Wednesday, January 1, 2014

9 Foods that Keep You Full Longer 让你更有饱足感的9种食物

Getting hungry too fast? 9 Foods that Keep You Full Longer

才吃飽就餓了? 那你可能吃錯食物了。有飽足感,吃更少的熱量是減肥成功的關鍵。下列食物會讓你有更長的飽和感:

1. 雞蛋: 蛋白質的來源,熱量相對較低。有些人擔心雞蛋中的膽固醇,但只要不過量,對健康的好處遠遠大於風險。
2. 燕麥粥: 含水溶性纖維,是最豐盛的早餐。
3. 魚: 高蛋白質,還含有ω-3脂肪酸,有益心臟健康
4. 馬鈴薯: 高纖,並提供多種健康益處,紅薯是最好的選擇。
5. 豆類: 高纖的肉類替代品,因為提供類似的口感。
6. 蔬菜清湯: 水分和纖維含量皆高,飽和感時間長。
7. 沙拉: 大多數人不認為沙拉是飽和食物,可能是選擇了錯誤類型的沙拉。選擇深綠葉蔬菜,如菠菜,加入西紅柿、黃瓜等。還可以包括一些水果,如藍莓和紅莓。
8. 蘋果: 高纖、低熱量的零食。
9. 香蕉: 超級水果,健康益處多多。

Feeling satisfied while eating fewer calories is the key to successful dieting. Unfortunately, if you are used to eating several snacks and large meals each day, you might not feel full when reducing calories. It takes your body time adjust to fewer calories and adapt to healthy eating. Even after your body is on track, you will want to include these healthy feel-full-longer foods in your diet.

9 Foods that Keep You Fuller Longer:
1. Eggs
Eggs are sometimes considered a perfect protein, and they are relatively low in calories. Some are concerned about cholesterol in eggs, but as long as your egg consumption is within reason, the health benefits far outweigh the risks. Learn more about why you should start your day off right with eggs here.

2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber. Many consider it the most filling breakfast option available. Add a sprinkle of nuts, fresh fruit, and cinnamon for additional flavor and an extra health boost.

3. Fish
Fish is a great healthy food that is high in protein to keep you full. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, beneficial for heart health.

4. Potatoes
Potatoes are high in fiber and offer several health benefits. Sweet potatoes are your best option, as they are high in vitamins and beta-carotene.

5. Beans
Beans are a great meat substitute because they provide a similar texture in recipes without the saturated fat. They are also high in fiber, which is great for satisfying your appetite for long after your meal.

6. Soup
Soup is a very filling food for several reasons. The broth gives it a high water content which hydrates you and fills you up. Soups are usually packed with vegetables, great for keeping you full longer because of their fiber content. You can even add proteins, such as lean meats and beans to soup, giving soup all of the best filling ingredients possible.

7. Salad
Most people do not consider salad filling, but they are probably preparing the wrong type of salad. Salads offer a lot of bulk for few calories. Instead of iceberg lettuce, choose dark leafy greens, such as spinach and arugula as your base. Add plenty of fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. You can also include a few fruits, such as blueberries or cranberries. Top this off with cottage cheese or a sprinkle or nuts and a drizzle of olive oil. This gives you a complete meal containing protein, fat, and carbohydrates

8. Apples
Apples are an excellent high-fiber, low-calorie snack. Cut up an apple and combine with peanut butter or munch on a whole apple on the go. Crunchy apples offer the additional benefit of satisfying your need for less healthy snacks.

9. Bananas
Bananas feature soluble fiber and are great for keeping you full. Some dieters avoid them for various reasons, such as their calorie content or rank on the glycemic index, but the truth is, bananas are fruit and much healthier than many commercial snacks. Plus, Bananas are a Superfood!

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