Wednesday, January 1, 2014

天然室內除臭劑 10 surprising natural ways to cure a stinky house

1. 貓砂盒內灑一些乾的綠茶茶葉。

2. 烘乾機用的烘衣紙放在垃圾桶底。
3. 倒入半杯蘋果醋在厠浴的排水管內。
4. 用浸過香草精的棉球擦拭冰箱內側。
5. 兩杯檸檬汁倒入水槽的排水管內。
6. 洋蔥切半,地下室放過夜,可吸收霉味。
7. 咖啡渣放冷凍庫,可去除氣味。
8. 小蘇打粉放在鞋內隔夜。
9. 燉湯時若外溢至爐台上,趁湯還是溫熱時,灑一些鹽和肉桂粉在上,乾燥後,刮去殘留,不會有焦味。
10. 天竺葵和茉莉花的香氣。

1.Green Tea for Cat Litter Boxes
Dry green tea leaves work like magic in reducing those unwelcome scents from the cat “john." Break open a few bags and sprinkle the loose leaves into the box. Fluffy will also appreciate a more sanitary scented restroom.
2.Dryer Sheets for Trash Bins
Take a sheet from the laundry room’s playbook to stomp out persistent trash bin odors, a dryer sheet that is. They soak up yucky trash smells just like they do static. Toss one or two into the bin and let the fresh scents take over.
3.Apple Cider Vinegar for Drains
Your upper GI isn't the only plumbing that apple cider vinegar works wonders on. It also blasts away yucky odors that seep up from sewers and septic systems. Pour a half cup down any drain and send unpleasant smells back where they belong.
4.Vanilla Extract for Freezers
Here's one cool odor fix to freshen up your ice box. Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract, then swipe it around the inside of your freezer. Voila! The scent of fresh ice cream instantly replaces the reek of leftover meat.
5.Lemon Juice for Sinks
To snuff out the odor of a smelly sink, douse it with two cups of lemon juice. A zesty clean sink drain will make washing pots and pans slightly less of a drain.
6.Onions for Basements
After a hard rain, deploy an onion to absorb mold and mildew odors. Just slice one down the middle and let it sit in the cellar overnight. By morning, your eyes may tear — though not from the onion, but from the joy of an odor free basement!
7.Coffee Grounds for the Fridge
If your meat locker stinks like a gym locker, fill a nylon stocking with coffee grounds and toss it inside the back of the fridge. The invigorating scent of java overpowers odors from fish, cheese, and other harsh-scented foods.
8.Baking Soda for Sneakers
Don’t ditch your barely worn sneakers just because your nose is ready to run for the hills. Sprinkle baking soda inside each one and let them sit overnight. In the morning, tap the powder off outside and the stenches will be shooed away.
9.Salt and Cinnamon for Stove Spills
Next time soup or stew boils over, patter a few pinches of salt and cinnamon onto the spill while it's still warm. After it's dry, scrape off the residue. Future meals won't transmit that smoky smell and have your neighbors calling the fire department on you.
10.House Plants for Rooms
Once you've cleared out the stench, liven up your home's ambient aroma with houseplants. Scented geraniums and Arabian Jasmines are two varieties that come highly recommended for their odoriferous scents.

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