超重的24個原因 The 24 reasons why you are overweight
1. 吃太多健康但高熱量的食物:堅果、酪梨、全麥麵食、橄欖油和黑巧克力是全天然、健康的,但它們的熱量也可能很高。例如,一個酪梨就超過200卡路里,所以無論健康愈否,都要節制。
2. 不吃早餐:想節省熱量,但卻讓身體守住脂肪,新陳代謝減緩。選擇含有蛋白質和纖維的早餐,以持續能源。
3. 份量太大:控制份量是成功減重的重要關鍵。一開始可能需要量杯和湯匙的幫助,以確保份量是正確的。
4. 站著吃:導致無意識的飲食。最好有個固定的小吃時間。...
5. 睡眠不足:影響身體控制胃口的能力,增加刺激食慾的激素。
6. 吃太多低脂食物:有較低的卡路里,但可能含太多的鈉或化學添加劑。
7. 沒有吃足夠的蔬菜:每天至少吃五到七份,因為植物性食物為主的飲食能提供低卡高纖的營養素。
8. 運動不足:散步15分鐘,有總比沒有好,但若要有真正的效果,每天至少得做30分鐘的有氧運動。
9. 沒有把食物切開,就大口吃:研究發現,小口小口的吃,會吃得較少,也較有滿足感。
10. 沒有戒汽水或高熱量飲料:沒有營養好處,但卻是破壞減重目標的主因之一。
11. 伴侶有不同的飲食習慣:若減重時有個伴,效果更佳。但若另一半喜歡外食、吃零食,那你減重的過程會更辛苦。
12. 喜歡在食物上加調味料和配料:沙拉是健康的,但若加上培根、乾果、起司等等,然後再加上一大匙的高熱量沙拉醬,卡路里當然劇增。
13. 不喝水:餐前喝水有助控制食量,增加飽足感。
14. 你沒有任何樂趣:壓力過大時容易被高糖、高脂的食品誘惑,導致體重增加。
15. 不夠堅持:減重時不能三心二意,又期望看到結果。
16. 總是在吃:吃是你的放鬆方式。
17. 沒有記食物日記:無法準確的知道吃了多少。
18. 空腹運動:研究發現,空腹運動燃燒的熱量來自於肌肉,而不是脂肪。
19. 只有做心肺運動,而忽略重量訓練:重量訓練不僅可防止關節損傷,也可建立肌肉質量和增加代謝率。
20. 沒有專心的進食:電腦或電視可能讓你忘了自己吃了多少。
21. 衣服穿太大:舒適寬鬆的衣服掩蓋了身材,讓你忘了多出來的贅肉。
22. 一直處在飢餓狀態:可能會導致暴飲暴食,混淆新陳代謝。
23. 放棄某個食物群:可導致營養缺乏。
24. 運動後多吃了:小吃就只是小吃,要限制在150卡路里內。
Even if you've kicked off a fitness routine and you're choosing healthier food, you may not be seeing the weight come off the way you'd hoped. One or a few of these 25 weight-loss culprits may be all that's standing in the way of your weight-loss goals.
Nuts, avocados, whole wheat pasta, olive oil, and dark chocolate are all natural and healthy, but they aren't void of calories. You still need to watch how much you eat of the good stuff. For example, avocado offers a lot of health benefits, but an entire fruit is over 200 calories.
Skipping breakfast may seem like a great way to save calories, but your body will actually hold onto fat because it thinks it's being starved. Keep in mind that people who eat breakfast regularly lose more weight, so make sure to eat breakfast each morning to jump-start your metabolism. Don't just grab anything; include protein to give yourself sustainable energy and fibre to fill you up for hours.
When it comes to a balanced diet, we know that portion control is one of the keys to success. Keep measuring cups and spoons on hand to make sure your serving sizes are appropriate, and learn how to give your body the "I'm full" signal in order to help you drop the fork when the time is right.
Standing at the fridge or the counter to chow down isn't saving time or energy and can lead to mindless eating. It's best to designate time for snacking and meals that's set apart from other activities.
Making time for your workouts can mean less time for sleep, but it's important to get enough Z's if you're trying to lose weight. You need extra energy to keep up with your exercise routine, and skimping on sleep can affect your body's ability to control its appetite: not enough shut-eye increases appetite-stimulating hormones.
