Sunday, April 13, 2014

不舒服或生病時要喝什麼會有幫助? Sore? Sick? Sleepy? The Right Drink that helps!

1. 胃不舒服:水/薑汁汽水/運動飲料,薑可以舒緩噁心感。
2. 感冒:檸檬蜂蜜茶,避開可能會增加痰的牛奶和其他乳製品飲料。
3. 咳嗽:蜂蜜水,可以治療與上呼吸道感染有關的咳嗽,喝大量的液體,更容易咳出卡在喉嚨的粘液。
4. 喉嚨痛 : 薑黃茶,可以減少喉嚨發炎。
5. 口腔潰瘍:椰奶,嘗試飲用/漱口椰奶,因為椰子油可以治療真菌感染。
6. 便秘:蘆薈,其植物纖維具有通便作用。 
7. 消化不良:水/薄荷茶,薄荷可幫助消化。
8. 吃到辛辣食物 : 牛奶/酸奶,脂肪和蛋白質可以緩解辣味的食物(所以脫脂牛奶不行)。
9. 宿醉:水/橙汁/香蕉冰沙,水是關鍵。
10. 腹脹:水與小蘇打粉,令外還要避免用吸管喝飲料,因為吸入的空氣會引起腹脹。

For an Upset Stomach: Ginger Ale
Sick to your stomach? Maybe drinking all that pickle juice to quell muscle cramps did you in. Even though kicking back fluids may be the last activity on the want-to-do list, stick to clear liquids — like water and ginger ale — and sports drinks to get the body some much-needed hydration. Ginger ale may also do the trick since ginger root can help treat nausea. (Pro tip: Flat soda will be easier on the stomach without that carbonation.)

For a Head Cold: Lemon and Honey Tea
Drinking fluids can generally help loosen up the gunk that makes us congested (hot tea or broth may be especially helpful). It may be best, however, to steer clear of milk and other dairy beverages when you’re all stuffed up. Some people might be more susceptible to an increase in phlegm production (ew) when loading up on dairy. A hot toddy — whiskey, lemon, and honey — may alleviate a cold (and there’s liquor, so it’s got to make us feel better, right?).

For a Cough: Honey
Honey can help treat coughs associated with upper respiratory tract infections because it coats the back of the throat and the sweetness may cause us to salivate. Drink plenty of fluids in general, because they help thin the mucus lodged in the throat and make it easier to cough up.

For a Sore Throat — Turmeric Tea
Drinking most fluids will help keep the throat moist. To sooth a sore throat, try Mark Sisson’s creamy turmeric tea. Warm almond milk (made from ground almonds and water), ginger, cayenne, and honey combine for a magical peacemaker to an unhappy throat. The turmeric helps because it can reduce inflammation in the throat.

For Mouth Sores: Coconut Milk
We don’t have to tell you to avoid spicy stuff. It’s gonna hurt. If you do have mouth sores or burns from hot food, try gargling (or drinking some) coconut milk because coconut oil can help treat fungal infections, like canker sores.

For Constipation: Aloe
If you’re backed up, try aloe drinks — aloe has laxative effects. A hefty glass of water with powdered psyllium (a plant fiber) can also help get you on the right track.

For Sleepiness: Coffee/Water/Spirulina
For a mid-day pick-me-up, sip on a mug of coffee (duh). Water can perk you up, too, and so can a drink spiked with spirulina powder (you can get it at most health food stores). The powder, derived from blue-green algae, is one of the most nutrient dense foods with a ton of vitamins and minerals that boost energy.

To Fall Asleep: Tart Cherry Juice/Warm Milk/Chamomile
Brandy used to be the go-to sedative in the medical community during the 19th century. A hot whiskey (or seven) before bed may soothe you into dreamland, but for an alcohol-free drink, try tart cherry juice. It ups melatonin levels, which help improve sleep duration and sleep quality. Chamomile can also help ease you into a deep sleep.

To Lift Spirits: Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm tea, herbs steeped in hot water, can chill us out when we’re peeved. Teatime, in general, has been found to reduce blood pressure.

For Digestion: Water/Herbal Tea
Drinking water while eating (and after eating) helps digest food, as does herbal tea (especially mint or peppermint). Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra digestion aid.

For Spicy Food: Milk/Yogurt
The fat and protein in milk or drinkable yogurt (such as kefir) can ease the burn of spicy food (so nonfat milk or dairy products may not do the trick). The slightly acidic milk helps neutralize ingredients like capsaicin, which are basic.

For a Hangover: Water/Orange Juice/Banana Smoothie
Drinking water is key to avoid feeling like death the morning after. But, if it’s too late (we’ve all been there), whip up a banana-spinach smoothie. The two potassium rich ingredients up the electrolytes lost from boozing too hard. Since alcohol leads to a drop in blood sugar, a glass of OJ can also help bring us back to normal.

For Dehydration: Coconut Water
Coconut water can rehydrate, perhaps more than plain old water. The carb-electrolyte balance is great for hydrating, especially after exercise.

For Bad Breath: Water
This one’s easy. Since acids like coffee, and orange juice, as well as sugary beverages bring on bad breath, it may be best to follow the malodorous beverages with water to wash that stink away.

For Hunger: Milk
Drinking water between meals can stave of hunger. In comparison with a fruit drink, guzzling skim milk leads to increased satiety (a fancy word for feeling full or satisfied).

For Gas and Bloating: Water With Baking Soda
Not this kind of gas. If you’re out in public and afraid one will slip, mix a small amount of baking soda in a glass of water, and kick it back. Probiotic drinks may decrease flatulence, too. Also avoid sipping drinks through a straw. Inhaling all that air will cause, well, you know.

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