Sunday, April 13, 2014

5種幫助減重的茶 5 Types Of Tea For Diet

5 Types Of Tea For Diet
1. 八角茴香茶:有助克服消化系統問題,從腹脹、腹瀉到噁心。
2. 薄荷茶:控制食慾,振奮精神。
3. 綠茶:抗氧化劑含量高,兒茶素增加身體新陳代謝。
4. 玫瑰花茶:美化皮膚和消除各種體內毒素。本身含有豐富的維生素A、B3、C、D和E,可以抵抗皮膚感染,還能預防便秘。
5. 烏龍茶:每天2杯熱茶,能有效地燃燒體內脂肪,防止膽固醇過高。
Peppermint Tea

Want to control your appetite? You can eat this peppermint tea and keeping your weight is ideal. This tea is not only refreshing but also make spirit growing back.

Green Tea

This type of teas contain EGCG which is beneficial chemicals to increase the body's metabolism. Those who avidly drinking green tea can burn about 70 calories the body. The high content of antioxidants makes metabolism go up so the calories burned also increased.

Tea Roses

This type of tea is rather rare in Indonesia, but which is useful to beautify the skin and removes a variety of toxins in the body. Tea roses themselves rich in vitamins A, B3, C, D and E that can fight infection on the skin. In addition, tea roses can prevent constipation and weight loss.

Oolong Tea

Preventing obesity just tea consumption on this one. Have a strong scent of tea, tea and Ooling type burn the fat in the body more effectively so as to prevent the problem of cholesterol and obesity.

The trick is to soak the tea for 30 seconds to 5 minutes and it is consumed while it is warm. The scientists recommend to consume 2 cups of Oolong tea every day.

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