Tuesday, September 24, 2013

黃瓜的好處 15 health benefits of cucumbers

1. 含水量96%,有助保持體內水份。
2. 充滿了皮膚所需的礦物質,如鎂、鉀、矽,能舒緩日曬後肌膚。
3. 幫助排出體內有害物質。
4. 含抗氧化劑,特別是維生素A、B和C,能提高免疫力,補充能量。
5. 高含水量有助減重。
6. 眼睛敷黃瓜片,可以減少浮腫或發紅。
7. 有助穩定血壓。
8. 其高纖維和高水分含量有助消化。
9. 含二氧化矽,能護髮、護甲。
10. 高水平的抗氧化劑可舒緩關節疼痛。
11. 能利水消腫,可降低尿酸水平,有助痛風患者。
12. 含有丙醇二酸,能有效抑制糖類物質轉化為脂肪。
13. 含有膳食纖維,可降低血液中的膽固醇、甘油三酯的含量。

1. Being 96% water, cucumbers are great for keeping you hydrated.
2. Cucumbers relieve heartburn and hot skin after sunburns or just spending the day in the sun. They are also full of skin-lavishing minerals like magnesium, potassium and silicon, and are used in spa treatments all the time for this reason.
3. They flush out toxins effectively, and may even help dissolve kidney stones.
4. Cucumbers are full of antioxidants – especially vitamins A, B, and C that boost immunity and give you more energy when you are feeling lethargic.
5. Cucumbers can help you lose weight by offering great nutrition and high-water content.
6. Slices of cucumbers on the eyes can reduce puffiness and redness.
7. Several studies show that compounds in cucumbers help to fight cancer.
8. They stabilize blood pressure.
9. They refresh the mouth and gums, while even healing diseased gums.
10. Cucumbers aid in digestion due to their fiber and water content.
11. Silica is great for the hair, nails and skin – so cucumbers are a beautifying food.
12. Cucumbers can soothe joint pain due to their high levels of antioxidants.
13. This great food lowers uric acid levels, making it a potential solution for those with gout.
14. Cucumbers support the pancreas for insulin production, so they are great for diabetics.
15. They reduce bad cholesterol due to the presence of plant sterols.

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