恬(甜)静 包庇(毕) 酗(序)酒 造诣(义) 揠(亚)苗 粗犷(广)
木屑(谢) 绚(炫)丽 谄(产)媚 棘(集)手 机械(泻) 砧(真)板
谒(页)见 舐(是)犊 拯(整)救 箴(珍)言 翌(艺)日 哺(补)育
恪(客)守 赏赐(次) 书笺(肩) 贮(注)存 修葺(泣) 纨绔(裤)
阐(产)述 迁徙(喜) 瑰(归)宝 澎湃(派) 同胞(包) 簇(醋)拥
麻痹(毕) 濒(宾)临 玷(电)污 罹(梨)难 嗾(叟)使 鞭笞(吃)
饿殍(瞟) 逮捕(补) 粗糙(操) 拂(服)晓 嗔(抻)怒 炽(赤)热
歼(肩)灭 发酵(叫) 狙(拘)击 憧(充)憬 糟粕(破) 掮(前)客
干涸(河) 畸(基)形 咆(袍)哮 手帕(怕) 翩跹(仙) 蓦(漠)然
脍(快)炙 褴褛(旅) 抚恤(序) 愤懑(闷) 龋(取)齿 桎梏(固)
按捺(纳) 回溯(诉) 鞭挞(蹋) 塑(诉)料 狡黠(匣) 瞠(撑)目
媲(屁)美 讣(副)告 斡(沃)旋 联袂(妹) 赈(镇)济 汲(鸡)取
浸(进)透 刚愎(闭) 窠(科)臼 潸(山)然 妊娠(身) 阴霾(埋)
惴(坠)惴 栉(至)风 膏肓(荒) 百舸(ge上声) 淙(丛)淙 针砭(匾)
咳嗽(sou去声)莅(粒)临 取缔(第) 证券(劝) 喟(溃)然 嫩(nen去声)叶
混淆(xiao阳平) 谬(miu去声)论 湍(tuan阴平)急 冗(rong上声)长
吸吮(shun上声) 高耸(song上声) 怂(song上声)恿 怙(户)恶不悛(quan阴平)
酝酿(niang去声) 铿(坑)锵(枪) 悚(song上声)然 唾(tuo去声)弃
恫吓(贺) 要挟(邪) 呜咽(业) 拓(榻)片 禅(善)让 呆(癌)板
凹(ao阴平)陷 叨(涛)扰 提(低)防 堆(dui阴平)积 咯(卡)血
龟(君)裂 屏(丙)息 侧(摘)歪 亲(庆)家 参(cen阴平)差(ci阴平)不齐
数(朔)见不鲜 自怨自艾(义) 否(匹)极泰来 审时度(夺)势 心宽体胖(盘)
一曝(铺)十寒 一叶扁(篇)舟 大腹便便(pian pian阳平) 瓜熟蒂(第)落。
创意厨房 21 Food Hacks That’ll Make You Run For The Kitchen
Use an apple corer on potatoes for quick wedges.
Bacon. Pancakes.
Carefully use a balloon and melted chocolate for a fancy, edible bowl.
Melted banana split? Yes please.
Bees think they own your drinks. Use muffin/cupcake liners to stop them.
Make easy cheesy bread with an already-baked loaf.
Put the egg in the burger. You’ll thank us later.
Swirly cake is actually easier than it looks.
Cheap hangers… or chip clips?
Use a clothespin to make chopsticks foolproof.
AKA, heaven on earth.
Making ice cream sandwiches is easy, if you have a hot, sharp knife.
Electric carving knife + bundt cake pan = easy corn on the cob obliteration.
Wet your fingers. Get the shell out.
Use a peeler to create pretty lemon flowers.
There’s a new way to peel oranges.
Breakfast just got interesting.
Snacking just got awesome.
No more sticky popsicle hands.
Bye-bye, strawberry stems.
Taco holders!
試試看加一點以下的果皮 Add Peels to Your Meals
2. 土豆皮:土豆皮含有每日所需50%的鐵、鋅、維生素C、纖維和鉀。
3. 蘋果皮:果皮比果肉含有較高的黃酮類和酚類化合物,能預防癌症。
4. 黃瓜皮:黃瓜皮中的矽膠有助關節和皮膚健康。
Put down your produce peeler, and eat the skins of your organic fruits and vegetables. Although you might be tempted to toss them in the trash, those peels boast an abundance of nutrients. In fact, in many cases, the skins are more nutritious than the insides, according to True Lemon.
