浴後和睡前塗抹乳液或潤膚霜。
5. 不要忽略腳也需要防曬!
6. 高鹽/高糖食品都可能導致雙腳浮腫或腫脹,盡量避免。
7. 塗指甲油至少要每月休息幾天到一個星期,讓腳趾呼吸,去除化學殘留物,才能繼續健康生長。
Your feet are on display this time of year, but it's hard to keep them looking their best when the weather's warm: Exposure to the sun and hot surfaces like sand and concrete can leave your poor dogs dry and rough. Here's how to protect them from the elements so they stay picture-perfect for the entire season (because you never know when you'll want to Instagram your pedi).

Exfoliate At Least Once A Week
"This will help you get rid of surface dry skin cells, making them look and feel smoother," says Kristen Murphy, Spa Manager at the Woodmark Hotel's Still Spa. Plus, your moisturizer will be more effective when you slough off flaky skin first. For dryer skin, opt for a sugar scrub instead of a salt-based scrub; although salt detoxifies and draws out impurities, it can also be dehydrating.

Avoid Soaking Feet
Contrary to what you might think, soaking can further dehydrate already-dry feet, says Murphy. So instead of soaking your tootsies, apply a sugar scrub directly onto dry skin, and wipe it off with a moistened towel.

Keep a Pumice Stone in Your Shower
Celebrity manicurist Jin Soon Choi, founder of the JINsoon Nail Lacquer line and Jin Soon Hand & Foot Spas in New York City, grew up in a small village in South Korea where foot-care products weren't available. "We would go to the river and find a textured stone, and we would scrub our callouses and feet with the stone," she says. "This really worked." Of course, you don't have to search for your own stone since commercially available pumice stones are available. Use one daily or once every other day; just make sure to apply less pressure to soft skin and more to callouses when giving your feet a scrub-down.

Do Some Heavy-Duty Moisturizing
Your heels are prone to over-use—and as a result, they tend to dry out more easily than the rest of your foot, says Choi. The heel is also protected by thicker skin, which means that it's less penetrable and it'll take a little more effort to lock moisture in. Apply a lotion or oil immediately after you shower to retain the moisture your feet have already soaked up. For even better results, reapply a moisturizer right before bed.

Don't Forget to Apply Sunscreen
Lots of people neglect to apply a good SPF to their feet, but don't make this big mistake. Not only does the skin on your tootsies need protection, but nails are made of protein and are therefore as vulnerable as your skin. "Cuticles serve a purpose," says Barbara Hershfelt, director of sales and marketing for Cutex. "They seal in moisture and protect new nail growth as it emerges from the base of the nail." Sun, wind, and sand can dry cuticles and nail folds (the areas of skin that frame your nails), which is bad for nail growth. You can avoid these issues by being diligent with your sunscreen routine.

Eat Foot-Friendly Foods
Believe it or not, some foods can cause your feet to swell and become bloated. Foods high in salt are the most likely culprits, says Carolyn Dean, M.D., a member of the medical advisory board for the nonprofit Nutritional Magnesium Association. To keep your feet looking great, avoid packaged foods, which are heavily salted. Sugars can also cause foot puffiness, so you'll want to minimize your intake of that, too, says Dean.

Let Toes Breathe
Since nails are a living part of your anatomy, they need a break to "breathe" from time to time so they can continue healthy growth patterns and rid themselves of chemical residue, says Choi, who recommends a break from nail polish about once a month for a few days to a week. This can help prevent discoloration—particularly if you like to use dark-colored nail polishes—and keep your pedi looking pretty.

日本最大的紫藤 Japan’s largest wisteria


These stunning photographs, which look like a glorious late evening sky with dashes of pink and purple, are actually pictures of Japan’s largest wisteria (or wistaria, depending on whom you ask) plant.
This plant, located in Ashikaga Flower Park in Japan, is certainly not the largest in the world, but it still comes in at an impressive 1,990 square meters (or half an acre) and dates back to around 1870 (the largest, at about 4,000 square meters, is the wisteria vine in Sierra Madre, California). Although wisterias can look like trees, they’re actually vines. Because its vines have the potential to get very heavy, this plant’s entire structure is held up on steel supports, allowing visitors to walk below its canopy and bask in the pink and purple light cast by its beautiful hanging blossoms.