Going for foods with a lower calorie count can be deceiving, since many times they're filled with extra sodium, sugar, or chemical additives to make up for the ingredients the company has removed or decreased. Not only are these light versions less nutritious, but they also end up tasting "lighter," leading you to eat more. You'll probably end up consuming more calories than you would if you just ate a regular-sized portion of the real thing.
Eating five to seven servings of fruits and veggies a day is important for everyone, but dieters who go heavy on the produce are more likely to lose and keep the weight off, since a diet full of plant-based foods offers a greater variety of nutrients with fewer calories - and all that fiber keeps the body feeling fuller longer.
A 15-minute stroll is better than nothing, but don't expect to see dramatic weight-loss results. You've got to kick it up a notch - big time - and do at least 30 minutes a day of heart-pumping exercise. Big calorie and fat burners include running, spin class, interval training, hiking, and circuit training.
Something as simple as slicing up your dinner can be helpful for your overeating woes. Cutting food into tiny pieces may seem slightly childish, but studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less.
Soft drinks offer no nutritional benefits and continuing to drink them is sabotaging your weight-loss goals - even if you only drink diet ones. Studies have shown that individuals who drink two diet soft drinks a day or more had waistlines that were 50 per cent larger than the non-drinkers.
A partner who's on a similar path can be a huge help to your weight-loss goals, but if your partner is not on board, then your relationship may be making you fat.
You can't expect to lose weight if your partner constantly suggests ordering takeout, wants to go out for ice cream, or encourages you to sleep in instead of hitting the gym! Communicating that you need their support in losing weight is a great first step in finding compromises - for both of you. For starters, the next time you have dinner out, offer to split an entree or skip dessert.
A salad is one of the healthiest meals you can have, but when you top it with bacon bits, goat cheese, nuts, dried fruits, and dressing, you can double the calorie amount in a flash. Be aware of how many calories your favorite salad extras add on. For instance, 10 croutons is an easy 100 calories.
Besides keeping you hydrated, drinking water on the regular, according to recent studies, can aid with weight loss. Filling up on water before a meal helps encourage portion control, and eating foods that contain a lot of water (like fruits and veggies) will fill you up faster, causing you to eat less.
Since stress can cause weight gain by triggering the body to eat more - especially foods high in sugar and fat - make sure you give yourself time to relax and unwind. And it's an added bonus that so many fun activities (like dancing, hiking, and shopping) are already natural calorie-burners!
Whether you're on Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or your own diet-and-exercise plan, you can't do it halfheartedly and expect to see results. Stay committed to your plan, or you'll see the kilos pile on instead of dropping from the scale.
Hitting your favourite restaurant is a great way to unwind, but you're more likely to indulge in a huge meal complete with starters, drinks, fried foods, and dessert.
Writing down what you eat is an essential way to monitor daily caloric intake. Don't think it's worth the effort? A study from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics surveyed 123 women and found that those who were the most successful at losing weight monitored their food intake by keeping a journal.
If you regularly exercise without eating first, you should reconsider: when you work out on an empty stomach, research shows that the calories burned come from muscle, not fat. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, the more muscle mass you have, the better it is for weight loss. Not only will fueling your body help you avoid losing muscle, but also, you'll have more energy to push yourself through your workout.
If you live on the treadmill but never lift a weight, then you're missing out on one of the most important pieces of the fitness puzzle. Not only does weight training prevent injury by strengthening the joints, but it also builds muscle mass and increases metabolic rate. Bonus: thanks to a revved-up metabolism, you'll keep burning calories long after you've slipped off your sneakers.
Aligning mealtime with a screen like your computer or the TV can be hurt your weight-loss goals. Designating a special time for meals without distractions will help you connect to your food and, as a result, eat less. Sometimes you don't even realise how much you're scarfing when your mind is somewhere else.
Loose clothes are comfy, but they cover up the body and allow you to forget what you look like, which can work against your fitness motivation. Instead, opt for clothes that have a more fitted silhouette to help give you a sense of your body image. Or, better yet, start the day in your gym outfit to inspire you to do something active.
Don't starve yourself to save calories for later. It'll not only mess up your metabolism, and by dinnertime, that famished feeling will likely cause you to eat more than you would if you weren't starving. Not only is starving yourself not sustainable for continued weight loss, but also, limiting yourself to too-small portions can lead to excess snacking between mealtimes.
