Sunday, October 12, 2014

8 種錯誤的洗臉方式 Right way to wash your face


1. 洗臉前不先清潔雙手
2. 洗臉前不先卸妝
3. 用太多的清潔用品,造成肌膚過度刺激
4. 除了針對肌膚狀況購買適合產品外,也須注意是否含有界面活性劑,使用錯的清潔用品,可能會傷害柔嫩肌膚。
5. 清洗臉部過於用力,粗魯刺激臉部肌膚,可能造成微血管破裂,引起發炎反應。
6. 用毛巾「擦」臉。皮膚科醫師建議,以輕拍按壓的方式取代擦拭臉部,減少摩擦。
7. 用髒毛巾接觸臉部,使用相同毛巾超過一兩天,上頭的髒污細菌會刺激肌膚。
8. 用過熱或過冷的水清潔肌膚,極端的溫度會損害肌膚細胞,造成刺激或發炎反應。
1. You don’t wash your hands first.

2. You don’t take off your make-up first.

3. You’re globbing on too much cleanser. “It’ll irritate your skin,” says Wattenberg, who is an associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “You only need about the size of a dime, and if you use more than that you’re just going to increase your risk for irritation.”

4. You’re using the wrong cleanser. For some people, surfactants – the stuff in soap that causes the bubbles – can be too harsh on the skin, Wattenberg says.

5. You’re scrubbing the cleanser on way too hard. Be nice to your face! “Some people are actually very abrasive toward their skin; it can cause irritation broken capillaries and it can cause inflammation in their skin when they scrub too hard,” Wattenberg says.

6. You’re rubbing your face with a towel to dry off. Wattenberg would rather you pat your face dry instead.

7. You're using a dirty towel. Using the same washcloth for more than a day or two can irritate your skin, she says.

8. You’re using way-too-hot or way-too-cold water. “Extreme temperatures can damage your skin as well and create more inflammation and irritation,”

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