Add these peels to your meals:
Citrus Peels: The rinds contain higher levels of fiber and vitamin C than the flesh, according to Nutrition and You. They're also rich with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Additionally, limonene, a compound extracted from citrus peels, is a natural detoxifier. Zest the rinds on top of Greek yogurt or pasta dishes.
Kiwi Peels: These hairy peels are high in vitamin E. They also have three times the immune-strengthening antioxidants than their green insides. If the texture of the skins tickles your throat, blend them into smoothies.
More Nutrition Quick Tips
Potato Peels: One potato skin contains approximately 50 percent of the daily-recommended value of iron, zinc, vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Serve up hollowed-out potato skins stuffed with broccoli florets, Parmesan cheese and chives.
Apple Peels: According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the total amount of cancer-preventing flavonoids and phenolic compounds in apple skins is higher than those in the flesh. Try skin-on apple slices with white cheddar cheese for a healthy snack.
Cucumber Peels: Silica, found naturally in cucumber skins, is essential for joint and skin health, according to The Nature Heals blog. Add cucumber peels to salads and sandwiches, or blend them into raw soups.
Remember: Although buying 100 percent organic fruits and vegetables will ensure you aren't ingesting pesticides, it doesn't mean the skins are free of contaminants. According to Tufts University, organic produce can carry organic fertilizer residue, dirt and bacteria. Wash your produce in water, and rub the skins with your hands or a vegetable brush before taking a bite.
不舒服或生病時要喝什麼會有幫助? Sore? Sick? Sleepy? The Right Drink that helps!
1. 胃不舒服:水/薑汁汽水/運動飲料,薑可以舒緩噁心感。
2. 感冒:檸檬蜂蜜茶,避開可能會增加痰的牛奶和其他乳製品飲料。
3. 咳嗽:蜂蜜水,可以治療與上呼吸道感染有關的咳嗽,喝大量的液體 ,更容易咳出卡在喉嚨的粘液。
4. 喉嚨痛 : 薑黃茶,可以減少喉嚨發炎。
5. 口腔潰瘍:椰奶,嘗試飲用/ 漱口椰奶,因為椰子油可以治療真菌感染。
6. 便秘:蘆薈,其植物纖維具有通便作用。
7. 消化不良:水/薄荷茶,薄荷可幫助消化。
8. 吃到辛辣食物 : 牛奶/ 酸奶,脂肪和蛋白質可以緩解辣味的食物(所以脫脂牛奶不行)。
9. 宿醉:水/橙汁/香蕉冰沙,水是關鍵。
10. 腹脹:水與小蘇打粉,令外還要避免用吸管喝飲料,因為吸入的空氣 會引起腹脹。
For an Upset Stomach: Ginger Ale
Sick to your stomach? Maybe drinking all that pickle juice to quell muscle cramps did you in. Even though kicking back fluids may be the last activity on the want-to-do list, stick to clear liquids — like water and ginger ale — and sports drinks to get the body some much-needed hydration. Ginger ale may also do the trick since ginger root can help treat nausea. (Pro tip: Flat soda will be easier on the stomach without that carbonation.)
For a Head Cold: Lemon and Honey Tea
Drinking fluids can generally help loosen up the gunk that makes us congested (hot tea or broth may be especially helpful). It may be best, however, to steer clear of milk and other dairy beverages when you’re all stuffed up. Some people might be more susceptible to an increase in phlegm production (ew) when loading up on dairy. A hot toddy — whiskey, lemon, and honey — may alleviate a cold (and there’s liquor, so it’s got to make us feel better, right?).
For a Cough: Honey
Honey can help treat coughs associated with upper respiratory tract infections because it coats the back of the throat and the sweetness may cause us to salivate. Drink plenty of fluids in general, because they help thin the mucus lodged in the throat and make it easier to cough up.
For a Sore Throat — Turmeric Tea
Drinking most fluids will help keep the throat moist. To sooth a sore throat, try Mark Sisson’s creamy turmeric tea. Warm almond milk (made from ground almonds and water), ginger, cayenne, and honey combine for a magical peacemaker to an unhappy throat. The turmeric helps because it can reduce inflammation in the throat.
For Mouth Sores: Coconut Milk
We don’t have to tell you to avoid spicy stuff. It’s gonna hurt. If you do have mouth sores or burns from hot food, try gargling (or drinking some) coconut milk because coconut oil can help treat fungal infections, like canker sores.
For Constipation: Aloe
If you’re backed up, try aloe drinks — aloe has laxative effects. A hefty glass of water with powdered psyllium (a plant fiber) can also help get you on the right track.