替換時間比你想像還早的家居用品 Household Items You Need To Replace Sooner Than You Think

Household Items You Need To Replace Sooner Than You Think
1. 牙刷:刷毛磨損後,清潔效果有限,所以每三個月最好更新。 
2. 步行鞋:時間久了會失去結構和支撐力,建議每半年換新。
3. 床墊:磨損或下垂的床墊可能會使背部疼痛和僵硬,美國國家睡眠基金會建議,每八年更新一個。
4. 枕頭:用久了會失去支撐力,再加上塵蟎和死皮,雖然定期清洗有幫助,但醫生建議每隔兩年就要換新的。 
5. 冰箱濾水器:每六個月需要更換過濾器,以有效地減少飲用水中的污染物。
6. 煙霧警報器和滅火器:隨著時間,煙霧探測器會失去其靈敏度,每隔10年就應更新,廠家通常建議,每隔5至15年更換滅火器,並每月檢查壓力表。
7. 淋浴絲瓜瓤:每三至四個星期就應替換,否則只是越來越多的細菌躲在潮濕的角落和縫隙裏。
8. 廚房海綿:只要它看起來破舊,(兩至八個星期之間),就用新的。
1. Toothbrushes
The bristles become frayed and worn over time, so they won’t clean your teeth as well. Get a new one every three months.

2. Walking Shoes
Your favorite tennies won’t last forever. They lose structure and support as you wear them, so if you walk often, replace them every six months.

3. Mattresses
We know a mattress is a major purchase, but the National Sleep Foundation recommends buying a new one every eight years. Worn or sagging spots could increase back pain and stiffness, and discomfort could also disrupt your shuteye. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Getting a good night’s sleep is critical to your health and happiness.

4. Pillows
Like your mattress, your pillows deflate and lose their supportive (and comfy) cushion. Plus a 10-ounce pillow can double its weight in three years … because of collecting dust mites and dead skin (mega ick). Regular washing can help, but doctors recommend tossing them every two years.

5. Refrigerator Water Filters
Has your stream of filtered water become a trickle? Filters need to be replaced every six months to effectively minimize contaminants in your drinking water.

6. Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers
Smoke detectors lose their sensitivity over time, so get new ones every 10 years. Manufacturers typically recommend replacing fire extinguishers every five to 15 years, and check the pressure gauge monthly. Rechargeable extinguishers should be serviced every six years.

7. Shower Loofahs
Growing bacteria simply love your fluffy bath sponge’s damp nooks and crannies. Toss it every three to four weeks.

8. Kitchen Sponges
You can sanitize your sponge prolong its life. But as soon as it’s looking messy and worn (between two to eight weeks), start using a new one.

9. Teflon Pans
Guilty of cooking with a chipped non-stick pan? Those flakes and crevices could release toxic compounds, so it’s time for a change. With moderate use, experts say nonstick cookware should last three to five years.

戴戒指時不該做的事情 Things You Should Never Do While Wearing Your Engagement Ring

Things You Should Never Do While Wearing Your Engagement Ring
1. 游泳:在冷水中可能會導致手指縮小,使戒指滑落。泳池中的氯也可能會損壞戒指。
2. 打掃房子:漂白劑和其它家用清潔劑會損壞戒座。一些清潔劑甚至可以改變鑽石的顏色。
3. 洗碗 / 清潔烤箱:化學品和洗碗肥皂可以使寶石頭或金屬變色。
4. 舉啞鈴:重量可能會導致寶石損裂。
5. 乳液: 過度積聚的乳液、髮膠、保養或化妝品可以造成寶石表面暗淡。
6. 睡眠:若戒指的形狀是多邊或太大,睡前最好拔掉,以免刮傷自己的臉。

