Friday, August 15, 2014

讓你增重的晚餐習慣 7 Bad Dinner Habits

1. 晚餐是最豐富的一餐,可能很難在睡前被消化。 
2. 太晚吃晚餐,讓你難以入睡,或因此影響睡眠品質。
3. 晚餐後喝咖啡,影響睡眠。
4. 吃太多碳水化合物,導致睡前血糖崩潰,增加吃宵夜的渴望。 
5. 邊看電視邊吃飯。
6. 自由添加的“家庭式”用餐方法,而不是全部擺一盤,很難衡量到底吃進多少食物。
7. 喝太多酒精,一杯酒是一回事,喝一瓶又是另一回事,酒精可以混亂飽腹感的荷爾蒙,導致暴飲暴食。
Making It Your Biggest Meal
"When you hit your body with so much food at dinner, it can be difficult for the body to digest and process it all," says nutritionist Jaime Mass, R.D. "The extra can be converted into fatty acids and lead to weight gain."

Eating It Right Before Bed
Filling up on fuel right before climbing under the covers can make it hard to sleep—and stay asleep. "Sleep is essential for your metabolism, your blood-sugar regulation, appropriate hormone balance and energy health," says Mass. Learn when to eat dinner if you don't want to pack on pounds.

Consuming Caffeine
Likewise, sipping soda or a post-meal coffee (even decaf) can screw with your sleep. However, it's worth mentioning that drinking caffeine throughout the day may actually support weight loss, says Mass.

Sure, if you are running a 10-K the next day, have at the pasta, potatoes, and bread. Otherwise, eating oversized portions of carbs can send your blood sugar roller-coastering, leading to potential weight gain, says Mass. Plus, if your blood sugar crashes before bed, you could end up raiding the kitchen at midnight.

Watching TV
Never (we repeat, never) zone out come mealtime. It's a surefire way to torpedo your enjoyment and satiety, says Mass. (Think: "Wait, where did all of my food go?")

Serving Foods "Family Style"
When you’re sitting in front of heaping bowls and oversized serving spoons, overeating is inevitable, says Mass. Plus, it makes it hard to gauge how much you’re eating. One caveat: you can eat seconds of veggies you want.

Overdoing it on the Alcohol
A glass of wine is one thing, a bottle is something else. Besides having a way of making you think “so what,” alcohol can actually throw off your satiety hormones and lead to overeating, says Mass.

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