Giving up entire food groups can lead to a nutritional deficiency - not to mention trigger major cravings for whatever food has been cut. Rather than, say, eliminating all carbohydrates, focus on whole grains and remember to monitor portion control. Usually it's the extra servings that add to your waistline, not the pasta itself.
In an otherwise healthy diet, eating a few french fries or a piece of chocolate cake isn't going to ruin your weight-loss goals. A study found that it isn't necessary to up workout intensity the day after a piece of cake and that a daily variance of as much as 600 calories won't reflect on your waistline, as long as you maintain a healthy diet in the long run.
A post-workout snack is just that - a snack. And unless it's mealtime, what you eat after an average workout should be around 150 calories. Since healthy foods like trail mix can be high in calories, measure out a serving instead of mindlessly chomping straight out of the bag.
一個健康的關係,讓人感到快樂和滿足 20 Bad Habits That Hurt Your Relationship
1. 不要試圖”改善”對方,也不要期望不切實際的改變。提醒
2. 不要在大家面前爭吵,使周圍的人都覺得彆扭。
3. 良性溝通是健康關係的一部分,但若怕衝突而完全不溝通,
4. 積怨不僅傷害關係,也會造成不必要的壓力和焦慮。要學習
5. 選擇適當的時間和地點討論重要問題。
6. 關係是給予和接受,但不需要一筆一筆記錄下誰做的多或做
7. 不要過於戲劇化,心平氣和地才能解決問題。
8. 關係要能持久,信任是關鍵。尊重彼此的隱私,不要老是偷
9. 不要因在一起久了,覺得很安全,就不在乎自己的外表。
10. 不要拿他與前任做比較。
12. 對自己誠實。
13. 不健康的關係可以導致自卑,避免這種危險關係。
14. 不要把對方視為理所當然。適時的表示感激和重視,只會增
1. Trying to improve him/her. News flash: There's no such thing as a perfect person, so don't expect unrealistic changes. Reminding him or her to make the bed is one thing, but trying to radically change shyness or anxiety is another — and could be ignoring the underlying causes for those issues in the first place.
2. Finding faults with the fam. The 'rents may be harder to handle than your significant other. But even if there's some clashing of heads, don't focus on the family's faults. Getting criticism from family members can make people feel depressed and hostile — which means some tense holiday dinners. Besides, the situation can't be worse than what Gaylord went through in Meet the Parents.
3. Engaging in constant PDA. Getting it on in public can not only make bystanders uncomfortable, it may also compensate for a lack of real communication. Stick to hand-holding and quick kisses, and save the rest for the bedroom (or the cell phone?).
4. Fighting in public. As if PDA weren't bad enough. Arguing in public can embarrass the couple and make everyone around feel awkward, too. Talk it out in private, please.
5. Avoiding fighting. Love isn't all good, all the time. Disagreements are bound to happen, and arguments can be a healthy part of a relationship. Never having conflict may make compromise impossible. Just don't make fighting an all-day affair.
6. Not talking it out. If something is wrong, the other person probably can't read your mind. When a problem comes up, speak up at the right time. One study suggests young couples are less stressed when they talk out their issues than when they keep their feelings bottled up. And don't forget to say, "I love you." Expressing emotions — positive and negative — can benefit that bond.
7. Forgetting to forgive. People make mistakes, and holding on to grudges may not only hurt a relationship — it could also cause unwanted stress and anxiety. Sympathy may be easier to give if we realize it will benefit our health.
8. Timing discussions badly. Conversations about important issues, like relationship expectations and financial blunders, all have their time and place. Don't bring up serious topics when someone's stressed, like at the end of the workday or right before hosting a party. Set up a time to talk when both people are relaxed.
9. Keeping score. Sure, relationships should be about give and take, but don't keep track of every little detail (For example: I paid for the last six dinners, and you only paid for five!). It can cause unnecessary tension.
10. Being melodramatic. No relationship is perfect. So don't create unnecessary drama in every scenario. If a mate forgets to take out the garbage, there's no need for a scene. Take a few breaths and address the problem calmly.
11. Spying. When two people want to make it work, trust is key. Have confidence in your mate and respect their privacy: Don’t snoop through texts, emails, or bedroom drawers. (Definitely don’t use this!)
12. Allowing jealousy to take over. Doubting your partner may be a symptom of a larger problem: relationship insecurity. And women who feel insecure in their relationships may be at greater risk for health issues like a weakened immune system. Some advice for reducing envy, at least temporarily? Stay off Facebook and other social networking sites.