讓你增重的晚餐習慣 7 Bad Dinner Habits

1. 晚餐是最豐富的一餐,可能很難在睡前被消化。 
2. 太晚吃晚餐,讓你難以入睡,或因此影響睡眠品質。
3. 晚餐後喝咖啡,影響睡眠。
4. 吃太多碳水化合物,導致睡前血糖崩潰,增加吃宵夜的渴望。 
5. 邊看電視邊吃飯。
6. 自由添加的“家庭式”用餐方法,而不是全部擺一盤,很難衡量到底吃進多少食物。
7. 喝太多酒精,一杯酒是一回事,喝一瓶又是另一回事,酒精可以混亂飽腹感的荷爾蒙,導致暴飲暴食。
Making It Your Biggest Meal
"When you hit your body with so much food at dinner, it can be difficult for the body to digest and process it all," says nutritionist Jaime Mass, R.D. "The extra can be converted into fatty acids and lead to weight gain."

Eating It Right Before Bed
Filling up on fuel right before climbing under the covers can make it hard to sleep—and stay asleep. "Sleep is essential for your metabolism, your blood-sugar regulation, appropriate hormone balance and energy health," says Mass. Learn when to eat dinner if you don't want to pack on pounds.

Consuming Caffeine
Likewise, sipping soda or a post-meal coffee (even decaf) can screw with your sleep. However, it's worth mentioning that drinking caffeine throughout the day may actually support weight loss, says Mass.

Sure, if you are running a 10-K the next day, have at the pasta, potatoes, and bread. Otherwise, eating oversized portions of carbs can send your blood sugar roller-coastering, leading to potential weight gain, says Mass. Plus, if your blood sugar crashes before bed, you could end up raiding the kitchen at midnight.

Watching TV
Never (we repeat, never) zone out come mealtime. It's a surefire way to torpedo your enjoyment and satiety, says Mass. (Think: "Wait, where did all of my food go?")

Serving Foods "Family Style"
When you’re sitting in front of heaping bowls and oversized serving spoons, overeating is inevitable, says Mass. Plus, it makes it hard to gauge how much you’re eating. One caveat: you can eat seconds of veggies you want.

Overdoing it on the Alcohol
A glass of wine is one thing, a bottle is something else. Besides having a way of making you think “so what,” alcohol can actually throw off your satiety hormones and lead to overeating, says Mass.

你有指甲被感染的問題嗎? Interesting Facts About Nail Fungal Infections

1. 30%的皮膚感染是指甲真菌。 
2. 指甲真菌感染影響總人口的5%,20%是60歲以上,50%是70歲以上。 
3. 大多數的指甲真菌感染是由念珠菌所引起的。
4. 男人得腳癬的機率高於女性。
5. 接近水或潮濕地方的人容易有指甲感染。
6. 危險因素包括年齡、血液循環減弱、糖尿病、指甲慢慢增厚,牛皮癬,長時間不穿鞋、免疫系統失調、過度出汗等等。
7. 1/3的糖尿病患有甲癬。
A nail fungal infection, or onychomycosis, is a fungal imbalance that affects the fingernails and toenails. The most common symptom is a thickening and discoloration of the nail to yellow, green, and even black. As the problem progresses, the nail bed can become uncomfortable, brittle, and even begin breaking off.

How Common is Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is surprisingly common and occurs more frequently with age. According to recent statistics, at least 5% of people suffer from nail fungus infection. Although less visible, toenail fungal infections are more prevalent than fingernail.

Toenail fungus isn’t an isolated problem, it can reveal a lot about a persons health. A nail infection may suggest that the nails are receiving poor circulation or that the immune system is affected.

Facts About Nail Fungal Infections
Onychomycosis accounts for up to 30% of all skin infections.
Nail fungal infections affects 5% of the general population, 20% of people over 60, and 50% of individuals over 70.
Conventional approaches to fungal infections are effective in less than half of all cases.
The 3 primary causes are dermatophytic fungi, Candida, and non-dermatophytic molds.
The majority of toenail fungal infections are caused by dermatophytic fungi.
The majority of fingernail fungal infections are caused by Candida.
Some molds can cause both toenail and fingernail infections.
Men contract toenail fungus more often than women.
Working in damp areas increases the risk of infection.
Risk factors include age, poor circulation, thickening of nails, diabetes, psoriasis, immune system disorders, and excessive perspiration.
One ­third of diabetics have onychomycosis.
People with psoriasis have a 56% higher risk for nail infection.

