Saturday, July 12, 2014

緩解蚊虫引起瘙癢和腫脹的方法 9 Genius Ways To Relieve Bug Bites

1. 精油:茶樹、薰衣草和椰子油都可以緩解瘙癢、疼痛和腫脹
2. 蜂蜜:如果不介意它的黏性,蜂蜜也可以抗發炎。
3. 牛奶和水:混合同等份脫脂牛奶和水,沾上薄布,輕拍皮膚
4. 檸檬汁或酸橙汁:抗菌和止癢,但使用後避免曝曬在陽光下
5. 牙膏:許多牙膏含有薄荷成分,能緩解腫脹,感覺清涼。
6. 羅勒:含有樟腦化學物質,有涼爽的感覺,磨碎幾片葉子,直接抹上皮膚。
7. 冰塊:收縮血管,降低組胺的自然釋放,等於不瘙癢。
8. 茶包:冷卻後的茶包敷上皮膚,能減少瘙癢和腫脹。
9. 醋:低酸性能止癢。
Summer, we love you, but all of these insect bites are really killing our mood. Sure, bug repellants can scare off the pests, but those don’t guarantee around-the-clock protection. So the next time you stumble upon a bug bite, don’t be so quick to make a beeline for the closest drugstore. Instead, try out one of these amazing alternatives to soothe your pain first. Experts say they might be just as effective as any over-the-counter medicine.

Essential Oils
Tea tree, lavender, and coconut oils all have properties that can alleviate itching, pain, and swelling, says Neal Schultz, M.D. In particular, tea tree oil is also antibacterial, which can help prevent infection from incessant scratching. Oils from different brands may be more acidic than others, so make sure you ask the store owner or a dermatologist about an oil’s concentration before you apply it directly to your skin. If the oil is too strong, you can dilute it with water, says Schultz.

If you don’t mind a bit of stickiness, honey is an anti-inflammatory and can make the itching a little less tempting, says board-certified dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D.

Milk and Water
This is Schultz’s favorite technique. Mix equal parts skim milk and water, dip a thin cloth (like handkerchief or an old T-shirt) into the concoction, and dab your skin.

Lemon or Lime Juice
These fruit powerhouses provide itch relief and are antibacterial, says Schultz. If you go this route, make sure you’re inside—these juices can burn your skin if you’re out in the sun, says Schultz.

“Most toothpastes have a mint or peppermint flavor, and the menthol ingredient creates a cooling sensation on your skin,” says Schultz. Your brain picks up on this feeling much quicker than the itching sensation. Plus, the intrinsic astringency of toothpaste helps reduce swelling.

This spice isn’t just limited to the kitchen. Basil leaves contain chemicals such as camphor, which creates a cool feeling, similar to menthol in toothpaste, says Schultz. Crush a few leaves and apply the bits directly to your bumps.

A single ice cube can constrict the blood vessels and decrease the body’s natural histamine release, says Bowe. Translation: less itching.

Tea Bags
It’s true! Cool tea bags draw fluid out of a bite to reduce itching and swelling, says Schultz.

This is a great home remedy to block itching because of its small acidic levels, says Schultz. Dab it onto individual spots or, if your body’s been a buffet for bugs, you can add two to three cups to warm water and soak in a tub. Apple cider vinegar may work even better, says Schultz.

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