Sunday, April 13, 2014

易被忽略的高蛋白質蔬菜 You may not know: 6 Veggies with the Most Protein

含高蛋白質的蔬菜,蔬菜通常不被認為是蛋白質的重要來源,但有一些蔬菜包含相當的蛋白質,營養師Emily Gilbert表示,植物蛋白質是「不完整」的蛋白質,這意味著它們不包含所有的必需氨基酸,為了確保你得到不同類型的必需氨基酸,吃這些蔬菜時最好配上粗糧。

1. 豌豆:每半杯含有3克半的蛋白質。
2. 菠菜:每半杯含有3克的蛋白質。
3. 烤馬鈴薯:一個中等大小的馬鈴薯含有3克的蛋白質。
4. 花椰菜:不只充滿纖維(每半杯2.6克),它也是蛋白質的重要來源。
5. 球芽甘藍:每半杯含有2克蛋白質,以及247毫克的鉀和110微克的維生素K。
6. 玉米:每半杯含有2克蛋白質。

Vegetables aren't typically known for being a great source of protein, but there are some sneaky ones out there that contain a decent amount—so we asked Emily Gilbert, R.D., for the best plant-based ways to get this essential nutrient.

Something important to keep in mind: "Plant proteins are 'incomplete' proteins, meaning they don't contain all of the essential amino acids," says Gilbert. To make sure you get the different types of amino acids you need, make sure to combine these veggies with whole grains.

Each half-cup contains three and a half grams of protein. Try them in this creamy fresh pea soup with mint.

You'll find three grams of protein in a half cup of spinach. Get your fill with one of these yummy spinach smoothies.

Baked Potato
Another stealth source of protein? Potatoes! A medium-sized one contains three grams. Need some fun topping ideas? Make these spinach- and goat cheese-stuffed baked potatoes.

Broccoli's not just filled with fiber (2.6 grams per half cup)—it's also a great source of protein, with two grams per serving. Up your intake by sampling one of our four favorite broccoli recipes.

Brussels Sprouts
These little green guys get a bad rap, but they're actually nutritional superstars: Each half cup packs two grams of protein, along with 247 milligrams of potassium and 110 micrograms of vitamin K. Luckily for haters everywhere, we found these six new (and delicious) ways to eat Brussels sprouts.

OK, we know that corn is technically a grain. But you can find it in the produce aisle—and you'll be glad to know that half a cup of kernels provides two grams of filling protein. Try this grilled corn with lemon-parsley butter with dinner tonight.

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