For Sleepiness: Coffee/Water/Spirulina
For a mid-day pick-me-up, sip on a mug of coffee (duh). Water can perk you up, too, and so can a drink spiked with spirulina powder (you can get it at most health food stores). The powder, derived from blue-green algae, is one of the most nutrient dense foods with a ton of vitamins and minerals that boost energy.
To Fall Asleep: Tart Cherry Juice/Warm Milk/Chamomile
Brandy used to be the go-to sedative in the medical community during the 19th century. A hot whiskey (or seven) before bed may soothe you into dreamland, but for an alcohol-free drink, try tart cherry juice. It ups melatonin levels, which help improve sleep duration and sleep quality. Chamomile can also help ease you into a deep sleep.
To Lift Spirits: Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm tea, herbs steeped in hot water, can chill us out when we’re peeved. Teatime, in general, has been found to reduce blood pressure.
For Digestion: Water/Herbal Tea
Drinking water while eating (and after eating) helps digest food, as does herbal tea (especially mint or peppermint). Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra digestion aid.
For Spicy Food: Milk/Yogurt
The fat and protein in milk or drinkable yogurt (such as kefir) can ease the burn of spicy food (so nonfat milk or dairy products may not do the trick). The slightly acidic milk helps neutralize ingredients like capsaicin, which are basic.
For a Hangover: Water/Orange Juice/Banana Smoothie
Drinking water is key to avoid feeling like death the morning after. But, if it’s too late (we’ve all been there), whip up a banana-spinach smoothie. The two potassium rich ingredients up the electrolytes lost from boozing too hard. Since alcohol leads to a drop in blood sugar, a glass of OJ can also help bring us back to normal.
For Dehydration: Coconut Water
Coconut water can rehydrate, perhaps more than plain old water. The carb-electrolyte balance is great for hydrating, especially after exercise.
For Bad Breath: Water
This one’s easy. Since acids like coffee, and orange juice, as well as sugary beverages bring on bad breath, it may be best to follow the malodorous beverages with water to wash that stink away.
For Hunger: Milk
Drinking water between meals can stave of hunger. In comparison with a fruit drink, guzzling skim milk leads to increased satiety (a fancy word for feeling full or satisfied).
For Gas and Bloating: Water With Baking Soda
Not this kind of gas. If you’re out in public and afraid one will slip, mix a small amount of baking soda in a glass of water, and kick it back. Probiotic drinks may decrease flatulence, too. Also avoid sipping drinks through a straw. Inhaling all that air will cause, well, you know.
2. 感冒:檸檬蜂蜜茶,避開可能會增加痰的牛奶和其他乳製品飲料。
3. 咳嗽:蜂蜜水,可以治療與上呼吸道感染有關的咳嗽,喝大量的液體
4. 喉嚨痛 : 薑黃茶,可以減少喉嚨發炎。
5. 口腔潰瘍:椰奶,嘗試飲用/
6. 便秘:蘆薈,其植物纖維具有通便作用。
7. 消化不良:水/薄荷茶,薄荷可幫助消化。
8. 吃到辛辣食物 : 牛奶/
9. 宿醉:水/橙汁/香蕉冰沙,水是關鍵。
10. 腹脹:水與小蘇打粉,令外還要避免用吸管喝飲料,因為吸入的空氣
For an Upset Stomach: Ginger Ale
Sick to your stomach? Maybe drinking all that pickle juice to quell muscle cramps did you in. Even though kicking back fluids may be the last activity on the want-to-do list, stick to clear liquids — like water and ginger ale — and sports drinks to get the body some much-needed hydration. Ginger ale may also do the trick since ginger root can help treat nausea. (Pro tip: Flat soda will be easier on the stomach without that carbonation.)
For a Head Cold: Lemon and Honey Tea
Drinking fluids can generally help loosen up the gunk that makes us congested (hot tea or broth may be especially helpful). It may be best, however, to steer clear of milk and other dairy beverages when you’re all stuffed up. Some people might be more susceptible to an increase in phlegm production (ew) when loading up on dairy. A hot toddy — whiskey, lemon, and honey — may alleviate a cold (and there’s liquor, so it’s got to make us feel better, right?).
For a Cough: Honey
Honey can help treat coughs associated with upper respiratory tract infections because it coats the back of the throat and the sweetness may cause us to salivate. Drink plenty of fluids in general, because they help thin the mucus lodged in the throat and make it easier to cough up.
