Saturday, July 12, 2014

有些東西絕對不要微波 Things you should never put in the microwave

1. 美國農業部表示,不要微波紙袋、保力龍、報紙或是一次性使用的塑膠袋/容器,它們不能承受高熱量,可能釋放化學物質進入食物,散發出有毒煙霧,並可能會引起火災。
2. 不要用微波爐煮雞蛋,快速加熱產生大量蒸汽,蒸汽無處可去,很可能留下雞蛋爆炸後的爛攤子讓你收拾。
3. 一些水果可能可承受熱量,但並不是全部,葡萄就會爆炸! 
4. 有金屬飾邊的餐具或不銹鋼杯子,可以反應熱而損壞微波爐
5. 當你微波辣椒,打開微波爐的門後,所釋放的化學物質會刺痛眼睛,燃燒喉嚨,一點都不好玩的。
6. 鋁箔紙覆蓋剩菜,但不應該微波,會引起火災。
IF YOU’VE ever started a fire in the microwave before, just know: you are not alone. The microwave, though it’s been around for quite some time now, is still a mystery to many of us. It heats things in a fraction of the time, but sometimes it also makes things explode.

There are so many great things the microwave can do. It bakes a potato in minutes. It makes single serving cakes in coffee mugs for when you can’t wait to make a real deal cake. It sometimes seems like it can cook ANYTHING.
But guys, the microwave just can’t handle everything. There are some things you put in the microwave oven that make it go completely berserk. We’ve listed them for you below so you can start using your microwave with more confidence — and fewer explosions.

1. Disposable bags
Those paper lunch bags you were given as a kid aren’t as innocent as they seem. Keep paper bags, plastic bags or newspapers out of the microwave. The USDA says that “they are not sanitary, may cause a fire, and may emit toxic fumes. Intense heat may cause a bag to ignite, causing a fire in the oven ...” Yikes!

2. Yoghurt containers
One-time use plastic containers — such as yoghurt, margarine or sour cream — shouldn’t be used in the microwave. They’re intended just for one time use and aren’t equipped to withstand high heat, even just for a short period of time. The containers could warp or melt in the microwave, which can release chemicals into your food.

3. Eggs
Don’t let the internet fool you — making hard boiled eggs in the microwave oven is trouble. If you try to hard boil eggs in your microwave you’re likely to end up with a big mess to clean up. The rapid heat from the microwaves creates a lot of steam in the egg. The steam has no where to go except to explode out so that’s exactly what it does.

4. Plastic storage containers
Most food storage containers are made of plastic, and we’ve already gone over what happens to plastic in the microwave. There are specifically labelled plastic storage containers that are microwave safe - just be sure to double check.

5. Styrofoam Containers
Most of us have heard this before, but just in case a few of you are still reheating your takeaway in these containers, keep this in mind: styrofoam is a type of plastic. And plastic doesn’t play nice in the microwave — unless otherwise marked on the container.

6. Fruit
Some fruit might be able to withstand the heat, but not all. Grapes will explode. And raisins will smoke. Careful guys.

7. Plates With Metallic Trim
Think about it. IT’S METAL. The metal can react to the heat and damage your microwave (and china).

8. Chilli
Nothing bad will happen to the chillies — except that they’ll maybe catch on fire — but when you open the microwave door after nuking hot peppers the chemical released from them will sting your eyes and burn your throat. No fun.

9. Travel Mugs
Many travel mugs are not safe to put in the microwave. If it’s made from stainless steel, don’t nuke it. The stainless steel will block the heat from warming your coffee or tea and can damage your microwave. If it’s plastic, check the bottom of the mug to see if it’s marked as microwave safe.

10. Aluminium Foil
We just want to be sure you fully understood that putting any metal, even the foil that’s covering your leftovers, should not go in the microwave. It could start a fire in there.

11. Nothing
If you turn the microwave on with nothing in it you’ll possibly blow the whole thing. Since there is nothing to absorb the microwaves, like food, the magnetron — the thing that makes the microwave function — ends up absorbing the microwaves and essentially self destructs.

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