Blood Sugar Control With These Foods
1. 蘋果: 其槲皮素可控制血糖水平。
2. 橙: 水果如橘子或檸檬含有抗氧化劑和豐富的營養,纖維和維生
3. 堅果: 可以預防糖尿病引起的心臟疾病。
4. 酪梨: 含有可溶性纖維,能減慢消化過程,以防止血糖升高,其不
5. 四季豆: 低脂、高蛋白,並含有可溶性纖維,纖維減緩葡萄糖到血液
6. 肉桂: 研究發現,每天服用1/
7. 魚: 如鮭魚和沙丁魚,含有豐富的ω-3脂肪酸,能減低糖尿病
8. 燕麥粥: 可溶性纖維的來源,平穩血糖水平,將糖轉化成能量。
9. 新鮮蔬菜: 低肪、低熱量,但它們是高纖維和高水分含量。
10. 綠茶: 含有類黃酮,可以減少體內的器官的炎症,讓身體正常吸收
No wonder again, this one is fairly well known by millions of its benefits. Yes, a study showed that eating apples can prevent developing diabetes by up to 20%. The content of quercetin in apples can control blood sugar levels in your body.
Fruits such as oranges or lemons turned out to contain anti oxidants and rich in nutrients, fiber, and vitamin C can control blood sugar levels.
The nuts such as walnuts or almon apparently can help prevent diabetes and heart disease caused by high blood sugar levels. Because nuts are high in calories, You should not overdo mengonsumsinya ya Ladies.
Avocados contain soluble fiber which can slow down the digestive process so as to prevent the rise of blood sugar. In addition, the avocado also contain unsaturated fats are good for your health. Not only that, the avocado can also control your appetite.
String Beans
Beans are foods that turns out to be low in fat, high in protein, and contains soluble fiber. Fiber slows the release of glucose into your bloodstream so as to prevent an increase in blood sugar.
Although the taste is sweet, it turns out a research shows that, taking 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can make the body converts sugar into energy more.
Fish is another alternative in addition to the meat. Fish is rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. Fish such as salmon and sardines are very beneficial for reducing the risk of diabetes and control cholesterol in your body.