13. Letting go. Sometimes when partners feel too secure with each other, they end up putting on a few pounds, possibly because they’re less physically active. Try being a power couple to stay both happy and healthy.
14. Constantly comparing. Forget the ex and stop comparing a current partner with a person from the past. This could lead to unrealistic expectations.
15. Doing everything together. Everyone needs some alone time (yep, even hopelessly devoted couples). Solitude may even enhance relationships, making time together more valuable.
16. Lying. Little white lies can add up and ruin a relationship that should be built on honesty. There is wiggle room, of course: “Sweetie, that homemade dinner tasted great…”
17. Not being honest with yourself. Don’t just be honest with a companion. Stay real about what you need in order to stay satisfied. Is a long distance relationship really worth the work? Is it okay that they’re working all the time?
18. Lacking self-confidence. Not feeling confident in a relationship can really do some damage: Low self-esteem is sometimes linked to low sex drive, which could make things less heated in the bedroom. Getting active, setting goals, and even smiling can improve self-confidence. But don’t forget that an unhealthy relationship can actually cause low-self esteem, so steer clear of someone who makes you feel less than great.
19. Forgetting why you’re in it. Remember to ask yourself why you two are dating, and what you want out of it. Does a partner want to put a ring on it while you want to remain casual? Being with someone for the wrong reasons is one slippery slope!
20. Taking him or her for granted. Always remember why you love that special someone. Showing gratitude and paying attention to that good person by your side will only make the relationship stronger
黃瓜的好處 15 health benefits of cucumbers
1. 含水量96%,有助保持體內水份。
2. 充滿了皮膚所需的礦物質,如鎂、鉀、矽,能舒緩日曬後肌膚。
3. 幫助排出體內有害物質。
4. 含抗氧化劑,特別是維生素A、B和C,能提高免疫力,補充能量。
5. 高含水量有助減重。
6. 眼睛敷黃瓜片,可以減少浮腫或發紅。
7. 有助穩定血壓。
8. 其高纖維和高水分含量有助消化。
9. 含二氧化矽,能護髮、護甲。
10. 高水平的抗氧化劑可舒緩關節疼痛。
11. 能利水消腫,可降低尿酸水平,有助痛風患者。
12. 含有丙醇二酸,能有效抑制糖類物質轉化為脂肪。
13. 含有膳食纖維,可降低血液中的膽固醇、甘油三酯的含量。
1. Being 96% water, cucumbers are great for keeping you hydrated.
2. Cucumbers relieve heartburn and hot skin after sunburns or just spending the day in the sun. They are also full of skin-lavishing minerals like magnesium, potassium and silicon, and are used in spa treatments all the time for this reason.
3. They flush out toxins effectively, and may even help dissolve kidney stones.
4. Cucumbers are full of antioxidants – especially vitamins A, B, and C that boost immunity and give you more energy when you are feeling lethargic.
5. Cucumbers can help you lose weight by offering great nutrition and high-water content.
6. Slices of cucumbers on the eyes can reduce puffiness and redness.
7. Several studies show that compounds in cucumbers help to fight cancer.
8. They stabilize blood pressure.
9. They refresh the mouth and gums, while even healing diseased gums.
10. Cucumbers aid in digestion due to their fiber and water content.
11. Silica is great for the hair, nails and skin – so cucumbers are a beautifying food.
12. Cucumbers can soothe joint pain due to their high levels of antioxidants.
13. This great food lowers uric acid levels, making it a potential solution for those with gout.
14. Cucumbers support the pancreas for insulin production, so they are great for diabetics.
15. They reduce bad cholesterol due to the presence of plant sterols.
全世界最高的樂高積木塔 11-Story LEGO Tower Is Officially the World’s Tallest
11-Story LEGO Tower Is Officially the World’s Tallest
Brick by tiny plastic brick, the students of Red Clay School District toiled for months to assemble sections of a tower comprising over half a million LEGOs. After several days of what Delaware Online describes as “painstaking engineering,” the LEGO brick tower was complete, an improbable “toy” edifice soaring over John Dickinson High School near Wilmington, Delaware flaunting colorful layers of pumpkin orange, electric green and light royal blue.
“Wow. Just — wow,” said Ralph Storner, one of the students who helped build the tower (via Delaware Online). “You know when you’re talking about a world record it’s going to be big. But seeing it now, it’s really cool.”