Solutions and Tips
The standard solutions include oral and topical agents, removing the infected nail, and laser therapy. Naturopathic therapies, however, are less toxic, less harsh, and more readily available. Sunlight therapy, essential oils such as tea tree or oregano oil, and hydrogen peroxide are all common, natural remedies for fungal infections. Other simple tips for fighting nail fungus include:

Keep your feet as clean and dry as possible.
Wear waterproof sandals at swimming pools and other public wet areas.
Wear clean, fresh socks daily.
Trim your nails regularly.
Avoid tight hosiery; they can promote moisture retention.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

夏季護膚常見的錯誤 8 Summer Skin-Care Mistakes You're Probably Making

1. 一淋浴就馬上剃毛:皮膚科醫生Joshua Zeichner表示,剃毛不應該是淋浴的第一件事,要等到水和蒸汽滋潤皮膚和毛髮後,再開始。
2. 淋浴後用毛巾用力擦乾:應該拍乾,否則摩擦可能會導致皮膚發炎。
3. 淋浴後沒有馬上保濕:在夏天時尤其重要,因為剃毛機率高,皮膚更容易乾燥。
4. 保濕做一半:忽略了腋下和比基尼線。
5. 只在早晨時使用止汗劑:止汗劑在晚上使用更有效,因為身體自然出汗比白天少,能形成更有效的屏障。
6. 游泳後來沒有馬上沖洗:氯可以刺激和乾燥皮膚。
7. 只在戶外時防曬:UV光可以透過玻璃窗戶滲透,所以即使在辦公室或是汽車的窗口,都會被曬到。
8. 認為衣服蓋到處不用防曬:這取決於衣服的質材,編織緊密、顏色較深的能提供更多保護。
Summer means pool days and ice cream. But if you're not careful, it can also mean sunburns and irritated tan lines. You know to avoid tanning beds, wear lip balm with SPF, and reapply sunscreen regularly—but you might be making seasonal skin-care errors you're not even aware of. Protect yourself by avoiding these oh-so-common mistakes:

Mistake #1: Shaving Right When You Step Into the Shower
We do a whole lot of leg, armpit, and bikini-line shaving in the summertime. Fun fact: It's actually smarter to shave when you get out of the shower than it is to shave the moment you get in. "Shaving shouldn't be the first thing that you do [in the shower]," says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., a dermatologist and director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. "You want to make sure that you can let the warm water and the steam hydrate the skin and the hairs before you start." That will give you a better shave because it'll make the hairs much easier for your razor to cut—much appreciated when you're wearing bikinis and tanktops and therefore showing your armpits more often.

Mistake #2: Using Your Towel to Rub Yourself Dry
What you do when you get out of the shower is just as important as what you do in it. Exhibit A: how you dry yourself with your towel. "Rubbing can lead to skin irritation," says Zeichner. And that would be a bummer when all you're covering up with is a tiny sundress. The better move? Patting yourself dry to blot away water.

Mistake #3: Just Throwing on Clothes When You Get Out of the Shower
It's beautiful outside, so you want to wake up, take a quick shower, and get going—right? We get it, but there are a few steps missing in that process. One, of course, is applying sunscreen. But another is applying moisturizer. And you need to do it right after you get out of the shower—not right before bed, whenever you remember, or what have you. "Apply a moisturizer within five minutes of getting out of the shower to lock in that hydration," says Zeichner. While you should always moisturize, this is especially important in the summer because you're probably taking a razor to your skin more often—no one wants dried-out legs, even if they are stubble-free.

Mistake #4: Not Moisturizing the Right Spots
When you moisturize, you also want to make sure you're hitting up body parts you probably skip unintentionally—like your armpits and bikini line, which are especially important because you shave them, which can be drying and potentially irritating to your skin. "You want to minimize any irritation to the skin barrier," says Zeichner. "That's the goal of the moisturizer." So shower, pat dry, apply moisturizer, let it dry, and then swipe on some deodorant.