For a Sore Throat — Turmeric Tea
Drinking most fluids will help keep the throat moist. To sooth a sore throat, try Mark Sisson’s creamy turmeric tea. Warm almond milk (made from ground almonds and water), ginger, cayenne, and honey combine for a magical peacemaker to an unhappy throat. The turmeric helps because it can reduce inflammation in the throat.
For Mouth Sores: Coconut Milk
We don’t have to tell you to avoid spicy stuff. It’s gonna hurt. If you do have mouth sores or burns from hot food, try gargling (or drinking some) coconut milk because coconut oil can help treat fungal infections, like canker sores.
For Constipation: Aloe
If you’re backed up, try aloe drinks — aloe has laxative effects. A hefty glass of water with powdered psyllium (a plant fiber) can also help get you on the right track.
For Sleepiness: Coffee/Water/Spirulina
For a mid-day pick-me-up, sip on a mug of coffee (duh). Water can perk you up, too, and so can a drink spiked with spirulina powder (you can get it at most health food stores). The powder, derived from blue-green algae, is one of the most nutrient dense foods with a ton of vitamins and minerals that boost energy.
To Fall Asleep: Tart Cherry Juice/Warm Milk/Chamomile
Brandy used to be the go-to sedative in the medical community during the 19th century. A hot whiskey (or seven) before bed may soothe you into dreamland, but for an alcohol-free drink, try tart cherry juice. It ups melatonin levels, which help improve sleep duration and sleep quality. Chamomile can also help ease you into a deep sleep.
To Lift Spirits: Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm tea, herbs steeped in hot water, can chill us out when we’re peeved. Teatime, in general, has been found to reduce blood pressure.
For Digestion: Water/Herbal Tea
Drinking water while eating (and after eating) helps digest food, as does herbal tea (especially mint or peppermint). Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra digestion aid.
For Spicy Food: Milk/Yogurt
The fat and protein in milk or drinkable yogurt (such as kefir) can ease the burn of spicy food (so nonfat milk or dairy products may not do the trick). The slightly acidic milk helps neutralize ingredients like capsaicin, which are basic.
For a Hangover: Water/Orange Juice/Banana Smoothie
Drinking water is key to avoid feeling like death the morning after. But, if it’s too late (we’ve all been there), whip up a banana-spinach smoothie. The two potassium rich ingredients up the electrolytes lost from boozing too hard. Since alcohol leads to a drop in blood sugar, a glass of OJ can also help bring us back to normal.
For Dehydration: Coconut Water
Coconut water can rehydrate, perhaps more than plain old water. The carb-electrolyte balance is great for hydrating, especially after exercise.
For Bad Breath: Water
This one’s easy. Since acids like coffee, and orange juice, as well as sugary beverages bring on bad breath, it may be best to follow the malodorous beverages with water to wash that stink away.
For Hunger: Milk
Drinking water between meals can stave of hunger. In comparison with a fruit drink, guzzling skim milk leads to increased satiety (a fancy word for feeling full or satisfied).
For Gas and Bloating: Water With Baking Soda
Not this kind of gas. If you’re out in public and afraid one will slip, mix a small amount of baking soda in a glass of water, and kick it back. Probiotic drinks may decrease flatulence, too. Also avoid sipping drinks through a straw. Inhaling all that air will cause, well, you know.
易被忽略的高蛋白質蔬菜 You may not know: 6 Veggies with the Most Protein
含高蛋白質的蔬菜,蔬菜通常不被認為是蛋白質的重要來源,但有一些蔬菜包含相當的蛋白質,營養師Emily Gilbert表示,植物蛋白質是「不完整」的蛋白質,這意味著它們不包含所有的必需氨基酸,為了確保你得到不同類型的必需氨基酸,吃這些蔬菜時最好配上粗糧。
1. 豌豆:每半杯含有3克半的蛋白質。
2. 菠菜:每半杯含有3克的蛋白質。
3. 烤馬鈴薯:一個中等大小的馬鈴薯含有3克的蛋白質。
4. 花椰菜:不只充滿纖維(每半杯2.6克),它也是蛋白質的重要來源。
5. 球芽甘藍:每半杯含有2克蛋白質,以及247毫克的鉀和110微克的維生素K。
6. 玉米:每半杯含有2克蛋白質。
Vegetables aren't typically known for being a great source of protein, but there are some sneaky ones out there that contain a decent amount—so we asked Emily Gilbert, R.D., for the best plant-based ways to get this essential nutrient.