All told, the tower weighs nearly a ton and stands nearly 113 feet tall, making it the tallest structure composed of toy bricks ever assembled, according to the Guinness Book of World Records (the prior record-holder was a 106-foot tower built in Prague in 2012). The bricks were pieced together in sections by students over the past several months, then those sections were stacked by contractors who’d volunteered to help out, constructing the tower around a metal cylinder and using tension cables to keep it from tipping over.
While the number of feet in a story varies, it’s generally around 10 (think room height plus space for floor and ceiling), allowing the school district to reasonably claim the tower is around 11 stories tall.
Why — aside from fleeting Guinness record notoriety — enlist a bunch of students to build an 11-story-tall LEGO tower at all?
“We want kids to get a message out of this,” said district superintendent Mervin Daugherty. “One kid could never put this together. But when we all work together, when we’re all a team, we can do something that people probably thought would be impossible.”
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合金饰品的保养 How to keep alloy fashion accessories from rusting
一个没有穷人,近乎完美的国家 - 丹麦
10 Health Benefits of Ginger 生薑對健康有許多好處
數千百年來,世界各地的傳統醫學都廣泛的應用在治療上。 已被研究證實的健康益處包括:
1. 舒緩噁心和嘔吐。
2. 保護腸道健康,包括脹氣、便秘、潰瘍等。
3. 生薑中的姜烯酚化合物能保護大腦。
4. 舒緩偏頭痛,且無副作用。
5. 具有吸收紫外線的能力,抗UVB光,防止DNA損傷。. ..
6. 平衡血糖。增加對胰島素的靈敏度,並支持碳水化合物和脂 類代謝。
7. 促進健康血壓。
8. 生薑萃取物有利關節炎。
9. 舒緩肌肉酸痛。
1. Helps Calm Nausea and Vomiting
Clinical studies have proven ginger’s effectiveness at calming nausea and vomiting. Research has also confirmed its potential against chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). The majority of studies found a positive effect against this side effect of aggressive therapies. Ginger may be a powerful option for those suffering from toxic medical procedures like these.
2. Digestive Tract Protection
Ginger has also been historically used for flatulence, constipation, bloating, and other digestive complaints. In addition to these gastro-protective effects, researchers have found ginger to be effective for stress related ulcers.
3. Brain Health
Ginger contains compounds that have demonstrated protective effects for the brain. One of them, known as 6-Shogaol, inhibited the release and expression of redness-causing chemicals known to cause damage to neurons in both in vitro and in vivo models. The other, 10-gingerol, when sourced from fresh ginger, similarly impacted production of nitric oxide and other chemicals that lead to redness and swelling in the brain.
4. Migraine Relief
In a clinical trial, 100 patients received ginger powder or a drug given to migraine sufferers. The results showed the ginger powder helped reduce migraine related discomfort… without side effects.
5. Protection from UV Rays
Research data has shown ginger possesses UV absorbing capabilities that protect against DNA damage related to UVB (ultraviolet-B) light. Extracts from ginger stimulated antioxidant production, suggesting protective effects against potentially damaging UV light.
6. Supports Stable Blood Sugar
Ginger has repeatedly demonstrated powerful blood sugar balancing effects. It acts on insulin release and sensitivity, and supports the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. In one study, insulin levels noticeably lowered with ginger supplementation. In addition to its effectiveness as a blood sugar stabilizer, ginger has also demonstrated powerful protective effects against diabetic kidney, eye and liver complications.
7. Promotes Healthy Blood Pressure
Thai medical practitioners have traditionally used herbs such as ginger to support healthy blood pressure. Extracts from ginger and other herbs used in Thai medicinal recipes were evaluated for their effectiveness against hypertension. The ginger extract was the most effective.
8. May Benefit Osteoarthritis
A recent in vitro study tested ginger against drugs used for osteoarthritis — the ginger extract was demonstrated to be as effective. Another study involving 43 osteoarthritis patients found ginger to be as effective and more safe than the NSAIDs.
9. Helps with Muscle Aches and Discomfort
A recent 2013 study has evaluated ginger for use in relieving muscle discomfort in female athletes. Over the course of this 6-week trial, participants taking ginger reported a significant decrease in muscle soreness as compared to the placebo.