Mistake #5: Only Using Deodorant in the Morning
If you're like lots of other women out there, you only apply deodorant in the a.m. But if you're worried about underarm sweat (especially in hot weather), you might consider putting some on at night, as well. "In fact, antiperspirants have been shown to be more effective if you apply them in the evening," says Zeichner. "What the antiperspirant does is that it forms a plug within the sweat glands, and it physically prevents the sweat from penetrating to the skin. And the reason it works better in the evening is because your body naturally sweats less in the evening, so it can form a more effective plug."

Mistake #6: Not Rinsing Off When You Get Out of the Pool
Pool days are generally lazy days. You might spend hours in a deck chair and not get around to showering for a while afterward. OK, but even if you don't do the whole shampoo, conditioner, body wash extravaganza right away, you should still rinse off with regular water after you take a dip, says Zeichner. "Chlorine actually can be drying and irritating to the skin, so you do want to make sure to shower off and get the chlorine off the skin after you get out of the pool," he says.

Mistake #7: Thinking You Don't Need Sunscreen If You're "Just Going to Be Inside"
All you do in weekday daylight is drive to the office, work, and drive home—so you don't need sunscreen Monday through Friday, right? Wrong. "UV light can penetrate through glass windows," says Zeichner. "So you can get a sunburn...even if you're in the office, if your desk happens to be next to a window." Same with bus or car windows. "I like my patients to get in the habit of applying sunscreen to all exposed areas every day, just as you would brush and floss your teeth," he says. "Make it a part of your everyday ritual."

Mistake #8: Assuming Your Clothes Keep You Sun-Protected
If you're wearing sunscreen on a regular basis, that's fantastic. But don't assume that you only need to wear sunscreen on the extra-exposed areas of your body; see, even skin under your clothes can get some sun exposure, says Zeichner. "It really depends on the quality of the clothing that you're wearing," he explains. "So tightly woven, darker colors give more protection than lighter colors [or fabrics that are] loosely woven." We have a feeling that you're not wearing a thick, black turtleneck in the summertime, so the pieces you're sporting are likely not so protective. "A white linen shirt gives you very little protection against the sun," says Zeichner. So sunscreen it up all over—and consider checking out clothing with built-in sun protection, too.

緩解蚊虫引起瘙癢和腫脹的方法 9 Genius Ways To Relieve Bug Bites

1. 精油:茶樹、薰衣草和椰子油都可以緩解瘙癢、疼痛和腫脹
2. 蜂蜜:如果不介意它的黏性,蜂蜜也可以抗發炎。
3. 牛奶和水:混合同等份脫脂牛奶和水,沾上薄布,輕拍皮膚
4. 檸檬汁或酸橙汁:抗菌和止癢,但使用後避免曝曬在陽光下
5. 牙膏:許多牙膏含有薄荷成分,能緩解腫脹,感覺清涼。
6. 羅勒:含有樟腦化學物質,有涼爽的感覺,磨碎幾片葉子,直接抹上皮膚。
7. 冰塊:收縮血管,降低組胺的自然釋放,等於不瘙癢。
8. 茶包:冷卻後的茶包敷上皮膚,能減少瘙癢和腫脹。
9. 醋:低酸性能止癢。
Summer, we love you, but all of these insect bites are really killing our mood. Sure, bug repellants can scare off the pests, but those don’t guarantee around-the-clock protection. So the next time you stumble upon a bug bite, don’t be so quick to make a beeline for the closest drugstore. Instead, try out one of these amazing alternatives to soothe your pain first. Experts say they might be just as effective as any over-the-counter medicine.

Essential Oils
Tea tree, lavender, and coconut oils all have properties that can alleviate itching, pain, and swelling, says Neal Schultz, M.D. In particular, tea tree oil is also antibacterial, which can help prevent infection from incessant scratching. Oils from different brands may be more acidic than others, so make sure you ask the store owner or a dermatologist about an oil’s concentration before you apply it directly to your skin. If the oil is too strong, you can dilute it with water, says Schultz.

If you don’t mind a bit of stickiness, honey is an anti-inflammatory and can make the itching a little less tempting, says board-certified dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D.