Something important to keep in mind: "Plant proteins are 'incomplete' proteins, meaning they don't contain all of the essential amino acids," says Gilbert. To make sure you get the different types of amino acids you need, make sure to combine these veggies with whole grains.
Each half-cup contains three and a half grams of protein. Try them in this creamy fresh pea soup with mint.
You'll find three grams of protein in a half cup of spinach. Get your fill with one of these yummy spinach smoothies.
Baked Potato
Another stealth source of protein? Potatoes! A medium-sized one contains three grams. Need some fun topping ideas? Make these spinach- and goat cheese-stuffed baked potatoes.
Broccoli's not just filled with fiber (2.6 grams per half cup)—it's also a great source of protein, with two grams per serving. Up your intake by sampling one of our four favorite broccoli recipes.
Brussels Sprouts
These little green guys get a bad rap, but they're actually nutritional superstars: Each half cup packs two grams of protein, along with 247 milligrams of potassium and 110 micrograms of vitamin K. Luckily for haters everywhere, we found these six new (and delicious) ways to eat Brussels sprouts.
OK, we know that corn is technically a grain. But you can find it in the produce aisle—and you'll be glad to know that half a cup of kernels provides two grams of filling protein. Try this grilled corn with lemon-parsley butter with dinner tonight.
有益的調味料 The Best Spices for your Health
1. 辣椒:辣椒含有豐富的維生素A,可以減輕疼痛、對抗自由基、降低膽固醇、清除淤血,增強免疫力和新陳代謝。
2. 奧勒岡:這個地中海香料可以提升沙拉或比薩的味道,含抗氧化劑、維生素K和纖維,胃不舒服時,它還是一種有效的抗菌劑。
3. 薑黃:薑黃素已被證明具有抗氧化和抗炎性質,能減輕關節炎疼痛、治療糖尿病、心臟疾病、阿爾茨海默氏病、囊性纖維化和各種自身免疫疾病,如類風濕關節炎。
4. 肉桂:幫助身體調節對胰島素的反應、緩解消化不良,甚至可能避免血液凝塊。
5. 大蒜:保護血管免受氧化應激和炎症。
6. 薑:生薑能舒緩胃部不適,甚至孕吐,姜辣素有助於減少炎症,阻止疼痛的神經途徑。
Have you tried a sprinkle of cinnamon on your oatmeal? Oregano on your salad? Ginger in your tea? Spicing your food is one of the easiest ways to enhance flavor without adding calories, sodium or fat, and it’s not only your waistline that will benefit from the zest. Seasonings and spices deliciously provide a variety of health benefits – from boosting immunity to controlling blood sugar. So whether you’re looking to spice up your food, ease a specific medical ailment or just create a culinary masterpiece, check out why perking up your favorite dish can satisfy more than just your palate:
Chili pepper
According to one study, this fiery spice is gaining popularity and is especially favored by millennials – for good reasons. Chili peppers are rich in vitamin A, and they can reduce pain, fight free radicals, lower cholesterol, clear congestion and boost immunity. Contrary to popular myth, they’ve been shown to fight stomach ulcers, not cause them, so don’t shy away from adding some heat to your favorite Mexican, Thai or Italian dishes. Capsaicin, the powerful compound in chiles, can rev up your metabolism and increase your body’s fat burning abilities.
A pinch of this Mediterranean spice can do more than enhance the flavor of your salad or pizza. A single teaspoon of dried oregano is a source of vitamin K and fiber and is packed with antioxidants – as many as are in three cups of spinach, in fact. Moreover, oregano is known to be an effective anti-bacterial agent, especially against stomach bugs, by preventing little critters from multiplying.
This yellow spice has been given lots of attention because of its anti-inflammatory benefits. Curcumin, the potent component of tumeric, has substantial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to relieve arthritis pain and manage diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis and a variety of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. This Indian staple has even been used to speed the healing of wounds. Two teaspoons a day provide 10 percent of your daily value of iron and 17 percent of your daily manganese, so try adding this splash of color to lentil curry or even scrambled eggs.
Cinnamon is one of the most commonly used spices in the United States. A dash in your morning cup of Joe and a sprinkle on your oatmeal provides half your day’s worth of manganese and is an excellent source of fiber. If you have diabetes, a touch of this nutty-tasting spice on carbohydrate-containing foods could prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking. This aromatic spice can also aid your body’s response to insulin. Cinnamon may even prevent unwanted blood clots, relieve indigestion and possibly enhance cardiac health.