10. May Benefit Cardiovascular Function
One of the active compounds in ginger, 6-gingerol, has been isolated, tested and determined an active factor in regulating blood pressure and supporting cardiovascular health. Based on the results, researchers are exploring the potentials of ginger as a remedy for cardiovascular problems.
1. 舒緩噁心和嘔吐。
2. 保護腸道健康,包括脹氣、便秘、潰瘍等。
3. 生薑中的姜烯酚化合物能保護大腦。
4. 舒緩偏頭痛,且無副作用。
5. 具有吸收紫外線的能力,抗UVB光,防止DNA損傷。.
6. 平衡血糖。增加對胰島素的靈敏度,並支持碳水化合物和脂
7. 促進健康血壓。
8. 生薑萃取物有利關節炎。
9. 舒緩肌肉酸痛。
1. Helps Calm Nausea and Vomiting
Clinical studies have proven ginger’s effectiveness at calming nausea and vomiting. Research has also confirmed its potential against chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). The majority of studies found a positive effect against this side effect of aggressive therapies. Ginger may be a powerful option for those suffering from toxic medical procedures like these.
2. Digestive Tract Protection
Ginger has also been historically used for flatulence, constipation, bloating, and other digestive complaints. In addition to these gastro-protective effects, researchers have found ginger to be effective for stress related ulcers.
3. Brain Health
Ginger contains compounds that have demonstrated protective effects for the brain. One of them, known as 6-Shogaol, inhibited the release and expression of redness-causing chemicals known to cause damage to neurons in both in vitro and in vivo models. The other, 10-gingerol, when sourced from fresh ginger, similarly impacted production of nitric oxide and other chemicals that lead to redness and swelling in the brain.
4. Migraine Relief
In a clinical trial, 100 patients received ginger powder or a drug given to migraine sufferers. The results showed the ginger powder helped reduce migraine related discomfort… without side effects.
5. Protection from UV Rays
Research data has shown ginger possesses UV absorbing capabilities that protect against DNA damage related to UVB (ultraviolet-B) light. Extracts from ginger stimulated antioxidant production, suggesting protective effects against potentially damaging UV light.
6. Supports Stable Blood Sugar
Ginger has repeatedly demonstrated powerful blood sugar balancing effects. It acts on insulin release and sensitivity, and supports the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. In one study, insulin levels noticeably lowered with ginger supplementation. In addition to its effectiveness as a blood sugar stabilizer, ginger has also demonstrated powerful protective effects against diabetic kidney, eye and liver complications.
7. Promotes Healthy Blood Pressure
Thai medical practitioners have traditionally used herbs such as ginger to support healthy blood pressure. Extracts from ginger and other herbs used in Thai medicinal recipes were evaluated for their effectiveness against hypertension. The ginger extract was the most effective.
8. May Benefit Osteoarthritis
A recent in vitro study tested ginger against drugs used for osteoarthritis — the ginger extract was demonstrated to be as effective. Another study involving 43 osteoarthritis patients found ginger to be as effective and more safe than the NSAIDs.
9. Helps with Muscle Aches and Discomfort
A recent 2013 study has evaluated ginger for use in relieving muscle discomfort in female athletes. Over the course of this 6-week trial, participants taking ginger reported a significant decrease in muscle soreness as compared to the placebo.
10. May Benefit Cardiovascular Function
One of the active compounds in ginger, 6-gingerol, has been isolated, tested and determined an active factor in regulating blood pressure and supporting cardiovascular health. Based on the results, researchers are exploring the potentials of ginger as a remedy for cardiovascular problems.
Viral Video: What The Fox Actually Sounds Like
Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are the most widespread fox species.
"Dog goes woof. Cat goes meow. Bird goes tweet, and mouse goes squeak."
Such are the first lines of divine wisdom imparted by "The Fox," a song by the Norwegian variety act Ylvis that was released this week and has since gone viral. But what noise does the titular animal make? Here, Ylvis takes some liberties as to "what the fox say," including noises that are difficult to transcribe, but include "wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!" and "fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!"
While the video is pretty awesome, it doesn't represent real fox vocalizations. LiveScience turned to a fox researcher — and pulled together some videos of fox vocalizations — to find out what foxes really sound like.
Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), the most common foxes throughout the world, have a wide variety of vocalizations, with as many as 20 different calls depending on how one defines them, said Stephen Harris, a biologist at the University of Bristol, England, who has studied their vocalizations. They use these calls to find mates, interact with rivals and communicate within their family groups. This variety befits their role as highly social mammals, Harris told LiveScience.
