Saturday, July 12, 2014

胡蘿蔔汁的健康好處 5 health benefits of carrot juice

1. 改善視力:β胡蘿蔔素和葉黃素可以提高視力,也能保護眼睛。
2. 控制血糖:含有類胡蘿蔔素,可以平衡血糖水平。
3. 滋養皮膚:含有豐富的維生素A和維生素C,能改善皮膚健康,並防止刺激和污染皮膚,胡蘿蔔汁的抗氧化劑也能增加膠原蛋白的生產,延緩衰老的過程。
4. 增強免疫系統:含維生素C,有利保護人體免受疾病的攻擊
5. 健康的消化系統:含有可溶性纖維,有利改善消化系統。
Control blood sugar
Carrot juice also contains carotenoids are high so that it can balance the sugar levels in the body.

Nourish skin
Carrots are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C are beneficial to improving the health of the skin and prevents the skin from irritation and staining. In addition an anti oxidant in carrot juice is able to slow down the process of premature aging and increases collagen production.

Strengthens the immune system
Carrot juice is rich in nutrients and anti oxidants such as vitamin c. This helps boost the immune system which is beneficial to protect the body from various attacks of the disease.

Healthy digestive system
Taking carrot juice 20 minutes before eating well to stimulate the production of digestive juices that are good for your digestive system. In addition to this carrot juice also contains soluble fiber which is good for improving digestive health.

Carrot juice turned out to hold many benefits for your body’s overall health. Make sure that your consumption of carrot juice made of fresh carrots.

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