Did you know that garlic is an excellent cold-fighter, boosts heart health (by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides) and has anti-inflammatory properties? Studies have shown that garlic protects your blood vessels from oxidative stress and inflammation, so be sure to add at least half a clove’s worth to your meals daily. As a good source of selenium, flavonoids and sulfur-containing nutrients, garlic deserves a valuable place on your plate. Try roasting a few cloves – the aroma alone will attract your family to the kitchen!
Ginger is known to settle an upset stomach and even morning sickness, but now it’s also linked to reducing pain. Gingerol, the potent chemical in ginger, helps decrease inflammation and blocks nerve pathways that process pain. Aside from steeping ginger in your tea, add it to your vegetable stir-fry to give your palate an extra zing.
Cocoa is much more than a steamy beverage to enjoy after skiing. Although not actually a spice, cocoa can jazz up sauces and marinades, providing a rich, savory flavor. Dishes made with the addition of cocoa will make your heart smile, too – cocoa flavanols have been shown to reduce blood pressure and enhance circulation – sending blood to all of the right places.
Spices can turn a blasé dish into an explosion of flavors in your mouth, with the bonus side effect of boosting your health. Tip: Shake the salt from the salt shakers and instead, add an array of spices and seasonings. Just leave them on the table for your family to experiment with and enjoy.
健康頭髮的飲食 What food to eat for healthy and shiny hair
1. 蛤蜊和牡蠣:鋅能修復和生長組織,包括頭髮的生長,如果鋅不足,可能導致脫髮或頭髮生長緩慢,非海產的選項包括花生醬、奶酪、堅果和種子。
2. 木瓜、球芽甘藍和辣椒:含維生素C,有助提高膠原蛋白的生產,缺乏維生素C會導致頭髮分叉。
3. 花生:維生素B有助頭髮的生長和頭皮整體健康,頭髮是由蛋白質組成,生物素可以幫助頭髮長得快,其它的生物素豐富的食物包括蛋和鮭魚。
4. 月見草油:含γ-亞麻酸、ω- 6必需脂肪酸,是促進頭髮生長的來源之一。
5. 扁豆:蛋白質的來源,也含有人體必需的礦物質鐵和鋅,鋅能調控頭髮生長的激素。
6. 菠菜:含鐵和葉酸,是一種B群維生素,有助細胞生長。
7. 希臘酸奶: 含維生素D,能促進健康毛囊的生長。
Focus on these foods a few times a day and you'll see longer, stronger, shinier hair in no time.
Sea Buckthorn
WHY IT WORKS: It's rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and omega 7s. "In Latin, it literally means 'shiny horse'," says Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Foodtrainers in NYC. "And it's the essential fatty acids that it contains that help to make human hair shiny, too." While it's a common ingredient in skincare, Slayton, says she's a fan of taking it in supplement form daily (a shot glass worth).
Clams and Oysters
WHY THEY WORK: "Zinc is a mineral that is important in the repair—and growth—of tissue, including the growth of hair," explains Deborah Enos, a certified nutritionist in NYC. "If your body is low in zinc, you may experience slow growth of hair and actual hair loss." Some non-seafood options include peanut butter, cheese, nuts and seeds, she says.
Papaya and Peppers
WHY THEY WORK: "It’s the vitamin C in these two foods that help boost the production of collagen that surrounds hair and keeps it strong," explains Slayton, who recommends working these two vitamin-C rich foods into one to two meals a day (or other kinds if you want, too—i.e. lemons, oranges and grapefruit).
WHY THEY WORK: "They're one of the best sources of biotin, a form of vitamin B, which increases hair growth and overall scalp health," says Slayton. "Your body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, the building blocks of protein and because hair is made up of protein, biotin helps hair grow faster." Other biotin-rich foods include egg and salmon for protein, she says.
Evening Primrose Oil
WHY IT WORKS: "It's one of the top sources of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid that promotes hair growth," explains Slayton.
Brussels Sprouts
WHY THEY WORK: Again, vitamin C is crucial to growing healthy, pretty hair: "Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamin C, which is important in keeping your hair vibrant and healthy because it's used by the body to form collagen," says Enos. "Even a mild deficiency of vitamin C can lead to split ends, so make sure to eat foods that have it on a daily basis."
WHY THEY WORK: They're a source of protein and also laced with essential minerals iron and zinc. "Zinc regulates hormones that affect hair growth," says Slayton. "And some studies have found a link between iron levels and hair loss in women."