Frantic screams
The loudest and most prominent sound made by foxes is the scream or contact call, typically used by vixens, or females, when they are ready to breed in the late winter and spring, Harris told LiveScience. This "blood-curdling" call "sounds a bit like somebody being murdered," he said. The call is designed to travel long distances and summon suitors. "They are looking for the best fox to mate with," Harris said. The "scream" can also be used by males, and by females at other times, though.
One time in the 1970s, Harris tracked a fox through a cemetery, and lost track of the animal — It was a very dark and cold night. All of a sudden, "a vixen came down about 5 feet [1.5 meters] behind me and screamed in a very loud voice — I leapt straight out of my skin," he said.
Foxes also commonly bark, which is generally used as another type of contact call to reach out to friends or rivals, Harris said. The bark sounds similar to that of a dog, except slightly higher pitched and sometimes shrill. Studies on other species of foxes show that the animals can recognize each other based on their calls, which isn't that surprising, Harris added.
Fox cubs also bark, in a way that's similar to adults. "Even when they're newborn and blind they call to their mother to keep in touch," Harris said. The bark sounds a little bit like "wow-wow-wow," he added. .[Video: Fox Uses Clever Hunting Tricks]
The animals also emit a wide variety of whines and squeals that have different meanings that can change based on the context and the fox's body language. For example, squeals can be used to show that one fox is submitting to another. But foxes also squeal when they are excited, Harris said. Perhaps this is the fox version of "squee."
In addition to growling, foxes can also make a guttural sound in the back of their throat called "clicketing," which generally happens during the mating season, Harris said. "We don't know quite what it means," he added.
Why not better known?
As the song notes, the characteristic sounds of other animals are better known, or at least codified in a recognizable form of onomatopoeia like "woof" or "meow." But why aren't fox calls better known?
The difficulty of putting fox sounds into words is certainly one obvious reason. It isn't exactly easy to describe a scream, for example. But here's an attempt: "WRAHHHHHGH!!!!" Foxes are wild animals as well and haven't been successfully domesticated in the same way as dogs were from wolves, making them less familiar to earlier humans who first made up the words to describe the sounds made by other animals.
"If you follow an individual fox around at night, most nights the foxes won't make a call at all, or it'll be very soft," Harris said. "Foxes are moderately quiet animals."
Finally, despite having a variety of vocalizations, foxes communicate even more with scents, and don't make noises that often.
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Enjoy ;) Meow~~
火車站長竟然是一隻小貓。 Brilliant Transportation Gimmick of the Day: A Cat Station Master
Brilliant Transportation Gimmick of the Day: A Cat Station Master
日本Kishi火車站站長Tama可能無法幫你找對車廂 或是提行李,但她會是旅程中的小驚喜。十年前,此路線每 年虧損高達470萬美元,2007年時,一隻流浪貓Ta ma被指派為站長,從此營運有了轉機。她工作的第一年, 載客量就上升了10%。現在Tama為Kishi車站帶 來國際媒體的關注,已成為一個旅遊聖地。以貓為主題的車 站、車廂、咖啡館和紀念商品等等,已帶來1004萬美元 的收入,在這幾年中轉虧為盈。Tama的年薪是一年的貓 食,時髦的制服和一個窗口辦公室。
The stationmaster at Japan's Kishi train station probably won't be able to help you find the platform, or check your luggage, or rush for a transfer. She'd make a good companion though, as long as you're not more of a dog person.
Since 2007, a calico cat named Tama has served as Super Station Master at the small station in Kinokawa City in Wakayama Prefecture. A decade earlier, the small local train line had been hemorrhaging $4.7 million a year. Though a merger forced the Wakayama Electric Railway to reduce staff at the stations along the route, Tama, a stray cat adopted by a local storekeeper, stuck around. And once they named her the official station master in 2007, things turned around quickly. Her first year on the job saw a 10 percent increase in ridership, and, according to one study, an extra 1.1 billion yen ($10.4 million) came into the once-failing system.
Now, Tama's helped bring international media attention to Kishi train station, which has become a national tourism destination. The system now has special cat-themed train cars, a Tama cafe and a souvenir shop selling everything from stuffed animals to a full set of dining room furniture. According to the blog Spoon & Tamago, Tama's annual salary is paid out in a year's supply of cat food, which is an awful lot like a subsistence wage, especially given the huge profits she's helped rake in. At least she gets a snazzy uniform and a window-filled office in a converted ticket booth.