Milk and Water
This is Schultz’s favorite technique. Mix equal parts skim milk and water, dip a thin cloth (like handkerchief or an old T-shirt) into the concoction, and dab your skin.

Lemon or Lime Juice
These fruit powerhouses provide itch relief and are antibacterial, says Schultz. If you go this route, make sure you’re inside—these juices can burn your skin if you’re out in the sun, says Schultz.

“Most toothpastes have a mint or peppermint flavor, and the menthol ingredient creates a cooling sensation on your skin,” says Schultz. Your brain picks up on this feeling much quicker than the itching sensation. Plus, the intrinsic astringency of toothpaste helps reduce swelling.

This spice isn’t just limited to the kitchen. Basil leaves contain chemicals such as camphor, which creates a cool feeling, similar to menthol in toothpaste, says Schultz. Crush a few leaves and apply the bits directly to your bumps.

A single ice cube can constrict the blood vessels and decrease the body’s natural histamine release, says Bowe. Translation: less itching.

Tea Bags
It’s true! Cool tea bags draw fluid out of a bite to reduce itching and swelling, says Schultz.

This is a great home remedy to block itching because of its small acidic levels, says Schultz. Dab it onto individual spots or, if your body’s been a buffet for bugs, you can add two to three cups to warm water and soak in a tub. Apple cider vinegar may work even better, says Schultz.

有些東西絕對不要微波 Things you should never put in the microwave

1. 美國農業部表示,不要微波紙袋、保力龍、報紙或是一次性使用的塑膠袋/容器,它們不能承受高熱量,可能釋放化學物質進入食物,散發出有毒煙霧,並可能會引起火災。
2. 不要用微波爐煮雞蛋,快速加熱產生大量蒸汽,蒸汽無處可去,很可能留下雞蛋爆炸後的爛攤子讓你收拾。
3. 一些水果可能可承受熱量,但並不是全部,葡萄就會爆炸! 
4. 有金屬飾邊的餐具或不銹鋼杯子,可以反應熱而損壞微波爐
5. 當你微波辣椒,打開微波爐的門後,所釋放的化學物質會刺痛眼睛,燃燒喉嚨,一點都不好玩的。
6. 鋁箔紙覆蓋剩菜,但不應該微波,會引起火災。
IF YOU’VE ever started a fire in the microwave before, just know: you are not alone. The microwave, though it’s been around for quite some time now, is still a mystery to many of us. It heats things in a fraction of the time, but sometimes it also makes things explode.

There are so many great things the microwave can do. It bakes a potato in minutes. It makes single serving cakes in coffee mugs for when you can’t wait to make a real deal cake. It sometimes seems like it can cook ANYTHING.
But guys, the microwave just can’t handle everything. There are some things you put in the microwave oven that make it go completely berserk. We’ve listed them for you below so you can start using your microwave with more confidence — and fewer explosions.

1. Disposable bags
Those paper lunch bags you were given as a kid aren’t as innocent as they seem. Keep paper bags, plastic bags or newspapers out of the microwave. The USDA says that “they are not sanitary, may cause a fire, and may emit toxic fumes. Intense heat may cause a bag to ignite, causing a fire in the oven ...” Yikes!

2. Yoghurt containers
One-time use plastic containers — such as yoghurt, margarine or sour cream — shouldn’t be used in the microwave. They’re intended just for one time use and aren’t equipped to withstand high heat, even just for a short period of time. The containers could warp or melt in the microwave, which can release chemicals into your food.

3. Eggs
Don’t let the internet fool you — making hard boiled eggs in the microwave oven is trouble. If you try to hard boil eggs in your microwave you’re likely to end up with a big mess to clean up. The rapid heat from the microwaves creates a lot of steam in the egg. The steam has no where to go except to explode out so that’s exactly what it does.

4. Plastic storage containers
Most food storage containers are made of plastic, and we’ve already gone over what happens to plastic in the microwave. There are specifically labelled plastic storage containers that are microwave safe - just be sure to double check.