WHY IT WORKS: "This vegetable is full of iron and folate, which is a B vitamin that is helpful in the creation of red blood cells," explains Enos. "While iron allows the blood cells to carry oxygen. And the two are a winning combination for your hair and the rest of your body, as well." Also, try adding foods that contain either one of these important hair nutrients, too. For example, asparagus and broccoli are rich in folate; garbanzo beans and Swiss chard are great for iron.
Greek Yogurt
WHY IT WORKS: "It's high in protein and vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid), a good combination for helping to increase hair growth," says Enos.
2. 木瓜、球芽甘藍和辣椒:含維生素C,有助提高膠原蛋白的生產,缺乏維生素C會導致頭髮分叉。
3. 花生:維生素B有助頭髮的生長和頭皮整體健康,頭髮是由蛋白質組成,生物素可以幫助頭髮長得快,其它的生物素豐富的食物包括蛋和鮭魚。
4. 月見草油:含γ-亞麻酸、ω- 6必需脂肪酸,是促進頭髮生長的來源之一。
5. 扁豆:蛋白質的來源,也含有人體必需的礦物質鐵和鋅,鋅能調控頭髮生長的激素。
6. 菠菜:含鐵和葉酸,是一種B群維生素,有助細胞生長。
7. 希臘酸奶: 含維生素D,能促進健康毛囊的生長。
Focus on these foods a few times a day and you'll see longer, stronger, shinier hair in no time.
Sea Buckthorn
WHY IT WORKS: It's rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and omega 7s. "In Latin, it literally means 'shiny horse'," says Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Foodtrainers in NYC. "And it's the essential fatty acids that it contains that help to make human hair shiny, too." While it's a common ingredient in skincare, Slayton, says she's a fan of taking it in supplement form daily (a shot glass worth).
Clams and Oysters
WHY THEY WORK: "Zinc is a mineral that is important in the repair—and growth—of tissue, including the growth of hair," explains Deborah Enos, a certified nutritionist in NYC. "If your body is low in zinc, you may experience slow growth of hair and actual hair loss." Some non-seafood options include peanut butter, cheese, nuts and seeds, she says.
Papaya and Peppers
WHY THEY WORK: "It’s the vitamin C in these two foods that help boost the production of collagen that surrounds hair and keeps it strong," explains Slayton, who recommends working these two vitamin-C rich foods into one to two meals a day (or other kinds if you want, too—i.e. lemons, oranges and grapefruit).
WHY THEY WORK: "They're one of the best sources of biotin, a form of vitamin B, which increases hair growth and overall scalp health," says Slayton. "Your body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, the building blocks of protein and because hair is made up of protein, biotin helps hair grow faster." Other biotin-rich foods include egg and salmon for protein, she says.
Evening Primrose Oil
WHY IT WORKS: "It's one of the top sources of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid that promotes hair growth," explains Slayton.
Brussels Sprouts
WHY THEY WORK: Again, vitamin C is crucial to growing healthy, pretty hair: "Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamin C, which is important in keeping your hair vibrant and healthy because it's used by the body to form collagen," says Enos. "Even a mild deficiency of vitamin C can lead to split ends, so make sure to eat foods that have it on a daily basis."
WHY THEY WORK: They're a source of protein and also laced with essential minerals iron and zinc. "Zinc regulates hormones that affect hair growth," says Slayton. "And some studies have found a link between iron levels and hair loss in women."
WHY IT WORKS: "This vegetable is full of iron and folate, which is a B vitamin that is helpful in the creation of red blood cells," explains Enos. "While iron allows the blood cells to carry oxygen. And the two are a winning combination for your hair and the rest of your body, as well." Also, try adding foods that contain either one of these important hair nutrients, too. For example, asparagus and broccoli are rich in folate; garbanzo beans and Swiss chard are great for iron.
Greek Yogurt
WHY IT WORKS: "It's high in protein and vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid), a good combination for helping to increase hair growth," says Enos.
5種幫助減重的茶 5 Types Of Tea For Diet
5 Types Of Tea For Diet
1. 八角茴香茶:有助克服消化系統問題,從腹脹、腹瀉到噁心。
2. 薄荷茶:控制食慾,振奮精神。
3. 綠茶:抗氧化劑含量高,兒茶素增加身體新陳代謝。
4. 玫瑰花茶:美化皮膚和消除各種體內毒素。本身含有豐富的維生素A、B3、C、D和E,可以抵抗皮膚感染,還能預防便秘。
5. 烏龍茶:每天2杯熱茶,能有效地燃燒體內脂肪,防止膽固醇過高。
Peppermint Tea
Want to control your appetite? You can eat this peppermint tea and keeping your weight is ideal. This tea is not only refreshing but also make spirit growing back.