Cutest Train Car in the World
Brilliant Transportation Gimmick of the Day: A Cat Station Master
The stationmaster at Japan's Kishi train station probably won't be able to help you find the platform, or check your luggage, or rush for a transfer. She'd make a good companion though, as long as you're not more of a dog person.
Since 2007, a calico cat named Tama has served as Super Station Master at the small station in Kinokawa City in Wakayama Prefecture. A decade earlier, the small local train line had been hemorrhaging $4.7 million a year. Though a merger forced the Wakayama Electric Railway to reduce staff at the stations along the route, Tama, a stray cat adopted by a local storekeeper, stuck around. And once they named her the official station master in 2007, things turned around quickly. Her first year on the job saw a 10 percent increase in ridership, and, according to one study, an extra 1.1 billion yen ($10.4 million) came into the once-failing system.
Now, Tama's helped bring international media attention to Kishi train station, which has become a national tourism destination. The system now has special cat-themed train cars, a Tama cafe and a souvenir shop selling everything from stuffed animals to a full set of dining room furniture. According to the blog Spoon & Tamago, Tama's annual salary is paid out in a year's supply of cat food, which is an awful lot like a subsistence wage, especially given the huge profits she's helped rake in. At least she gets a snazzy uniform and a window-filled office in a converted ticket booth.
Cat in the hat: A calico cat named Tama was appointed the station master of Kishi station in Kinokawa City in 2007
Miracle: Tama single-highhandedly brought in $10.4million to the once-failing Wakayama Electric Railway by boosting ridership
Workplace: Tama has her own office equipped with a litter box inside a converted ticket booth
But with the appointment of the furry station master, the town's flagging fortunes experienced a remarkable turnaround, The Atlantic Cities reported.
The tiny, provincial municipality became an overnight tourist destination. Visitors from across the country have been flocking to the provincial town just to take a picture with Tama.
In the process, the railway system that at one time had been on the verge of bankruptcy got a $10.4million boost thanks to travelers eager to see the four-legged railway official.
Beside boosting ridership, Tama has inspired a whole line of cat-themed products, from T-shirts, stuffed animals and other souvenirs to a full set of dining room furniture emblazoned with the kitty's likeness.
In 2009, the railway eager to cater to Tama’s fans unveiled a special cat-themed train featuring cartoon depictions of everyone’s favorite feline.
Economic juggernaut: Tama has inspired a whole line of cat-themed products, including T-shirts, stuffed animals and other souvenirs like mugs and fans
Bon apetit: Fans of Tama can purchase this dining room set depicting the furry celebrity
Money train: In 2009, the railway unveiled a special cat-themed train featuring cartoon depictions of Tama
The following year, the station building at Kishi was revamped with a new structure resembling a cat's face.
According to the blog Spoon & Tamago, the 14-year-old four-legged station master receives her salary in cat food.
Her primary duty is to greet customers at the station. The position comes with a snazzy station master's hat and an office with a litter box inside a converted ticket booth.
Tama comes from humble beginnings. She was born in Kinokawa and raised with a group of strays wandering around Kishi station.
In 2007, officials of the failing rail system caught wind of the cute calico hanging around a local grocery store and unexpectedly decided to name her Kishi’s new station master, hoping that the gimmick might help with the dire financial situation.
Big promotion: Tama was appointed to the post of Operating Officer in 2010
Welcome wagon: As Super Station Master, Tama's main job is to greet visitors
Tourist attraction: Visitors have been flocking to the tiny provincial station to meet Tama face to face
Unlikely hero: Tama started out as a stray hanging out at the Kishi station when desperate railway officials decided to turn her into the train system's mascot
Needless to say, the plan worked like a charm.
In January 2010, railway officials promoted Tama to the post of Operating Officer, making her the first feline to become an executive of a railroad corporation.
Her staff consisted of two four-legged assistant stationmasters, Chibi and Miiko, but now only the former remains.
The whiskered celebrity appeared in a documentary about cats titled La Voie du chat in French and Katzenlektionen in German by Italian filmmaker Myriam Tonelotto.
Last January, the 14-year-old’s official apprentice, and a would-be successor named Nitama (second Tama), was revealed.
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