日本人奇怪的發明 Another weird Japanese invention

你也許覺得大口吃漢堡是件很過癮的事,但在日本,女性在公共場所張大嘴,被視為是不禮貌也不合乎社交禮儀的行為。日本「新鮮漢堡」為了讓女性顧客可以不用擔心形像的放心享用,於是推出了隱藏嘴巴的“解放包裝” 。據報導,自從使用這個獨特的包裝後,銷售量增加了200%。原來日本女性還是喜歡吃漢堡的。

You may not think much about opening your mouth wide in public, but in Japan, it is actually considered to be bad manners for women to do so.

This was the main reason why the large “Classic Burger” by Japanese burger chain FRESHNESS BURGER didn’t do well with female diners—they had to open their mouths really wide to eat it.

Thus, enter the ‘Liberation Wrapper’. Printed with an image of the lower half of a woman’s face, this burger wrapper is designed to hide the eater’s mouth while she is eating a burger, making it appear as if she is somehow managing to keep her “Ochobo”—“small and modest” mouth—throughout the meal.