Green Tea
This type of teas contain EGCG which is beneficial chemicals to increase the body's metabolism. Those who avidly drinking green tea can burn about 70 calories the body. The high content of antioxidants makes metabolism go up so the calories burned also increased.
Tea Roses
This type of tea is rather rare in Indonesia, but which is useful to beautify the skin and removes a variety of toxins in the body. Tea roses themselves rich in vitamins A, B3, C, D and E that can fight infection on the skin. In addition, tea roses can prevent constipation and weight loss.
Oolong Tea
Preventing obesity just tea consumption on this one. Have a strong scent of tea, tea and Ooling type burn the fat in the body more effectively so as to prevent the problem of cholesterol and obesity.
The trick is to soak the tea for 30 seconds to 5 minutes and it is consumed while it is warm. The scientists recommend to consume 2 cups of Oolong tea every day.
5 Types Of Tea For Diet
1. 八角茴香茶:有助克服消化系統問題,從腹脹、腹瀉到噁心。
2. 薄荷茶:控制食慾,振奮精神。
3. 綠茶:抗氧化劑含量高,兒茶素增加身體新陳代謝。
4. 玫瑰花茶:美化皮膚和消除各種體內毒素。本身含有豐富的維生素A、B3、C、D和E,可以抵抗皮膚感染,還能預防便秘。
5. 烏龍茶:每天2杯熱茶,能有效地燃燒體內脂肪,防止膽固醇過高。
Peppermint Tea
Want to control your appetite? You can eat this peppermint tea and keeping your weight is ideal. This tea is not only refreshing but also make spirit growing back.
Green Tea
This type of teas contain EGCG which is beneficial chemicals to increase the body's metabolism. Those who avidly drinking green tea can burn about 70 calories the body. The high content of antioxidants makes metabolism go up so the calories burned also increased.
Tea Roses
This type of tea is rather rare in Indonesia, but which is useful to beautify the skin and removes a variety of toxins in the body. Tea roses themselves rich in vitamins A, B3, C, D and E that can fight infection on the skin. In addition, tea roses can prevent constipation and weight loss.
Oolong Tea
Preventing obesity just tea consumption on this one. Have a strong scent of tea, tea and Ooling type burn the fat in the body more effectively so as to prevent the problem of cholesterol and obesity.
The trick is to soak the tea for 30 seconds to 5 minutes and it is consumed while it is warm. The scientists recommend to consume 2 cups of Oolong tea every day.
葡萄柚對人體的好處: The Healing Power of Grapefruit
1. 有助於脂肪分解,降低膽固醇。
2. 有助於減重,一個柚子大約有100卡路里的熱量,並有4
3. 另外葡萄柚有助於排毒,可以幫助肝臟排毒、淨化腎臟、消
4. 具有抗癌屬性,紅色和粉紅色的葡萄柚含有番茄紅素抗氧化
5. 含有豐富的維生素,包括A、C、B群,也是纖維、鉀、鐵
Eating grapefruit lowers cholesterol.
Grapefruit aids in the breakdown of fats, the pith, which is the white part inside the skin and the membranes surrounding the individual sections help lower cholesterol in the blood.
Grapefruit helps in Weight.
One whole grapefruit contains about 100 calories and has about 4 grams of fiber, which is naturally filling and contains compounds that help reduce appetite. It has a Glycemic Index rating of 35 (under 55 is good), so it doesn't spike blood sugar.
Grapefruit Helps Detoxification.
The fruit may help cleanse the kidney, digestive and urinary systems; detoxify the liver and help eliminate toxins.
Grapefruit Has Anti-cancer Properties.
Red and pink grapefruit contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant and may help greatly in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. A 6-ounce glass of grapefruit juice daily has been shown to reduce the activity of an enzyme that activates cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke. It may also help to treat esophageal cancer.
Grapefruits are Full of Vitamins
Grapefruit is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-complex, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin-B1, Vitamin-B5, Iron, Calcium, Copper and Phosphorous.
Here are few More Benefits of Eating Grapefruit
• Grapefruit helps to prevent heart disease and stroke.
• Grapefruit prevent kidney stones.
• Grapefruit prevent colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer.
• Grapefruit helps lower cholesterol level.
• Grapefruit protects skin damage from UV rays.
• Grapefruit prevent cold and fever.
• Grapefruit reduces high blood pressure.
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