5. Styrofoam Containers
Most of us have heard this before, but just in case a few of you are still reheating your takeaway in these containers, keep this in mind: styrofoam is a type of plastic. And plastic doesn’t play nice in the microwave — unless otherwise marked on the container.

6. Fruit
Some fruit might be able to withstand the heat, but not all. Grapes will explode. And raisins will smoke. Careful guys.

7. Plates With Metallic Trim
Think about it. IT’S METAL. The metal can react to the heat and damage your microwave (and china).

8. Chilli
Nothing bad will happen to the chillies — except that they’ll maybe catch on fire — but when you open the microwave door after nuking hot peppers the chemical released from them will sting your eyes and burn your throat. No fun.

9. Travel Mugs
Many travel mugs are not safe to put in the microwave. If it’s made from stainless steel, don’t nuke it. The stainless steel will block the heat from warming your coffee or tea and can damage your microwave. If it’s plastic, check the bottom of the mug to see if it’s marked as microwave safe.

10. Aluminium Foil
We just want to be sure you fully understood that putting any metal, even the foil that’s covering your leftovers, should not go in the microwave. It could start a fire in there.

11. Nothing
If you turn the microwave on with nothing in it you’ll possibly blow the whole thing. Since there is nothing to absorb the microwaves, like food, the magnetron — the thing that makes the microwave function — ends up absorbing the microwaves and essentially self destructs.

減少毛孔擴張問題的方法 7 Ways to Make Your Pores Look Smaller

1. 定期去角質:用物理去角質產品(如面部磨砂膏)和化學去角質(如無酒精乙醇酸)的組合,有助消除表面乾燥細胞,使毛孔看起來較小。 
2. 保持臉的乾淨:一天兩次使用PH平衡的潔面乳。 
3. 防曬:暴露於UVA和UVB射線,會降低細胞的生產,使皮膚更加努力地工作,角質層變厚,毛孔顯得大。
4. 使用視黃醇為基礎的產品:能清除毛孔中的雜物。
5. 草藥面部蒸汽:開和清潔毛孔,去除雜物、油污及其它雜質
6. 運動後立即洗臉:以防止汗水堵塞毛孔。
Exfoliate Often
Use a combination of both physical exfoliants (like facial scrubs) and chemical exfoliants (like alcohol-free glycolic serums) on a regular basis. This will help remove dry surface cells so the openings of your pores aren’t as deep, making them look smaller, says celebrity esthetician Renee Rouleau. As an added bonus, chemical exfoliants can get into the pores and help clean them out.

Keep Your Face Clean
That means cleansing twice a day with a pH-balanced cleanser, says dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, M.D. Consider using a facial brush like Clarisonic Aria Sonic Cleansing or the Olay Professional Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System.

Wear Sunscreen
Exposure to UVA and UVB rays creates free radical damage, which slows down cell production. "Slow cell production forces your skin to work harder," says Shawn Solomon, a paramedical esthetician and owner of Thornhill Skin Care. "In turn, the stratum corneum thickens, and this can make the pores look large and ruddy."

Apply Retinol-Based Products
"They work by decreasing the cohesiveness of the epidermal cells so all the debris gets removed from the pores," says Debra Jaliman, M.D., a New York City dermatologist and author of Skin Rules. Jaliman recommends Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum or Roc Retinol Correxion Max Wrinkle Resurfacing System .

Take a Steam
Cecilia Wong, a holistic esthetician and owner of Cecilia Wong Skincare, suggests opening up pores and removing debris, oil, and other impurities with an herbal facial steam. To do this, combine hot water, fresh red rose petals, lavender, pansy, rosemary, basil, and mint in a large bowl. Cover the top of the bowl with a dish towel for five minutes, then remove the towel and slowly move your face over the steam. Inhale the aromatic scent, and remain under the towel for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the steam to bring oxygen and moisture to your face while cleansing pores. Afterward, rinse with tepid water, and pat dry.

Book a Spa Day
One of the most popular professional treatments for achieving a youthful complexion with petite pores is microdermabrasion, says Maria Rianna, lead esthetician at White Tea Med Spa in New York City. This procedure works by peeling off the outermost layer of skin, abrading the blackheads off, and using suction to effectively pull out the remaining dirt and hardened oil from the pores. When the trapped oil reaches the surface, the pores return to their natural (smaller) shape since there's nothing inside to enlarge them. The procedure also stimulates collagen production and increases elasticity, which is essential for keeping pores tight. Other salon treatments like laser resurfacing and light chemical peels can also strip pores of debris and tighten them.

Wipe Down Post-Workout
This prevents sweat from clogging pores, says California-based dermatologist Michael Lin, M.D. Keep towelettes that are moistened with gentle cleansers and salicylic acid in your gym bag to make washing your face more convenient.

胡蘿蔔汁的健康好處 5 health benefits of carrot juice

1. 改善視力:β胡蘿蔔素和葉黃素可以提高視力,也能保護眼睛。
2. 控制血糖:含有類胡蘿蔔素,可以平衡血糖水平。
3. 滋養皮膚:含有豐富的維生素A和維生素C,能改善皮膚健康,並防止刺激和污染皮膚,胡蘿蔔汁的抗氧化劑也能增加膠原蛋白的生產,延緩衰老的過程。
4. 增強免疫系統:含維生素C,有利保護人體免受疾病的攻擊
5. 健康的消化系統:含有可溶性纖維,有利改善消化系統。
Control blood sugar
Carrot juice also contains carotenoids are high so that it can balance the sugar levels in the body.

Nourish skin
Carrots are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C are beneficial to improving the health of the skin and prevents the skin from irritation and staining. In addition an anti oxidant in carrot juice is able to slow down the process of premature aging and increases collagen production.

Strengthens the immune system
Carrot juice is rich in nutrients and anti oxidants such as vitamin c. This helps boost the immune system which is beneficial to protect the body from various attacks of the disease.

Healthy digestive system
Taking carrot juice 20 minutes before eating well to stimulate the production of digestive juices that are good for your digestive system. In addition to this carrot juice also contains soluble fiber which is good for improving digestive health.

Carrot juice turned out to hold many benefits for your body’s overall health. Make sure that your consumption of carrot juice made of fresh carrots.

最普遍又具有療效的精油 6 Scents That Have the Power to Heal

1. 鼠尾草:降低血壓和呼吸頻率,適合在緊張時放鬆身心,也能增強記憶力和注意力。
2. 柳橙:降低焦慮,能夠在壓力下保持冷靜,可能是因為其香味可減少應激激素。
3. 肉桂:改善警覺性,例如:讓司機們更加集中,減少車禍機率。
4. 薰衣草:促進放鬆,緩解經前綜合症,因其香味引發人體的休息和消化反應,也能減少焦慮、失眠和偏頭痛。
5. 迷迭香:增強腦力,提高體能、速度和準確性,也能降低疲勞。
6. 薄荷:呼吸薄荷淡香水能降低體內皮質醇(應激激素),也能減少疲勞和對巧克力的渴望。
Best for: Blood-Pressure Reduction.
In a July 2013 study, women who smelled clary sage experienced reduced blood pressure and breathing rates; they were also able to relax during a stressful medical exam. Bonus perks: Helps amp up memory and attention
Best for: Stress Relief
Research shows that breathing in eau de peppermint can decrease the body's levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.
Best for: Decreasing Anxiety
A study found that people who sniffed it before a stressful test were able to stay calm under pressure, sans anxiety spikes, possibly because the scent can help slash stress hormones.
Bonus perk: Elevates mood.
Best for: Enhancing Brainpower
Breathing it in can improve speed and accuracy during demanding mental tasks, per a 2012 study. Other research found its scent left people feeling refreshed and mentally stimulated.
Bonus perks: Boosts energy and lowers fatigue.
Best for: Improving Focus
It may stoke the area of the brain that governs alertness. For example, research found that drivers were more focused and less flustered after breathing in cinnamon-oil scents.
Bonus perks: Increases concentration and reduces frustration.
Best for: Relaxation; Relieving PMS
The scent can trigger the body's "rest and digest" response, promoting relaxation. A 2013 study found that it also eases pre-period symptoms such as mental confusion and depression.
Bonus perks: Decreases anxiety, insomnia and migraine pain.